Trade Notice – dated: 7th June, 2007
Subject:- Review of the present import Policy of marble and other building stones.
Attention is invited to and various Notifications/Public Notices/Circulars issued by this office on the subject mentioned above.
This is to inform that an Inter-Ministerial Committee (under DGFT) is in the process of reviewing the present import Policy of marble and other building stones.
Trade/ Industry/ Associations are requested to send their opinions/ inputs in this regard within a fortnight through e-mail or post to the following Officers:
Shri O.P.Hisaria, Jt. DGFT Tel. No.23062671
Shri Subhash.R. Dy DGFT Tel. No.23061562 Extn 394
This issues with the approval of Addl. Director General of Foreign Trade (Policy).