The E-Way Bill is a critical component of GST. Read our Latest e way bill News and Updates, E-Way Bill Articles to know in detail about e way bill system, e way bill registration, the applicability of Electronic Way Bill (E Way Bill), Generation of E Way Bill Number, Validity of Eway bill etc
Goods and Services Tax : Effective February 11, 2025, the E-Way Bill (EWB) system has been updated to allow unregistered dealers to enroll and generate e-W...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the Calcutta HC ruling on 200% penalty for non-disclosure of supplier details in e-way bills under GST law. Understand leg...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC rules no penalty if goods in transit have valid tax invoice and e-way bill, despite owner’s GST registration suspen...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC rules out penalty under Section 129 for technical error in e-way bill, highlighting no intent to evade tax....
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta HC ruled that penalties can not be imposed for expired e-way bills if there is no intent to evade taxes. Detention orders...
Corporate Law : Goods and Services Tax (GST) e-Invoice System and API Developer’s Portal will implement new validations in the E-Waybill System ...
Goods and Services Tax : New updates to the E-Way Bill and E-Invoice systems, including mandatory MFA and restrictions on EWB generation and extension, eff...
Goods and Services Tax : Important update from NIC: E-Way Bills for B2B and B2E transactions require mandatory e-Invoice link for e-invoice enabled taxpaye...
Goods and Services Tax : NIC issues advisory on HSN codes for E-Way Bills. Learn the changes for B2B and Export transactions. Implementation from Feb. 2024...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand the three categories of E-Waybill transporters, and the crucial role of verifying IDs. Learn to use 'Get GSTIN' and 'Ge...
Goods and Services Tax : Jharkhand HC rules on GST reconciliation issues in VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd. vs. UOI. Understand compliance challenges and tax a...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court sets aside GST penalty on Varun Beverages, ruling that e-way bill requirements were unenforceable during the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta HC clarifies that penalty under GST Section 129 can't be imposed solely for non-disclosure of full supplier details in e-...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC rules in favor of Monotech Systems, quashing GST proceedings initiated for E-Way Bill discrepancies despite no tax ev...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC quashes detention and penalty orders for missing UP E-way Bill, ruling that Central E-way Bill was sufficient under G...
Goods and Services Tax : The E-Way Bill system introduces Form ENR-03 for unregistered dealers to enrol and generate e-Way Bills using a unique Enrolment I...
Goods and Services Tax : GST advisory clarifies E-Way Bill rules for goods under Chapter 71, excluding HSN 7117. Mandatory in Kerala; voluntary EWB generat...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala introduces E-Way Bill for gold under Chapter 71 (excluding imitation jewelry) for intrastate movement. Effective January 20...
Goods and Services Tax : GSTN advises taxpayers to enable alternate mechanisms for e-Invoice and e-Waybill systems using multiple portals and APIs to ensur...
Goods and Services Tax : Extension provided for e-way bills expired on December 31, 2024, due to technical issues. Extended deadline to January 1, 2025, fo...
Government has announced that E-way bill which has been generated on or before the 24th day of March, 2020 and its period of validity expires during the period 20th day of March, 2020 to the 15th day of April, 2020, the validity period of such e-way bill shall be deemed to have been extended till […]
CBIC extends validity of e-way bill generated on or before 24.03.2020 (whose validity has expired on or after 20th day of March 2020) till the 30th day of June vide Notification No. 47/2020 –Central Tax Dated: 9th June, 2020. This can be summarized as follows: E-Way Bill Generated on or before Validity has Expired on […]
Sri Gopikrishna Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd Vs. The State of Tripura and ors (High Court of Tripura) Mr. Majumder, learned counsel appearing for the petitioner has submitted that for the countrywide lockdown when the vehicle, name of which has been printed in the EWay bill, got stuck in Raipur and it suffered a mechanical failure. Consequent […]
ELECTRONIC WAY BILL i.e. E-WAY BILL In order to monitor the movements of goods for controlling any tax evasion, e-way bill system has been introduce in GST regime. Under this system wherein any registered person prior to movements of goods via conveyance would inform each transactions details to the tax department. WHAT IS E-WAY BILL? […]
1. E-Way bill rules are prescribed in Rule 138 of CGST Rules 2017. 2. E-Way bill is required if movement causes through motorized vehicle. 3. Before causing any movement of Goods of value exceeding Rs. 50,000 (Including Taxes) generation of E-way bill is mandatory, either by the Supplier, Recipient, or transporter, as the case may […]
E Way Bill is Mandatory in a case where the goods are being sent by a Principal located in one state to a Job worker located in any other state, the E Way Bill shall be generated by the principal irrespective of the value of the Consignment.
1. Registered person registered under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) shall, also be allowed to furnish the return under section 39 in FORM GSTR-3B verified through EVC during the period from the 21st day of April, 2020 to the 30th day of June, 2020 I.E THERE IS NO NEED OF […]
On 5th of May 2020, CBIC has issued notifications to give effect to relaxation for verification of GSTR 3B through Electronic Verification Code (EVC) as well as filing NIL GSTR 3B through SMS. It has also extended the date for E-Way bills generated on or before 24th March and last date for filing of Annual […]
1. What is an eWay Bill? E-Way Bill is an Electronic Way bill for movement of goods to be generated on the e-Way Bill Portal. A GST registered person cannot transport goods in a vehicle whose value exceeds Rs. 50,000 (Single Invoice/bill/delivery challan) without an e-way bill that is generated on Alternatively, E-way bill […]
Notification No. 40/2020–Central Tax- CBIC extends validity of e-way bills till 31.05.2020 for all those e-way bills which were generated on or before 24.03.2020 and had expiry between the period from 20.03.2020 to 15.04.2020. Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) (Central Board Of Indirect Taxes And Customs) Notification No. 40/2020–Central Tax New Delhi, the 5th […]