Income Tax : Learn about the benefits of e-filing for tax saving investments in India, including ELSS, PPF, and more. Understand how e-filing c...
Income Tax : Learn how to easily link your Aadhaar and PAN on the Income Tax website. Follow our step-by-step guide for a hassle-free process....
Income Tax : Government released New ITR filing portal on 7th June, 2021 for improving efficiency of IT Portal, best user interface and better ...
Income Tax : Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, the Income Tax Department launched the new income tax e-filing portal on 7th June 2021 to m...
Income Tax : Ministry of Finance has summoned Sh Salil Parekh, MD & CEO, Infosys on 23/08/2021 to explain to hon’ble FM as to why eve...
CA, CS, CMA : Bombay chartered Accountants Society has made a representation to Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Union Minister for Finance an...
Income Tax : ‘TAX ADVOCATES’ ASSOCIATION OF BENGAL’ has made a representation before Hon’ble Finance Minister on issues...
Income Tax : We wish to appraise your good self about the problems and issues faced by the assessee and professionals in new Income TAx Portal ...
Income Tax : Maharashtra Tax Practitioners’ Association has made a representation to Shri. Narendraji Modi, Prime Minister of India and bro...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department is going to launch its new E-filing portal on June 7th, 2021. In preparation for th...
Learn about the benefits of e-filing for tax saving investments in India, including ELSS, PPF, and more. Understand how e-filing can help you save time, reduce errors, and ensure compliance with tax laws.
Learn how to easily link your Aadhaar and PAN on the Income Tax website. Follow our step-by-step guide for a hassle-free process.
Ministry of Finance has summoned Sh Salil Parekh, MD & CEO, Infosys on 23/08/2021 to explain to hon’ble FM as to why even after 2.5 months since launch of new e-filing portal, glitches in the portal have not been resolved. In fact,since 21/08/2021 the portal itself is not available. Meanwhile Infosys has made three tweets […]
Bombay chartered Accountants Society has made a representation to Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs on Problems being faced by taxpayers on new portal E-filing 2.0. They summarized issues in the ensuing sections i.e. Issues relating to Login, Issues relating to E-filing, Issues relating to Services, Issues relating to Pending […]
Government released New ITR filing portal on 7th June, 2021 for improving efficiency of IT Portal, best user interface and better user services. However, since the day of its launch, portal is facing many problems/errors like unable to File ITR on New Portal, unable to do EVC (E-verify) of ITR, non launching of schema of […]
‘TAX ADVOCATES’ ASSOCIATION OF BENGAL’ has made a representation before Hon’ble Finance Minister on issues related to newly launched Income Tax Portal. Their representation is as follows:’ TAX ADVOCATES’ ASSOCIATION OF BENGAL 61A, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 016 Phone : (033) 2226 – 6064 / 2227 – 7402 E-mail ID : […]
We wish to appraise your good self about the problems and issues faced by the assessee and professionals in new Income TAx Portal after a month since its launch.
DSC Registration for TDS Return Filing & TDS Return filing through New Income Tax Portal Dear Friends, I have Tried to Explain the Detailed Procedure of TDS Return Filing though Income Tax New Portal [ ] launched recently in June 2021. Step by Step procedure explained for DSC Registration and Uploading TDS Return. Form […]
Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, the Income Tax Department launched the new income tax e-filing portal on 7th June 2021 to make it more taxpayer-friendly. But instead of providing an easy and smooth interface, the new portal has posed various issues. Krishna (Fictional Character): Arjuna, after the launch of the new portal, due to technical glitches, […]
RECTIFICATION OF AN ORDER RECEIVED FROM CPC AND ISSUES RELATING TO DISPOSAL OF THE RECTIFICATION PETITION If the assessee finds a mistake in the order received from the new Income Tax Site, he has been prompted to click the SERVICES button and proceed for filing ‘Rectification Petition’. But under ‘services’ menu, the option for filing […]