Finance : Examining how printing excess currency and unequal money distribution fuel inflation, disrupt cross-border trade, and widen econom...
Income Tax : Article discusses Meaning of Cost Inflation Index (CII) which is used for Computation of Long Term Capital Gain. Cost Inflation in...
Finance : Understand how inflation erodes purchasing power, affects savings & investments, and discover tactics to mitigate its impact on pe...
Finance : Discover hidden impact of taxation and inflation on fixed deposits in India. Learn how to calculate real return on investment and ...
Income Tax : Understanding the impact of inflation on income taxes. Discover how hidden tax hikes can occur due to fixed tax brackets and deduc...
Income Tax : Union Budget 2025 expectations include tax relief, GST reforms, R&D support, and measures for MSMEs. Common demands focus on easin...
Finance : Consumer price inflation in India went through three phases in 2022. A rising phase up to April 2022 when it crested at 7.8 per ce...
Fema / RBI : South Asia is most vulnerable to food inflation, given the large segment of our populations battling poverty. Moreover, this is a ...
Finance : Central Government, in consultation with RBI, has fixed the inflation target for the period beginning from the date of publication...
Corporate Law : The recent period of high agricultural commodity prices is most likely over, say the OECD and FAO in their latest 10-year Outlook....
Fema / RBI : Sub-section (iv) of the Section 193 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 stipulates that no tax shall be deducted from any interest payable...
Custom Duty : All the Custom duty Notification including Tariff and Non Tariff issued by Custom department in respect of budget proposals/provis...
Income Tax : Central Government, having regard to seventy-five per cent of the average rise in the Consumer Price Index for the Financial Year ...
The Union Home Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram has welcomed the General Budget for 2010-11 presented in Parliament on friday. In a statement issued here today, he described the budget as a very balanced effort . Following is the text of the statement.
On the question of fiscal consolidation, the much-awaited roll-back of the stimulus measures was announced in the Budget. There were expectations that this roll-back would be either calibrated or selective. But we saw an across-the-board increase in central excise duty from 8 to 10 per cent and there are obvious fears in certain quarters that prices will go up. Do you see this stoking inflation?
In the next financial year, the salaried will not only have more money to spend but also can look forward to easy tax filings. One of the income tax reforms that the finance minister announced on Friday was the introduction of Saral II form, which will only have two pages. The Income Tax Department is now ready to notify Saral-II form for individual salaried taxpayers for the coming assessment year. This form will enable individuals to enter relevant details in a simple format in only two pages,” Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said during his Budget speech.
Provide that for making an order under that sub section the assessing officer shall, in addition to satisfying himself about the truthfulness of particulars furnished by a dealer , shall also satisfy himself that no interstate sale have been effected and also to provide that the deeming provision as contained therein to the effect that the movement of goods have not occasioned as a result of sale SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE provisions of sub-section (3) and
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee took the first step towards implementation of the Direct Taxes Code (DTC) on Friday. While retaining the basic exemption limits for all income levels (as in the DTC), he increased the other slabs. For instance, while the basic exemption limit for individuals has been retained at Rs 1.6 lakh, the 10 per cent rate will now be applicable for the Rs 1.6 lakh-Rs 5 lakh bracket. Earlier, the 10 per cent rate was applicable for income of Rs 1.6-Rs 3 lakh. The hike in the slab means that the taxpayer is going to save Rs 20,600 for incomes up to Rs 5 lakh.
The question whether courts have the power to condone delay in filing of appeals under section 260A of the Income-tax Act arose because of careless drafting. While all other provisions of the Act provide that the authority therein can condone a delay in filing an application/appeal, the draftsman forgot to add a similar provision in s. 260A. This bit of careless drafting lead to a spate of litigation.
Section 44 read with the First Schedule to the Income-tax Act provides the scheme of computation of income of insurance companies. According to Rule 5 of the said Schedule, the income of non-life insurance business is taken as ‘profit before tax and appropriations’ as per the profit and loss account of the company, prepared in accordance with the regulations made by the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA), subject to certain adjustments.
Section 282B (Allotment of Document Identification Number) is a new section inserted by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2009 in the Income-tax Act with effect from 1st October, 2010. Under the provisions of this section, an income-tax authority is required to allot a computer generated Document Identification Number before issue of every notice, order, letter or any correspondence to any other income-tax authority or assessee or any other person and such number shall be quoted thereon.
Under the existing provisions of section 245A(b), the term “case”, in relation to which an application can be made is defined as any proceeding for assessment, of any person in respect of any assessment year or assessment years which may be pending before an Assessing Officer on the date on which an application is made to the Settlement Commission. However, it excludes, among others, proceedings for assessment or reassessment resulting from a search or as a result of requisition of books of account or other documents or any assets, initiated under the Act.
The existing provisions of section 203(3) of the Income-tax Act dispense with the requirement of furnishing of TDS certificates by the deductor to the deductee on or after 1st April, 2010. Similarly, under section 206C(5) of the Act, a collector of tax at source will also not be required to issue tax collection certificate to the person from whom tax has been collected on or after 1st April, 2010.