Locked down extended and it should be. Reason behind today’s article is what are you doing presently & going to do in coming days. I am not going to discuss with you what you had done in past locked down days. I want you to concentrate on coming days.
Remember time is a valuable asset and this time will never come again in our life. Actually speaking all will wish time like this will never come again. So my point is use this time wisely as much as you can. If you use it wisely you will definitely move to next level in your life. Once locked down gets over and when you will come out, you will be a different person altogether. Do you want to know what I am doing?
Then go through the following list:-
- I started learning singing
- I started learning harmonium
- I started learning advance excel
- I started learning to write using left hand
- I am writing a book called Art of Living
- I am reading lots of books
- I am doing paintings
- I learn Desk yoga
- I am learning from online webinars
- I am also giving time to my academic study course.
List just goes on….
So if you see, there are lots of things you can do to upgrade yourself personally as well as professionally. Still there is time and therefore I thought this is the right time to get you up.
Now don’t wait and Take action.
Make your Locked down period a learning hub!!
You can reach to me at rohanrp1983@gmail.com