Finance : Examining how printing excess currency and unequal money distribution fuel inflation, disrupt cross-border trade, and widen econom...
Income Tax : Article discusses Meaning of Cost Inflation Index (CII) which is used for Computation of Long Term Capital Gain. Cost Inflation in...
Finance : Understand how inflation erodes purchasing power, affects savings & investments, and discover tactics to mitigate its impact on pe...
Finance : Discover hidden impact of taxation and inflation on fixed deposits in India. Learn how to calculate real return on investment and ...
Income Tax : Understanding the impact of inflation on income taxes. Discover how hidden tax hikes can occur due to fixed tax brackets and deduc...
Income Tax : Union Budget 2025 expectations include tax relief, GST reforms, R&D support, and measures for MSMEs. Common demands focus on easin...
Finance : Consumer price inflation in India went through three phases in 2022. A rising phase up to April 2022 when it crested at 7.8 per ce...
Fema / RBI : South Asia is most vulnerable to food inflation, given the large segment of our populations battling poverty. Moreover, this is a ...
Finance : Central Government, in consultation with RBI, has fixed the inflation target for the period beginning from the date of publication...
Corporate Law : The recent period of high agricultural commodity prices is most likely over, say the OECD and FAO in their latest 10-year Outlook....
Fema / RBI : Sub-section (iv) of the Section 193 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 stipulates that no tax shall be deducted from any interest payable...
Custom Duty : All the Custom duty Notification including Tariff and Non Tariff issued by Custom department in respect of budget proposals/provis...
Income Tax : Central Government, having regard to seventy-five per cent of the average rise in the Consumer Price Index for the Financial Year ...
Concerned about high inflation that in March overshot its 8 per cent target, the Reserve Bank has said it would address the issue in its monetary policy review, scheduled for May 3. “RBI will evaluate the underlying inflationary pressures on the monetary policy…Inflation is a concern for us. The underlying inflationary pressure is because of high non-food manufacturing prices,” RBI deputy governor Shyamala Gopinath said on the sidelines of a workshop on FEMA here yesterday.
INFLATION BURNINGS: The RBI came up with another round of old fashioned rate hike to control inflation. We have already witnessed 7 rate hikes within 2010-2011 to control the food inflation. Every time we find RBI using words related to control the devil of inflation by compensating growth, but this time their was a twist […]
The world’s major central banks are about to break ranks. Since the financial crisis entered its worst phase in late 2008, monetary policy has moved in the same direction across all advanced economies. On Thursday, the European Central Bank looks all but certain to become the first to shift interest rates higher as it tries to tame rising inflation. The ECB, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England all conclude policy-setting meetings that day, and they will probably reach three different decisions.
With day-to-day living turning costlier, companies have raised salaries to as high as 40 per cent especially at the junior levels, say experts. In recent times, inflation has been at high levels due to soaring prices of essential commodities. “Inflation has affected the salary hikes towards the higher side,” executive search firm GlobalHunt’s director Sunil Goel said.
The government may raise the income tax exemption limit in the upcoming Budget to provide some relief to the taxpayer from inflation, Goldman Sachs said today. “Income tax relief can be provided to lower income brackets to compensate for inflation. This could take the form of raising the tax exemption limit from the current Rs 1.6 lakh,” it said in a report.
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee today said steps have been taken to tame inflation but the government has no magic lamp to bring it down immediately. “You cannot expect that there is any magic wand or like Alladin’s magic lamp that you rub it and
Tax payers can expect some relief from high inflation in Budget 2011-12 as the government may raise the income tax exemption limit for individuals. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee is alive to the price situation and its impact on the common man,” s
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee today said high inflation and uncertain global environment are main concerns faced by the Indian economy , but exuded confidence that the government would tackle them. Though, there are some immediate concerns for e
Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee has asked State Governments to urgently look into the supply management of items that are driving the current round of food inflation in the economy, in particular looking at the local factors that are wid
Fixed deposits rates are on the rise. Though the investors living on interest income are happy about it, they are finding it difficult to catch the peak. The biggest challenge an investor faces in a rising-rate scenario is to identify the peak and lo