Income Tax : Learn about income tax rules for Indian Army personnel: exemptions, ITR filing requirements, salary details, and benefits. Explore...
Income Tax : Discover the intricacies of Income Tax Returns (ITR) in India, from types of forms to required documents and compliance measures, ...
Income Tax : Learn about different types of income tax returns (ITR) for salaried employees: ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3, and ITR 4. Understand which ...
Income Tax : Explore FAQs on filing income tax returns including required documents, taxes on business income, capital gains, gifts, crypto tra...
Income Tax : Understand the significance of filing Income Tax Returns (ITR), explore various forms, eligibility criteria, and tax planning stra...
Income Tax : Understand PFA and defective return queries for ITR 1-6 for AY 24-25, including MAT applicability, TDS/TCS claims, and income disc...
Income Tax : Learn who can file ITR-1, who cannot, necessary documents, and precautions. Understand the process of filing ITR-1 (Sahaj) online ...
Income Tax : CBDT has facilitated taxpayers to file their Income Tax Returns (ITRs) for the Assessment Year 2024-25 (relevant to Financial Year...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes, e-Filing Project ITR 1 – Validation Rules for AY 2023-24 Version 1.0 – 23rd May 2023 Direc...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department has enabled the Income-tax Returns Form ITR 1 and ITR 4 at the income tax e-filing portal in Online mode...
Income Tax : In CIT Vs Kelvinator of India Ltd. 256 ITR 1 the Full Bench of the Delhi High Court was considering a case of reopening u/s 147 wi...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR 1 and ITR 4 for Assessment Year (AY) 2024-25 / Financial Year (FY) 2023-24 vide Notification No. 105/2023-Incom...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR forms for AY 2023-24/ FY 2022-23 Except ITR-7 vide Notification No. 04/2023-Income Tax Dated: 10.02.2023 and not...
Income Tax : Vide Notification No. 8/2023-Income Tax| Dated: 28th February, 2023 CBDT notifies amendment in ITR forms for AY 2023-24 / FY 2022...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Format & Particulars of Income Tax Return Forms ( ITR-1 SAHAJ, ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4 SUGAM, ITR-5, ITR-6, ITR-V) a...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR Forms SAHAJ ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3, SUGAM ITR4, ITR-5, ITR-6, ITR-V and ITR- Ack for Assessment Year 2022-23/Financ...
CBDT vide notification No. 32/2019 dated 1st April 2019 amended the Income Tax Rules 1962 and added certain clauses to Rule 12 and released Income Tax Return Form Sahaj (ITR-1), Form ITR-2, Form ITR-3, Form Sugam (ITR-4), Form ITR-5, Form ITR-6, Form ITR-7 and Form ITR-V as applicable for return filing of Financial Year 2018-19 / Assessment Year 2019-20.
CBDT notifies Form Sahaj (ITR-1), Form ITR-2, Form ITR-3, Form Sugam (ITR-4), Form ITR-5, Form ITR-6, Form ITR-7 and Form ITR-V for A.Y. 2019-20 / F.Y. 2018-19 vide Notification No. 32/2019 dated 1st April, 2019. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) Notification No. 32/2019 New Delhi, the 1st April, 2019 […]
In this article we have discussed which ITR is applicable for a Particular Assessee for Assessment Year 2018-19 i.e. for Financial Year 2017-18.
Different forms are required to be used for filing your ITR depending on whether you are a resident or not and what are the sources of your income. There are ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3 and ITR 4 which can be used by individuals. Who can use ITR 1 (popularly known as Sahaj.): This […]
Everything you need to know about ITR-1 form: the simplest income tax form for individuals with up to Rs. 50 lakhs income. File online or offline.
Income Tax Department declared March 31, 2018 as deadline for filing belated returns for the financial year 2015-16 and 2016-17. In case you haven’t filed your ITR for FYs 2015-16 and 2016-17, you cannot file a belated return anymore.
Financial Year 2017-18 has ended and due date filing of Income Tax Return is fast approaching. Income Tax Department has notified total 4 forms for Individuals and HUF. This article tries to unfold each of the form and to ensure easy understanding of the same.
1. Changes in ITR 1 Applicable for A.Y. 2018-19 This from has been made applicable only for resident individuals. Conditions: Income from salaries, one house property, other income and having total income up to Rs.50 lakhs and his total income should not include any income from betting, gambling, etc. There is a requirement to furnish a […]
Article contains Instructions for filing ITR-1 -SAHAJ for Assessment Year 2018-19 / Financial Year 2017-18 based on ITR Released by CBDT vide its notification no. Notification No. 16/2018-Income Tax / G.S.R. 332(E) dated: 03/04/2018. Instructions for filling ITR-1 SAHAJ for A.Y. 2018-19 General Instructions These instructions are guidelines for filling the particulars in this Return […]
Following are the changes made by the Government to file ITR for the assessment year 2018-19: In the past ITR i.e. till AY 2017-18 only one taxable figure was to be reported under the head salary, but ITR forms for AY 2018-19 require the assessee to report the break-up of salary earned during the previous […]