Income Tax : As a taxpayer, you may have some very legitimate grievances relating to your income-tax matters or settlement of your claims. You ...
Income Tax : I. The Ombudsman shall have the powers to –(a) receive complaints from taxpayers on any matters specified in clause 9;(b) consid...
Income Tax : The government has appointed former I-T officials or officials from the Indian Revenue Service as income-tax ombudsmen. These offi...
Excise Duty : Chairman, CBEC holds a Meeting to strengthen the Institution of Indirect Tax Ombudsmen (ITOM); ITOM, in turn, to hold Meetings wit...
Income Tax : The Government of India has created 12 posts of Income Tax ombudsman at 12 stations namely New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Ba...
Chairman, CBEC holds a Meeting to strengthen the Institution of Indirect Tax Ombudsmen (ITOM); ITOM, in turn, to hold Meetings with the Trade and Industry Associations in their Jurisdiction and Encourage the Taxpayers to bring forth their Problems/ Issues. The Indirect Tax Ombudsmen (ITOM) will be holding meetings with the trade and industry associations in […]
As a taxpayer, you may have some very legitimate grievances relating to your income-tax matters or settlement of your claims. You may, for example, feel that the Income-tax Department owes you a certain refund of tax but it is not doing enough to hear your grievance or complaint nor taking action to redress it. You may also be aggrieved about the rude behaviour of officials or their failure to follow instructions and circulars of the Board. In all such cases, you can approach your Income tax Ombudsman. Before you do so, however, you have to ensure that certain conditions are fulfilled. The Ombudsman is governed by, and has to act within, the framework of the Income Tax Ombudsman Guidelines, 2006. This brochure tries to explain to you these guidelines in a simple manner, so that you can approach the Ombudsman for help whenever you need it.
The Government of India has created 12 posts of Income Tax ombudsman at 12 stations namely New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Bhopal and Kochi under the Income Tax ombudsman Guidelines 2010.
I. The Ombudsman shall have the powers to –(a) receive complaints from taxpayers on any matters specified in clause 9;(b) consider such complaints and facilitate their satisfaction or settlement by agreement, through conciliation and mediation between the Income Tax Department and the aggrieved parties or by passing an ‘award’ in accordance with the Guidelines;
The government has appointed former I-T officials or officials from the Indian Revenue Service as income-tax ombudsmen. These officers are independent of the jurisdiction of the income-tax department and hence, operate as an independent arbiter.