Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
December 26, 1995
The Executive Directors and Presidents
of all Stock Exchanges
Dear Sir,
Categorisaton of companies
This has reference to the meeting of the Inter-Exchange co-ordination Group constituting the representatives of Exchanges held on December 19, 1995. The problem of thinly traded securities and securities with a very low public holding were discussed. In this connection, it was felt that date on such companies need to be obtained before any decision can be taken in this direction.
It is, therefore, requested that out of the scrips listed in your Exchange, thinly traded scrips (i.e. scrips which have not been traded at all for the past two years or more along with the date of the last trade) are identified.
In addition kindly categorise the companies listed in your Exchange in terms of paid-up capital according to the slab given below. For the companies identified under each of the category, along with the name of the company kindly provide actual paid up capital of the company, the share holding pattern of company and the total number of share holders of the company. All the above may be given as per the latest distribution schedule of the company (with the year mentioned).
1. Companies with a paid up capital of less than Rs. 1 crore.
2. Companies with a paid up capital between Rs. 1 crore and 3 crores.
3. For companies with a paid up capital between Rs. 3 and 10 crores and a total public holding of less than 30 percent.
The above information may be collated and sent to us fifteen days from date of receipt of this letter.
Yours faithfully,