Goods and Services Tax : Duty Credit Scrips are goods as held by many Courts and the supply of the same liable to GST. Duty Credit Scrips covered under HSN...
Income Tax : Waiver of interest u/s 234B and 234C of Income Tax Act on delay in deposit of advance tax/self-assessment (SA) tax on MEIS/RODTEP ...
CA, CS, CMA : As we all are aware that online E Com portal for filing of MEIS, SEIS, ROSL and ROSCTL scheme was not working for a long which was...
Goods and Services Tax : Though the exporters were opting the RoDTEP Scheme, they had no idea about the rates to be notified under the scheme. However, the...
DGFT : In a major move aimed at boosting exports and offering relief to exporters, the government on 17th August 2021 notified Remiss...
DGFT : Government has released Rs 56,027 crore in order to clear pending export incentive dues to exporters, which is for various Schemes...
DGFT : Many of us are awaiting for DGFT online portal to start with online application filing of MEIS, SEIS and RoSL / RoSCTL for the exp...
DGFT : This report contains significant results of the performance audit on Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and Service Expo...
Corporate Law : The Government has restricted import of pulses like tur, moong and urad since August, 2017 with annual Quota Restriction of 5 lakh...
Custom Duty : Under section 14 of the Customs Act, 1962, Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) notifies the rate of exchange for th...
Custom Duty : Delhi High Court held that rejection of Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) benefit merely because amended shipping bills...
DGFT : Delhi High Court grants MEIS benefits to JSW Steel Limited despite procedural errors in shipping bills. Detailed analysis of the j...
Custom Duty : Read the full text of the CESTAT Delhi order on C. L. International vs Commissioner of Customs. Analysis of mis-declaration of Mai...
DGFT : Petitioner’s intended to take benefit of MEIS scheme. Thus, error of not marking ‘Y’ against reward column is clearly an ina...
DGFT : Due to technical error or lacunae in electronic system, petitioner cannot be deprived of its benefit/incentive under MEIS - Madras...
Custom Duty : This Advisory is being issued to handle the post EGM amendment of shipping bill cases of MEIS scheme (since discontinued from Janu...
DGFT : MEIS and SEIS scheme have now been discontinued w.e.f. 01.01.2021 and 01.04.2020 respectively, and are on the verge of final closu...
DGFT : Extension of MEIS / Ad-hoc Incentive Scheme / ROSCTL / ROSL The last date for submitting applications under MEIS (for exports made...
DGFT : The last date of submitting applications under MEIS, SEIS, ROSCTL, ROSL and 2% additional ad hoc incentive (under para 3.25 of FTP...
DGFT : The last date of submitting applications under MEIS, SEIS, ROSCTL, ROSL and 2% additional ad hoc incentive (under para 3.25 of FTP...
Exporters are witnessing sea changes as regards export rules under the existing GST regime as compared to the earlier regime of indirect taxation in India. Particularly the traders and the provider of export services are facing difficulties in filing bonds and Letter of undertaking before making exports. Even the general meaning of exports have changed now as supplies made to SEZ developer or SEZ unit are now treated as export transactions even if they are made intra-state, also sales to export houses and penultimate exports are no longer covered under the definition of export now. Exports which were earlier made without payment of taxes are now made subject to payment of taxes or filing of some special documents in lieu of taxes paid on exports. In our previous article on “Place of Supply under GST”, we covered the nature of supplies to be treated as exports/import of goods or services under GST, so we are not discussing these provisions here. Rather, in this article we will now discuss benefits, procedures and other provisions related to export and import of goods and services under GST in India.
Under the GST Law, export of goods or services has been treated as: inter-State supply and covered under the IGST Act., zero rated supply i.e. the goods or services exported shall be relieved of GST levied upon them either at the input stage oral the final product stage.
All imports will be deemed as inter-State supplies for the purposes of levy of GST. IGST is leviable on imports in addition to other duties of customs. Full set-off will be available as ITC of the IGST paid on import on goods and services
Under GST, there is no drastic change in case of imports. There is no major impact on imports with respect to levy of Custom duty, Education cess, Anti-dumping duty, safeguard duty and the like. Let’s discuss the changes in import under GST.
Though imposition of Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) in 2011 slowed down growth of special economic zones (SEZs), but implementation of Goods and Service Tax (GST) provides wonderful opportunity for making investments in Indian SEZs, a top Commerce Ministry official said at an ASSOCHAM event held in New Delhi today.
Question 1: How are exports treated under the GST Law? Answer: Under the GST Law, export of goods or services has been treated as: i) inter-State supply and covered under the IGST Act. ii) ‘zero rated supply’ i.e. the goods or services exported shall be relieved of GST levied upon them either at the input stage or at […]
What are the GST refund options available to the exporters? Answer: An eeporter would be eligible to claim refund under one of the following two options, namely –(a) He may export under bond, without payment of IGST and claim refund of unutilized input tax credit in;
IGST and GST Compensation cess will be levied on imports by virtue of sub-sections (7) & (9) of Section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. Majority of imports would attract levy of IGST except a few commodities such as pan masala, certain petroleum products which attract levy of CVD.
The MEIS benefit for export of ‘Onions Fresh or Chilled’ under ITC (HS) code 07031010 is extended up to 30.09.2017 vide Public Notice 10/2015-2020
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following amendments in each of the notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance