F. No.A-22012/03/201 1-Ad.II
Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board of Excise & Customs
North Block, New Delhi, Dated, the 14th June, 2011
All Chief Commissioners / Directors General, Customs & Central Excise.
Subject: Relieving / joining of officers in the grade of Addl/Joint Commissioner transferred during AGT-2011
Please refer to Office Order No.107/2011 dated 03.06.2011 vide which officers in the grade of Addl./Joint Commissioner of Customs & Central Excise were transferred in AGT-201 1. In terms of the said order, all the officers so transferred were to be relieved by their respective controlling officers by 08.06.2011 from their present charge to enable them to join their new place of postings. The Chief Commissioners/Directors General were also requested to send a compliance report by 10.06.2011.
2. The compliance reports from many Chief Commissioners / Directors General are yet to be received. From the compliance reports received so far, it is seen that in many cases the officers have not yet been relieved by their controlling officers from their present charge. The Board has viewed non-compliance of its orders very seriously.
3. The concerned Chief Commissioners / Directors General are once again requested to relieve the officers immediately to enable them to join their new place of postings, and furnish the compliance reports without any further delay, wherever pending.
4. This issues with the approval of Chairman, CBEC.
Yours faithfully,
(R. Sanehwal)