Goods and Services Tax : Ensure GST compliance for FY 2024-25 by March 2025. Key tasks include LUT submission, ITC reconciliation, e-invoicing, QRMP select...
Income Tax : Krishna, as in March the end of the financial year approaches, many people start thinking about how to save more tax. After all, a...
CA, CS, CMA : Review crucial GST, corporate, and labor law compliance for FY 2024-25. Key action points include ITC claims, GST refunds, RCM, in...
CA, CS, CMA : Comprehensive checklist for FY 2024-25 year-end closing. Covers books closure, tax compliance, GST, Companies Act, labor laws, and...
Goods and Services Tax : Stay updated with key tax compliance deadlines for March 2025, covering Income Tax, GST, TDS, and more. Ensure timely filing and a...
Income Tax : To Extend the date of Filling ITRs, Audit and Revise returns for F.Y. 19-20, it was earlier extended to 31st may 21, on after one ...
Goods and Services Tax : 1. All statutory dates under GST and Income Tax by which either tax is to be paid or return has to be filed, maybe extended till 3...
Income Tax : Government extends timelines of certain compliances in light of the severe pandemic In view of the adverse circumstances a...
Goods and Services Tax : Chartered Accountants Association, Surat demand that the due dates for filing all returns under TDS/TCS, GST, and MCA should be ex...
CA, CS, CMA : ICSI Requests to MCA for Filing of Form CHG-1/ CHG-9 and Form CHG-4, Extension of Resubmission validity of forms and Filing of eve...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about crucial tax compliances to complete before 31st March 2024 to avoid future complications. From advance tax payments to...
Corporate Law : This is a petition seeking various reliefs in terms of extensions for filing compliances under various Acts, including the Income ...
Goods and Services Tax : Extension of closing date of late fee amnesty scheme and time limit for filing of application for revocation of cancellation of re...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has decided to further extend the due dates for electronic filing of such Forms. The further ...
SEBI : SEBI extends the timelines for compliance with the certain regulatory requirements by the Trading Members / Clearing Members / KYC...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC amends notification no. 14/2021-Central Tax in order to extend due date of compliances which fall during the period from R...
SEBI : SEBI in receipt of representation from AIF Industry, requesting extension of timelines for various regulatory filings and complian...
NBFC Compliance Calendar (For Non-Deposit Accepting Non-Systematically Important NBFC) UPLOADING PORTAL ASSET SIZE RETURN NAME FREQUENCY TIME LIMIT COSMOS Portal Below 100 Crores NBS-9 REV (Annual return on details of Assets and Liabilities) Yearly Within 60 days from the end of the financial year. 100 – 500 Crores and above NBS-8 REV (Annual return on […]
As Per Section 2(41) If a Company is incorporated before 1st January of the year then First Financial Year of such Company shall be closed on upcoming 31st March of the that year but if a Company is incorporated on or after 1st January of the year then First Financial Year of such Company shall be closed on 31st March of the next year. Example: 1. If […]
The country is dealing with a very challenging situation due to second wave of COVID-19 Pandemic which is more devastating in many ways than the one before. We need to be self-disciplined and follow all the Covid safety protocols. The government is also contributing their best to facilitate the trade and industry through facilitation measures. […]
1. All statutory dates under GST and Income Tax by which either tax is to be paid or return has to be filed, maybe extended till 31st August, 2021. 2. Challan should be treated at a document of payment and not Form GSTR-3B under GST. this will encourage the tax payer to pay tax early and the government too will get the taxes in time.
Due to pandemic COVID 19 situation in India, CBDT as well as CBIC have provided various relaxations in Direct Tax and Indirect Tax Direct Tax CBDT has extended the deadline for various Income Tax Compliances due to COVID-19 Pandemic vide Circular No. 08 /2021 dated – 30th April, 2021. Topic Previous Due Date Date Extended […]
The second wave of COVID-19 pandemic, has transformed the socio-economic construct of the world to a considerable extent and we are gradually inching towards a new normal. What is the economic impact? How long will it stay? What is the recovery trajectory? We hope that this phase will also pass on and we overcome with […]
Extended Due Dates for Income Tax Act & Goods And Service Tax (GST) Act Central Board of Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes have issued notification on 1st May, 2021 under Income Tax Act and Goods and Service Tax act to implement certain relief measures to the tax payers in view of the 2nd wave of COVID […]
Article content ROC Compliance applicable on the Listed Companies, Unlisted public Companies and Private Companies according to the applicability of Section. Article Further define Section, Form, Purpose, whether e-form need to submit with ROC or not, Timeline, Applicability. MCA Circular no. 06/2021 dated 03.05.2021 was considerd at the time of preparing this Article. S. N. […]
This is a petition seeking various reliefs in terms of extensions for filing compliances under various Acts, including the Income Tax Act, 1961, the Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, the Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 and other Labour Laws, owing to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is also prayed that a waiver ought to be granted in respect of interest and other penalties for delay in filing returns and other compliances.
Government extends timelines of certain compliances in light of the severe pandemic In view of the adverse circumstances arising due to the severe Covid-19 pandemic and also in view of the several requests received from taxpayers, tax consultants & other stakeholders from across the country, requesting that various compliance dates may be relaxed, the Government […]