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Advocate R. K Rengaraj

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Pandora’s Box in GST TRAN 1 transitional form              .

Goods and Services Tax : At the time of implementation of GST in order to eliminate double taxation, a transitional provision was made available for busine...

May 7, 2020 1311 Views 0 comment Print

Solar Power Plants and GST

Goods and Services Tax :  In view of the important needs of alternative new eneryg, India needs a vibrant industry revolution by inviting FDI in solar and...

August 30, 2019 54264 Views 5 comments Print

Deemed exports in Annual Return GSTR 9

Goods and Services Tax : As 30th June, 2019 is fast approaching the GST Practitioners, auditors and assessees are involving themselves in filing annual re...

June 15, 2019 18933 Views 5 comments Print

Whether Form ‘C’ should be made available to an assessee even after implementation of GST?

Goods and Services Tax : Article discusses Whether Form ‘C’ should be made available to an assessee even after implementation of the goods and services...

August 23, 2018 45498 Views 5 comments Print

GST Notification in Textile industry regarding Inverted Tax Structure

Goods and Services Tax : The textile industry is having accumulated credit in crores as on 31.07.2018 and it would be unfair to lapse the entire credit unu...

August 13, 2018 20127 Views 2 comments Print

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Extend Time For Filing GST Annual Return and GST Audit Report

Goods and Services Tax : Memorandum to Union Finance Minister for extension of time For Filing Annual Return In Form GSTR 9 And Audit Report In Form GSTR 9...

December 4, 2018 6957 Views 2 comments Print

GST and the expectation in the Union Budget

June 22, 2014 3474 Views 0 comment Print

Goods and Service Tax is a comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services at a national level. Currently, there are 160 countries in the world that have implemented GST. The latest global corporate tax rate study made by KPMG international has found out that the lowest company taxes among the developed economies are still found in the European Union countries.

Materials purchased from unregistered dealers for works contract is liable to tax u/s 4(4) of APVAT Act, 2005

September 18, 2013 12649 Views 1 comment Print

The Andhra Pradesh Sales Tax & VAT Appellate Tribunal, Hyderabad held recently that materials purchased from unregistered dealers and used in the execution of works contract is liable to tax u/s 4(4) of the APVAT Act (Ramky Environ Engineers Ltd., Hyderabad Vs State of Andhra Pradesh 2013 57 APSTJ 1).

No Service Tax on value of goods supplied free by service recipient under construction services

September 12, 2013 8868 Views 0 comment Print

The value of goods supplied or provided free by a service recipient under construction of commercial or industrial complex service, do not comprise the Gross amount under Notn.no.15/2004. Landmark judgment.

Prnciples of Natural Justice – ‘Audi Alteram Partem’ & ‘nemo judex in causa sua’

August 22, 2013 28805 Views 0 comment Print

The principles of natural justice have their roots in two Latin maxims: ‘Audi alteram partem’ and ‘nemo judex in causa sua’. The first maxim means that a reasonable opportunity of hearing which is sine qua non and imperative for the statutory authority to afford before passing the order or decision and the second maxim means that no-one should be a judge in their own cause.

CHA and C&F Services Rendered At Port Are Eligible Inputs To Exporter?

August 3, 2013 5651 Views 0 comment Print

Time and again a question arises as to whether input service includes services rendered for outward transportation up to place of removal, and the answer is positive. It was held in the case of Commissioner of Central Excise, Vadodara Vs Inox India Ltd., (CESTAT-Ahmedabad 2013, 35 taxmann.com 94) that the exporter respondent is eligible to avail cenvat credit on the service tax paid on CHA and C&F Agent services

Whether Excess Collection Of CST Can Be Forfeited?

July 13, 2013 4034 Views 0 comment Print

Substantive law and procedural law are the two main categories within the law. Substantive law refers to the body of rules that determine the rights and obligations of individuals and collective bodies. Procedural law is the body of legal rules that govern the process for determining the rights of parties. When the CST Act does not have a special substantive provision of forfeiture, the Department is not correct in demanding excess collection of CST in the bills.

Complex Fertiliser and Fertiliser Mixture- Excisability

July 3, 2013 7823 Views 0 comment Print

While greater importance is given to Agro industry by the Central Government, as the Fertilizer mixtures are used by the Farmers, why not a circular can be sent clarifying that either Fertilizer mixtures are to be given duty exemption as the raw materials have already suffered Excise duty or the duty is to be exempted when the fertilizers (inputs) are to be used in the manufacture of fertilizers whether directly or through stage of an intermediate product.

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