The issue under consideration is whether the Ration Card can be considered as a source of determining financial status of assessee and whether gift from person holding Ration Card of Low Economic class can betreated as unexplained Credit under section 68 of Income Tax Act, 1961 ?
The issue under consideration is whether the tribunal can give fresh opportunity to the assessee to submit evidence which assessee might not have been able to provide at the time of hearing?
The issue under consideration is whether the provisions of section 50C of the Act can be applied in cases where the market value of the property is reduced due to the defect in the title of the property?
whether section 50C can be invoked in respect of the right to receive compensation on compulsory acquisition of land & the TDR rights as the same would not come within the meaning of “immovable property”?
Value Labs Vs ACIT (ITAT Hyderabad) The issue which arises in the present appeal is against the adjustment made in the hands of the assessee on account of interest due on outstanding Receivables by treating the same as international transaction. Much reliance is placed on the explanation inserted under section 92B of the Act with […]
K. Vinuthna Reddy Vs ITO (ITAT Hyderabad) From the facts of the case it is apparent that both the assessees has proximity with the company to whom they have leased the land. Further, the apprehension of the Ld. AO appears to be quite reasonable because both the assessee has received the lease rent for the […]
Where assessee had received entire consideration and possession of the property was also handed over in the assessment year 2004-05, he would be exigible towards capital gain tax only for the assessment year 2004-05 and not for the assessment year 2007-08 when proper sale deed was executed and registered. Just because capital gain accrued to assessee has escaped tax in assessment year 2004-05, the same cannot be brought to tax subsequently in assessment year 2007-08, therefore, AO was directed to delete the addition made.
Error committed by the Chartered Accountant in his audit report will not alter the intention of the assessee for holding the equity shares purchased by it as investment which is evident from the statement of accounts/Balance Sheet of the assessee.
Shri I. Seshagiri Rao Vs ITO (ITAT Hyderabad) The issue under consideration is whether the capital gains will be applicable where assessee signed a release deed waiving all his rights, title and interests in the property? During the assessment, the A.O. found that the assessee had entered into a release deed and also a supplementary […]
Since S.54F of the Act is a beneficial provision and the Hon’ble Courts have held that the beneficial provision should be construed liberally, I deem it fit and proper to admit assessee’s claim of deduction u/s 54F of the Act and remand the issue to the file of the AO with a direction to consider the eligibility of the assessee for deduction u/s 54F of the Act and allow the same if the assessee satisfies the conditions.