Finance : With UPI Apps becoming mainstream nowadays, cash is garnering the status of a rare and exclusive commodity. Right from a small car...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn how to draft an accurate Balance Sheet in Excel within 2 minutes using formulas like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and XLOOKUP for error...
Finance : Learn how to automate filling blank cells in Excel using VBA. Save time and reduce errors with our step-by-step guide for efficien...
Finance : Convert Excel data to PDF effortlessly for a polished look. Enhance presentation, maintain formatting, and ensure compatibility wi...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover essential Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts to boost productivity. Learn time-saving tips and tricks for efficient spreads...
Goods and Services Tax : Join Certification Course on GST Compliances, Excel For professionals, Income Tax and Customs, Import & Export by TaxGuru Edu at ...
Finance : Test anxiety can affect not just the result of your certification exam but also your wellbeing. It may lead to exam failure, or wo...
Common sense way of subtracting 2 dates. At many places students are required to compute number of days, months and years between 2 dates. For example in computing exemption of gratuity duration of service is required. I have seen student calculating duration of service in fingers.
We many times receives excel files from various sources. Sheets of which are password protected by the author of the file. Sometimes we need to change the content of the file to suit our requirements but we will not be able to make the changes if the excel sheet is password protected. This document will […]
As we are all aware excel is widely used for accounting and financial purposes.In the past they were used only to perform basic moths, such as adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing. Today’s spreadsheets can be significantly different and far more advanced. A CA office cannot work without excel. But do we CA’s utilize excel to its optimal? Sadly no! Most of us never realize the full potential of using Excel. EXCEL has numerous features which can reduce your time & your client’s time in day to day analysis and reporting.
Using keyboard shortcuts To move to the last (or first) cell in a range: • Vertically from top to bottom, press Ctrl+Down Arrow. • Vertically from bottom to top, press Ctrl+Up Arrow. • Horizontally from left to right, press Ctrl+Right Arrow. • Horizontally from right to left, press Ctrl+Left Arrow.
To format cells containing Formulas using the Conditional Formatting dialog box, add a VBA Function: Step 1: Add the following VBA Function to a regular Module: Function IsFormulaInCell (Cell) As Boolean IsFormulaInCell= Cell.HasFormula
Getting a root of a number is the same as raising that number to the power of 1/root. Example: The square root of x is x^(1/2). The square root of A1 is: =A1^(1/2). You can also use the built-in worksheet function SQRT: =SQRT(A1)
To calculate the difference in days, use the DATEDIF function as shown in the following formula: =DATEDIF(A2,B2,”d”) To calculate the difference in weeks, use the INT function as shown in the following formula: =INT((B2-A2)/7) To calculate the difference in months, use the DATEDIF function as shown in the following formula: =DATEDIF(A2,B2,”m”)
The VLookup formula returns data from any column you choose in the data table, simply change the number of the column in the third argument. Although it sounds simple, there is a catch. How can you determine the number of a column in a data table that contains numerous columns? How can you easily change the number of the column in the third argument of the VLookup formula? How can you easily change the column number in multiple formulas in a worksheet from which complex reports are prepared or in a sheet that contains multiple VLookup formulas?
To round a number to thousands with the hundreds shown as a decimal: 1. Press Ctrl+1 to open the Format Cells dialog box. 2. Select the Number tab, and from Category, select Custom. 3. In the Type box, enter the following Custom Formatting syntax: #,##0.0, ;[Red](#,##0.0,);- ;
Excel’s VLOOKUP function, which stands for vertical lookup, is used to find specific information that has been stored in a spreadsheet table. This tutorial includes step by step instructions of how to use Excel’s VLOOKUP function.