Income Tax : Learn about tax audit under Section 44AB, including objectives, requirements, forms, and penalties for non-compliance....
Income Tax : Understand the provisions of Sections 269SS, 269ST, and 269T under Indian tax law, their implications, and reporting requirements ...
Income Tax : Learn about the amendment to Clause 22 of Form 3CD under Section 43B(h) and its impact on reporting requirements for payments to M...
Income Tax : CBDT's notification no. 27/2024 dated 05.03.2024 introduces several key amendments to Form 3CD, effective from AY 2024-25, impacti...
Income Tax : CBDT updates Form 3CD for AY 2023-2024, including major amendments for tax audit reporting. Essential insights for professionals a...
Income Tax : Explore the latest 2023 revision of the ICAI's Guidance Note on Tax Audit under Section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Learn ab...
Income Tax : Exposure Draft of Revised ‘Guidance Note on Tax Audit under section 44AB of Income-tax Act, 1961’ is issued by ICAI Direct Tax...
Income Tax : Members may to raise any issues related to Tax Audit where elucidation, clarification or further elucidation is desired at email i...
Income Tax : Representation requesting to scrap Clause No. 44 of Tax Audit Report (Form 3CD) under the Income Tax Act, 1961...
Income Tax : More than 6.63 crore Income Tax Returns (ITRs) and 99.27 lakh statutory forms filed on the new e-filing portal of the Income Tax D...
Income Tax : Discover how Chennai ITAT's verdict affects assessments. Learn how a typographical error in Form 3CD impacts additions to an asses...
Income Tax : In Uttam Narayanmal Mehta S K Metal Vs ITO case, ITAT Mumbai directs AO to re-adjudicate mistake in ITR filing regarding double ta...
Income Tax : In the case of SVT Wholesale Pvt. Ltd. Vs JCIT, the ITAT Bangalore evaluates the penalty imposed under Section 271D for violating ...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that initiation of action u/s. 154 of the Income Tax Act on the basis of shortfall in TDS on year end provisions r...
Income Tax : M/s. PMC Rubber Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Kolkata) We note that the assessee has filed form no. 3CD and 3CB and the ...
Income Tax : Understand the implications of the corrigendum to Income Tax Notification No. 27 of 2024. Get insights into the changes and their ...
Income Tax : Stay updated with CBDT's Form 3CD Tax Audit Report Format, Form 3CEB & Form No. 65 revision. Learn about changes in tax audit rep...
Income Tax : The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) deferred the Tax Audit Clause 30C and 44 till 31st Mar 2022 due to COVID-19. F.No. 3701...
Income Tax : Amendment of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 to prescribe manner relating to option under section 115BAC and 115BAD, and that of determ...
Income Tax : Reporting requirements under clause 30C (pertaining to General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR)) and clause 44 (pertaining to Goods and...
CA Pradeep Kumar Changes made in Tax Audit Report Assessment Year 2014-15 As amended by Notification No. 33 dated 25th July 2014 wef 25.07.2014 Sr. No. Particulars Old Report New Report – Changes are reflected by Bold Letters FORM NO. 3CA 3. In * my/our opinion and to the best of * my/our information and […]
Clause 1: Name of Assessee- 1. Give name of the assessee whose accounts are being audited under section 44AB. 2. Incase of audit of a branch, the name of the branch should be stated alongwith the name of the assessee. 3. Incase of proprietary concern, Furnish name of the proprietary firm along with the name of the proprietor.
Delhi Chartered Accountants Society has filed writ petition in Delhi High Court for extension of due date of tax audit as on the last date of tax Audit i.e. 30.09.2013 there was default on the part of the Respondents as the site of the Income Tax Department had crashed
The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has been concerned with the difficulties being experienced by the tax auditors in the e filing portals. In this regard, various efforts were made through written representations, personal meetings and also by way of capacity building measures of the members.
How To File Two Or More Physical Tax Audit Report Of Same Assessee Audited By Same/Different CAS: Steps To Find 10CCE10CCBBA, 10CCBC, 49C, 56F, 66, 3CA,3AD,3AE,3CE,3EAETC
CBDT is constantly making changes in the 3CD e-return schema such as addition of new elements, changes in description, frequent changes in depreciation table, etc. Sometimes changes are done in the 3CD e-return software of the IT Dept. without changing the schema.
What are operating system and runtime environment requirement for E-filling of Tax Audit Report? Our system becomes very slow during working on e-utility. What should we do? I am unable to register as CA as there is difference in name/date of birth as per ICAI and PAN data. What to do?
CA Sudir Halakhandi One more controversy is going on with respect to uploading of the financial statements i.e. “Balance sheet and profit and loss account” with Form 3CD/ 3CB and this controversy is related to the physical signatures on the “Financial statements” before uploading the same on the site. 50% of the questions received by […]
CA Sudhir Halakhandi The xml utility of E-filing of Tax audit report is under process of continuous alterations, amendments, modifications and the last in this series of is introduced on 24th Aug 2013. Our first question is that why so many amendments, modification, alterations are required in this utility. The answer is very simple because […]
Will Tax Audit Report u/s 44AD, 44AE, 44AF be counted in the specified limits of 45 Tax Audits? What are the limits on signing of Tax Audit Report? Ans. As per Council Guidelines No.1-CA(7)/02/2008, dated 8th August,2008: