Corporate Law : Key Labour law rulings in November 2024: ESI, ID Act, Provident Fund, and more across various High Courts....
Corporate Law : Learn about EPFO & ESIC registration, applicability, and the step-by-step process for compliance. Ensure social security for your ...
Corporate Law : Article explains EPFO's 2024 updates including automatic PF transfer, salary limit revisions & employer contributions. Stay compli...
Corporate Law : Understand the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) - its applicability, contribution rules, taxation benefits, and investment insights...
Finance : Learn how to activate your UAN with our easy step-by-step guide. Access various EPFO services like checking PF balance, updating ...
Corporate Law : EPFO has streamlined the PF transfer process, eliminating employer approval for most claims, aiming to reduce turnaround time and ...
Finance : CBI apprehends CGST Superintendent in Indore for Rs. 15K bribe and EPFO officials in Baddi for Rs. 10 lakh bribe. Investigations a...
Corporate Law : EPFO directs employers to activate UAN for employees via Aadhaar OTP to ensure access to benefits under government schemes by Nove...
Corporate Law : The Ministry of Labour & Employment held a meeting on the ELI scheme to enhance workforce formalization and social security, urgin...
Company Law : Explore the challenges faced by newly incorporated companies regarding mandatory ESI and EPF registrations in India, with proposed...
Corporate Law : NCLT Allahabad directs Successful Resolution Applicant (SRA) to match total value of resolution plan with liquidation value in cas...
Income Tax : Ahmedabad ITAT rules in favor of Mehsana Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd., stating AO's incorrect calculation isn't failure to disclose, thu...
Income Tax : Read how ITAT Chennai directs re-adjudication in the dispute over remittance of employees' contributions towards Provident Fund an...
Corporate Law : Allahabad High Court directs CBI to furnish post-trap/arrest memo to Puneet Singh, accused in EPFO bribery case. Get detailed insi...
Income Tax : Explore the ITAT Mumbai ruling in KMTC (India) Pvt Ltd vs CIT(A) case. Learn about deductions for employee contributions to PF & E...
Corporate Law : IBBI penalizes insolvency professional S. Muthuraju for negligence in handling EPFO claims during liquidation. Read the full disci...
Corporate Law : EPFO clarifies policies on pension computation, trust rules, arrears, and damages in higher wages cases per Ministry of Labour & E...
Corporate Law : EPFO centralises pension disbursement through CPPS. Claims processed with any bank across India. Instructions for smooth pension c...
Corporate Law : EPFO deploys functionality for capturing data of Non-EPS members. UAN generation and activation mandatory for all P.F. Trust membe...
Corporate Law : EPFO introduces a delinking facility for erroneous Member IDs from UAN. Follow steps via unified portal to correct linked details....
Central Government hereby extends provisions of Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 to apply to the establishments, employing ten or more persons and covered under the provisions of the erstwhile the Jammu and Kashmir Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1961. MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st October, […]
Competent Authority has approved the opening of Regional Offices of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India) at Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh with immediate effect.
Employees Provident Fund Organization (Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India) Head Office Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110066 No. PDU/4(3)2019/7980 Date: 01 Oct 2019 To, The Zonal ACCs/Director (PDNASS)/RPFCs in-charge, All Zonal Office/Regional Offices/ZT1s/NDC/ASD of Head Office. Subject:- Deductions and Deposits of TDS by the DDOs under Section 51 […]
In a major decision, the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) EPF in a meeting held at Hyderabad on 21 August 2019, approved the proposal to recommend for amendment in Employees’ Pension Scheme(EPS) 1995 for restoration of commuted value of pension to the Pensioners after 15 years of drawing commutation which will benefit approx. 6.3 lakhs pensioners. This was a long pending demand of the pensioners.
Supreme Court’s ruling on Provident Fund on February 28,2019 stated that employers can’t segregate special allowances from basic salary rather it is to be included for Provident Fund deduction under the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. The court held that variable earning which may vary from individual to individual according to their […]
Applicability of the ESI scheme The ESI scheme is applicable to all factories and other establishments as defined in the Act with 10 or more persons employed in such establishment and the beneficiaries’ monthly wage does not exceed Rs 21,000 are covered under the scheme. Whether the employer has employed 10 or more employees, all […]
Is the recent SC judgement holding allowances as part of basic wages for the purpose of determination of PF contribution, in contradiction with the stand of the Law makers and implementeors? In its recent judgement in the case of RPFC vs. Vivekananda Vidyamandir and others & Surya Roshni Ltd & Ors. vs. The State of […]
A facility for filing of online e-nomination is available at Member Interface of Unified Portal. In order to make this functionality compatible with online Form 10D claim to be filed by members and online composite claim Form 10D/20/5IF to be filed by nominees, some modifications have been incorporated in consultation with the Finance and Pension Division.
The Employee Provident Fund (EPF) is an investment and more beneficial scheme enacted by the Government in the common interest of employees. In this scheme, the employer and employee, both are required to contribute an amount which is calculated on the basic wages, dearness allowance and retaining allowance (if any). Employer Contribution The employer is […]
The EPF was established by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) of India, a statutory body of the Government. It states that every organization having 20 or more permanent employees across different departments working, should compulsorily register with the EPFO. In the case of an organization which employs less than 20 employees or meet certain […]