Trade Notice No. 1/2012, Dated the 8th May, 2012
( Subject- Procedure for obtaining cotton RC’s)
1. As per Notification No.113 dated 4th May, 2012 application for registration of contracts for export of raw cotton would be submitted to the 7 designated RAs namely: -Ahmadabad, CLA, New Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai. To streamline the process of registration the following procedure would be adopted in addition to those provided in the Notification No.113 of 4th May 2012.
(i) E-mail to precede the application
Each intending exporter has to first send an e-mail addressed to before filing hard copy of the application to the concerned RA for issue of RC. The subject header of this e-mail shall be “name of applicant / IE Code / quantity applied in bales (Quantity in Metric ton) / Name of the RA where application is being filed.
(for example if M/s. ABC exports (having IE Code :1234567890) are intending to file an application at Ahmadabad for export of 1000 bales (equivalent fo 170 MT) of cotton then the subject header would be: “ ABC exports / 1234567890 /1000 bales (170 MT) / Ahmadabad “)
(ii) The content of the e-mail would be a brief description of where the exporter wants to export and such other details that he may like to give. But it must contain the name, address , telephone number and other contact details and IEC Number of the applicant;
(iii) A printout of the e-mail sent to shall be enclosed to the hard copy of the application to be submitted to the RA in the proforma prescribed earlier in Notification No.63 dated 4th August 2011.
(iv) If an exporter wants to export through multiple ports then it has the liberty to seek split RCs as long as the overall quantity limit is within the eligibility given in para 2 of the Notification No.113 dated 4th May 2012. Similarly for export to different buyer , split RC’s can be issued within the overall entitlement of an applicant ( for different ports or same port). For purpose of issue of the second and subsequent RC all the split RCs would be considered together because they all constitute “One RC” to start with.
2. Cooperation of all members of trade is solicited.
Hardeep Singh
Joint DGFT