Get all latest income tax news, act, article, notification, circulars, instructions, slab on Check out excel calculators budget 2017 ITR, black money, tax saving tips, deductions, tax audit on income tax.
Income Tax : Understand whether director remuneration is taxed as salary or business income. Learn about tax implications, employer-employee re...
Income Tax : Explore major income tax updates for FY 2025-26, including revised tax slabs, TDS/TCS rules, rebates, and benefits for startups. S...
Income Tax : Analyzing if increased TDS thresholds and reduced rates enhance taxpayer liquidity or just shift tax payments to advance tax. Read...
Income Tax : Overview of Income Tax Sections 69A, 69B, on unexplained income, investments, and expenditures. Key cases and interpretations incl...
Income Tax : Recent changes in India's income tax structure, particularly the introduction of rebates, have led to some confusion among taxpaye...
Income Tax : The Institute of Cost Accountants of India seeks inclusion of Cost Accountants in the definition of "Accountant" under Section 515...
Income Tax : Explore the Finance Bill 2025 highlights, including revised tax rates, TDS/TCS amendments, ULIP taxation, and updated rules for sa...
Income Tax : ICMAI addresses the non-inclusion of 'Cost Accountant' in the Income Tax Bill 2025. The Council is engaging with policymakers to e...
Income Tax : Lok Sabha issues corrigenda for the Income-tax Bill, 2025, correcting references, formatting, and legal citations. Read the key am...
Income Tax : KSCAA's representation to CBDT highlights challenges in the Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme 2024, focusing on delayed appeals and suggesti...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune held that delay in filing audit report in Form 10CCB due to technical problem is justifiable and hence denial of claim u...
Income Tax : ITAT Jaipur held that amount of sundry debtor recorded in books of account are not any money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable...
Income Tax : Aadhunik Infrastructure Development Pvt. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Pune) The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Pune Bench “A,” ha...
Income Tax : ITAT Nagpur rules in ITO Vs N. Kumar Housing, addressing ₹5.2 crore addition under Sections 41(1) and 68. Liability cessation an...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune rules in Ramchandra Jadhavrao vs. ACIT that no penalty under Section 271(1)(c) applies if income is declared in return p...
Income Tax : Details of the Lok Sabha Select Committee's sittings on March 6-7, 2025, to examine the Income-Tax Bill, 2025, with oral evidence ...
Income Tax : CBDT updates income tax rules and forms for business and securitization trusts. Notification 17/2025 amends Rules 12CA & 12CC, imp...
Income Tax : Key updates on income tax deduction from salaries under Section 192 for FY 2024-25, including amendments, surcharge rates, and new...
Income Tax : CBDT extends the due date for filing Form 56F under Section 10AA(8) and 10A(5) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to March 31, 2025, for...
Income Tax : The Central Government notifies Punjab RERA for tax exemption under Section 10(46A) of the Income-tax Act, effective from the 2024...
Held that the transaction has not been concluded in the AY under consideration when the assessee received nomination fee. Thus, the transaction was not complete so as to assess the income under complete contract method.
Held that assessee leverages on the use of technology from the AE and does not contribute any unique intangibles to the transaction. PSM cannot be applied. TNM Method is Most Appropriate Method.
Rameshkumar H. Jain Vs DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) It is not in dispute that during the search of locker the jewellery and ornament worth Rs.70,10,799/- was found. The details are mentioned below: Sr. no. 1. Gold & Jewellery belonging to third parties on account of sale on approval basis or labour work. Rs.39,85,761/- 2. Gold & […]
Reduction of time limit for verification of Income Tax Return (ITR) with effect from August 1, 2022 The CBDT vide Circular 3/2009 dated 21.05.2009 notified the new Income Tax Return (ITR) forms for Assessment Year 2009-10 and provided the facility of furnishing ITR which includes transmitting the data in the return electronically and thereafter submitting […]
Daeseung Autoparts India Pvt.Ltd Vs ACIT (OSD) (ITAT Chennai) We have gone through reasons given by the Assessing Officer to reject additional depreciation on capitalization of forex loss in light of provisions of section 32(1)(iia) of the Act, and we ourselves do not subscribe to the arguments advanced by the learned counsel for the assessee […]
ACIT Vs Dharmapuri District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. (ITAT Chennai) The material facts are that during assessment proceedings, the assessee’s claim of deduction u/s 36(1)(viia) was examined by Ld. AO. As per the statutory provisions, the assessee was entitled to claim deduction for an amount not exceeding 7.5% of total income and an amount not […]
Tangar Exports LLP Vs ACIT (ITAT Chennai) The Assessing Officer has made adjustment of total income computed in the intimation received u/s.143(1) of the Act, towards deduction claimed u/s.80JJAA of the Act, in respect of employment of new employees on the ground that the assessee has not satisfied conditions prescribed therein, including filing of audit […]
Dhanalakshmi Mills Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Chennai) Admittedly, the Assessing Officer has caused necessary inquiries with regard to computation of long term capital gain derived transfer of property and has computed capital gain by taking into account cost of acquisition claimed by the assessee without disturbing consideration received from transfer of property, even though, there […]
In the present case the claim of deduction under section 54 of the Act is for a residential house built up on three adjacent contiguous plots. He further observed that the principle of multiple residential houses/units holds good till these units are in same physical location and contiguous to each other.
Missed the income tax return filing deadline? Dont worry, you can still file your return for FY 2021-22 (AY 2022-23) by 31st December 2022.