All India MSME and Tax Professionals Association
Ref:- AIMTPA/007/21-22
Date:- 30-Mav-2021
Honorable Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman ji
Finance Minister
Government of India
New Delhi,
Respected Madam
Subject: Request for Extension of Due Dates under Direct Tax due to Covid-19 pandemic
With reference to above it is respectfully submitted on behalf of tax payers of the country that due to Covid-19 pandemic outbreak taxpayers are having huge loss of health, revenue and other resources. Almost all the States are having lockdown still up to around 10th of June, curfew and allowing very few amenities and services to run in the Country. States are taking precaution, managing health sectors to reduce it and stopping it from spreading in remote area of the states.
In this situation it’s fully difficult to comply regular tax and for various due dates falling in April and May month. In this regards, we requesting you to consider the following suggestions, and give relief to taxpayers.
♦ To Extend the date of TCS return of Q4 (Jan. to March 21 ) falling in this month of May 21 up to 31st July 2021.
♦ To Extend the date of Filling ITRs, Audit and Revise returns for F.Y. 19-20, it was earlier extended to 31st may 21, on after one month passing from the last date (31st March 2021) and everywhere the situation was worse, still the situation is same almost everywhere hence give a chance again to get it filled up to 31st July 2021.
♦ To abolish or defer the Sec. 194Q of I.T. Act 1961, which is proposed to be implemented w. e. f. 01st July 2021.
We hope that above mentioned suggestions will be implemented with true spirit and for the sake of all the Business and trade assesses
Thanking you,
Secretary General
Govt should understand covid 19 situation
And the extended due date have lock down in the major state’s of the country. So it should be extended for one month till 31 july
For f.y.19.20 date must be extended so many people are expecting the extention for due date on or before 31 may..but this govt has no idea for taxpayers situation…
So it is strongly recommended that due date must extend up to 31st july.
Update in.
Finance minister name spelling.
And in smt. Also
Updated. Kindly check
Extension for application for renewal of Trust registration u/s 12A and 80G also should have been asked as its last date is 30.06.2021.