As Per Section 2(41) If a Company is incorporated before 1st January of the year then First Financial Year of such Company shall be closed on upcoming 31st March of the that year but if a Company is incorporated on or after 1st January of the year then First Financial Year of such Company shall be closed on 31st March of the next year.
1. If a Company incorporated before 1st January 2021 then First Financial Year of such Company shall be closed on 31st March 2021.
2. If a Company incorporated on or after 1st January 2021 then First Financial Year of such Company shall be closed on 31st March 2022.
After its incorporation a Company is bound to fulfil and complete all the Annually, Half yearly and event based Mandatory Secretarial Compliances specified under the Companies Act 2013 and rule made thereunder.
Compliances of Public & Private Companies Under CA 2013 And Their Due Dates
> Annual Compliances
SR. NO | FORM | PARTICULARS | DUE DATES | Applicable on the Companies |
1 | MBP-1 | Notice of interest of directors | First Meeting of Board of Directors in every Financial Year | Public and Private both |
2 | DIR-8 | Director’s disclosure of non-disqualification under section 164(2). | First Meeting of Board of Directors in every Financial Year | Public and Private both |
3 | DIR-3 KYC | Director KYC to keep the DIN Active | On or before 30th September | All the Individuals Who has allotted DIN as on 31st March |
4 | DPT-3 | Return of Deposit & Amount not consider as Deposit as per Rule-2(1)(c). | Within 90 days from the Closing of Financial Year. | Public and Private both |
5 | MGT-14
For Filing of Board Resolution for Approval of annual financial results and Director’s Report | Within 30 days from the Passing of Board Resolution | Public Company Only |
6 | MGT-7 | Annual Return | within 60 days from the date of AGM | Public and Private both |
7 | MGT-8 | Certificate by PCS
Applicability 1. Every Listed Company 2. Every Company having paid-up capital 10Cr or more OR Turnover 50Cr or more |
Shall be Attached in Annual Return Form MGT-7 | Public and Private both |
8 | AOC-4 | Form for filing financial statements | within 30 days from the date of AGM | Public and Private both |
9 | AOC-4CFS | Form for filing consolidated financial statements
(In Case if Company has Subsidiary, associate & joint venture Companies) |
within 30 days from the date of AGM | Public and Private both |
10 | AOC-4 (XBRL) | Filing of Financial Statement and other documents in XBRL Form.
Applicability 1. Companies listed with stock exchanges in India and their Indian subsidiaries 2. Any Company Having paid up 5 Cror more OR turnover of 100 Cror more 3. All companies which are required to prepare their financial statements in accordance with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 |
within 30 days from the date of AGM | Public and Private both |
11 | MR-3 | Secretarial Auditor Report
Applicability 1. Every listed company 2. Every public company having Paid up 50Cr or more OR Turnover 250Cr or more 3. Every company having outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial institutions of 100Cr or more. |
It is a part of Board Report and Must be Attached with Director Report and present before shareholder at AGM | Public and Private both |
12 | ADT-1 | Notice to the Registrar for Appointment of Statutory Auditor at AGM | within 15 days from the date of AGM | Public and Private both |
13 | MGT-14 | For Filing of Board Resolution for Appointment of Internal Auditor & Secretarial Auditor
(If Applicable) |
Within 30 days of passing the board resolution | Public Company Only |
14 | CRA-2 | Appointment of Cost Auditor
(If Applicable) |
In Case of Original Appointment, within 30 days of Board Meeting or 180 days of end of Financial year, whichever is earlier. | Companies Specified by CG |
15 | CRA-4 | Company shall furnish Cost Audit Report to the Central Government along with full information and explanation on every reservation or qualification contained therein, in.
(If Applicable) |
Within 30 days of from the cost audit report. | Companies Specified by CG |
> Half Yearly Compliances
SR. NO | FORM | PARTICULARS | DUE DATES | Applicable on the Companies |
1 | MSME-1 | Return of outstanding payment to MSME for more than 45 days. | On or before 30th April | Public and Private both |
2 | PAS-6 | Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report to be filed by unlisted public companies. | Within 60 days from the end of each half-year | Public Company Only |
> Event Based Compliances
SR. NO | FORM | PARTICULARS | DUE DATES | Applicable on the Companies |
1 | BEN-2 | Return to the Registrar in respect of the Declaration by beneficial owner and changes in beneficial interest. | Within 30days from the receipt of Declaration in BEN-1 by reporting company | Public and Private both |
2 | MGT-14 | For filing of Special Resolution passed by shareholders and Matters Specified under Section 117 of Companies Act 2013 with registrar. | Within 30 days of passing the resolution | Public and Private both |
3 | MGT-14/DIR-12/MR-1 | Appointment & Removable of KMPs
Note: “Form MR-1” is applicable only for appointment of WTD, MD and Manager. |
Form ‘MGT-14/DIR-12’ Within 30 days of passing the board resolution AND Form ‘MR-1’ Within 60 days of passing the board resolution | Public Company Only |
4 | DIR-12 | Appointment & Removable of Directors& Company Secretary | Within 30 days of passing the board resolution | Public and Private both |
5 | INC-20A | For Commencement of Business | Within 180 Days from the Incorporation | Public and Private both |
Keep your compliance’s up to date to avoid heavy penalties under Companies Act 2013.
Amazing…. Easy to. Understand 👍