Fema / RBI : आरबीआई और सिबिल स्कोर बनाएं सिरदर्द: अब आरबीआई और ...
Finance : If you're trying to apply for a personal loan with a low credit score, the first step is understanding exactly what a credit score...
Finance : A CIBIL score is one of the critical factors that determine your home loan eligibility. Based on this 3-digit score, lenders decid...
Finance : Your credit score and report form a crucial part of your financial profile. They also impact your ability to access funds quickly ...
Finance : Traditionally lender’s uses Credit Scoring as a major tool in its Credit Underwriting process. Traditionally lender verifies the...
Fema / RBI : Explore challenges faced by first-time borrowers and informal sector workers due to limited CIBIL scores, and measures to improve ...
CA, CS, CMA : It is hereby clarified that under the provisions of Chartered Accountants Act,1949 it is not permissible to members to share clien...
Finance : ♦ Patna reports lowest literacy levels with only 22% of borrowers aware of their CIBIL score, followed by Kolkata (25%) and Mumb...
Fema / RBI : Eligibility for credit is a function of a potential borrower’s repayment capacity and creditworthiness. Repayment capacity is as...
Fema / RBI : WEF 01.01.2017, all Credit Information Companies shall provide, upon request provide a Free Full Credit Report popularly known as ...
Corporate Law : Kiran David Vs Assistant General Manager State Bank of India (Kerala High Court) The petitioners are aggrieved by the denial of ed...
Finance : In the present case, the education loan application had been declined on the ground that the CIBIL report of the petitioner's fath...
Fema / RBI : RBI mandates new credit info reporting rules for institutions post-license cancellation, ensuring borrowers' repayment histories r...
SEBI : Gain insights into SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023 for ESG rating providers. This analysis explores t...
Fema / RBI : Banks are advised to use ratings of following domestic credit rating agencies for risk weighting their claims for capital adequacy...
Fema / RBI : Submission of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies – Defaulters of Rs. 1 Crore and above and Wilful Defaulters of ...
Fema / RBI : It is therefore, advised that SC/RCs on becoming member /members of any Credit Information Company / Companies may provide them t...
In the present case, the education loan application had been declined on the ground that the CIBIL report of the petitioner’s father showed that there was a default in a commercial vehicle loan availed by him.
26AS Form in new format under I-Tax Rule 114-I have been notified wef 1.6.2020. Please note all the information in it is auto populated and earlier it was mainly providing information wrt Tax (TDS, TCS, Advance Tax etc) alongwith Gross Income only. But now new 26AS form shall be a complete profile of taxpayer’s financial […]
CIBIL stands for Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited which is a part of “transunion” an american multinational group. It maintains credit files of around 600 million individuals and 32 million businesses. TransUnion is one of four credit bureaus operating in India and is majorly trusted by banks and Financial institutions due to its greater reliability and […]
Eligibility for credit is a function of a potential borrower’s repayment capacity and creditworthiness. Repayment capacity is assessed on the basis of both income and expenditure cash flows, as well as assets and liabilities. Further, creditworthiness is reflected in the borrower’s track record in meeting credit and other payment obligations such as taxes and utility bill, as well as the borrower’s risk profile.
Getting approved for online loans with low credit score is a nightmare. Sometimes, your application might get rejected due to your credit history. If you have had a low CIBIL score & want to repair it, then you must know the options to improve and get approved for a personal loan you want. Why don’t […]
Article explains what is CIBIL Score, What are the things which impacts CIBIL Score, How much Score holds well and What to do to improve CIBIL score. Most of the time we hear about CIBIL score. Many of the loan seekers face this issue while applying loan, that there CIBIL score is bad. I am […]
What is a credit score? What is the importance of it? How is it determined? For knowing the use of anything, these questions are a must ask! A credit score is the three digit number valuing from 300 – 900 where 300 is considered as the lowest score and 900 is considered as highest.
When applying for any kind of credit, lenders determine your creditworthiness for securing themselves against any potential losses. There are several factors which can determine your eligibility, however, the key indicator of ability and creditworthiness to honor a debt is your CIBIL score. Every lender follows different parameters for issuing you any particular loan amount. RBI […]
A credit information report is a detailed record of a person’s credit history that includes his identity information, loans and credit card accounts that are opened in his name, payment information, current balances, defaults if any, and enquiries made on the credit. All the member banks and financial institutions registered with the credit bureau, report […]
Negative flags on your credit report not only remind you of your past financial mistakes but they also ruin your future financial plans. Whether the negative remarks occur due to your own mistakes or due to the negligence on the part of the credit bureau, you must make efforts to get rid of them. After all your credit report affects the most important financial measure, that is the credit score.