Company Law : Learn the process of dividend management and how to claim shares from IEPF with steps for verification and refund under the Compan...
Company Law : Amendment to IEPFA Rules: CEO now required to sign annual statements alongside the Chairperson. Know the changes in IEPFA (Form of...
Company Law : Learn about the treatment of unpaid and unclaimed dividends, their transfer to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF), ...
Company Law : Learn the process to transfer unpaid dividends and shares to the IEPF and how to claim them. Follow the steps for both companies a...
Corporate Law : Learn how to recover lost shares, transfer physical shares, and more from IEPF. Get step-by-step process, categories, and FAQs. Ex...
Company Law : Government updates on share certificate claims: FIR condition removed for values up to Rs. 5 lakh. Companies must ensure authentic...
Company Law : The Indian government has reduced reporting forms for companies on unclaimed dividends and integrated fund transfers with Bharatko...
Company Law : The unclaimed funds in the IEPF have grown to ₹8,237.20 crores by FY 2023-24. The Government has no plans to use it for CSR acti...
Company Law : IEPFA invites stakeholders to share insights on streamlining claims settlement process under the Companies Act, 2013. Deadline: Ap...
Company Law : Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) signs MoU with Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for promoti...
Company Law : Smt. Deepti Gaur Mukerjee appointed as chairperson of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority by the Ministry of Corp...
Company Law : MCA amends Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority rules, replacing "one member" with "chief executive officer" for annua...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has updated the IEPF rules to simplify the process for investors to claim lost or unclaimed secu...
Company Law : General Circular No- 07/2024: Forms IEPF-3 merges with IEPF-4 and IEPF-7 with IEPF-1 in MCA Version 3. Simplifying compliance for ...
Company Law : Circular No. 06/2024 MCA has waived the additional fee for filing various IEPF e-forms (IEPF-1, IEPF-1A, IEPF-2, IEPF-4) and e-ver...
Provided further that in cases where the period of seven years provided under sub-section (5) of section 124 has been completed or being completed during the period from 7th September, 2016 to 31 st October, 2017, the due date of transfer of such shares shall be deemed to be 31st October, 2017.
It has been stated that since transfer of shares to IEPF under section 124 (6) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules referred to above takes place on account of operation of law hence the procedure followed during transmission of shares may be followed in such cases and duplicate shares need not be issued in such cases.
Attention of Issuers/ R&T Agents is invited to Notification dated February 28, 2017 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) notifying the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Amendment Rules, 2017 (Copy enclosed as Annexure 1)
Procedure for transferring shares against which dividend has not been paid or claimed for seven consecutive years [Section 124(6) read with Rule 6 of Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Amendment Rules, 2017]
These rules may be called the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Amendment Rules, 2017. They shall come into force from the 28th February, 2017.
Central Government hereby extends the period of tenure of Shri Amardeep Singh Bhatia, as Chief Executive Officer (Additional Charge) in the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority for a further period of one year with effect from the 1st November, 2016 or till further orders, whichever is earlier.
The MCA came through Notification dated 5th September, 2016 effective from 7th September, 2016 rules for IEPF such rules called Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016.
Various representations have been received from Companies for simplification of transfer process of shares under Investor Education & Protection Fund (Accounting. Audit. Transfer. and Refund) Rules, 2016. notified on 05.09.2016.
Companies depositing amounts to IEPF under section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 to :- (i) generate challan online only (ii) file form IEPF-1 mentioning the SRN No. of challan (online mode only).
Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (“Authority”) shall manage the IEPF which is credited mainly from unpaid Dividend which remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of Seven years or more lying in Unpaid Dividend Account of the Company and also all amount payable as mentioned in clause (a) to (n) of subsection (2) of Section 125 of the Act.