In re Sadanand Manpower Service (GST AAR Karnataka) 1. Whether Labor supply to Government Departments from a Register dealer under GST Act like providing Drivers, Peons, Housekeeping Data Entry operators and other clerical staff attracts exemption fron levy of GST as per Notification Nos.11/2017-CT(Rate) and 12/2017CT(Rate) both dated 28th June 2017. Labour supply/supply of manpower […]
In re Madivalappa Karveerappa Belwadi (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether the Pure Services provided to Zilla Panchayat, City corporations, Educations Institutions, and Rural Water Supply Divisions are exempted under article 243G and 243W? Supply of manpower services like Drivers and cleaners for solid waste ‘anagement system to City Corporation/Municipalities/zilla parishads and manpower services like cleaning staff, […]
In re Goodwill Auto’s (GST AAR Karnataka) GST applicability of cost of the diesel incurred for running DG Set in the course of providing DG Rental Service? The cost of the diesel incurred for running DG Set in the course of providing DG Rental Service is nothing but additional consideration for the supply of DG […]
In re Aishwarya Earth Movers (GST AAR Karnataka) i. The applicant is liable to collect and pay GST at the rate of 12 % (CGST @ 6% and KGST @ 6%) as per Section 142(2) (a) of the GST Act on the amount received from the Public Works Department as per revised estimate in respect […]
In re Starworth Infrastructure And Construction Limited (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether the construction service provided by the Applicant to M/s Provident Housing Ltd., under the project ‘Provident Neora, & Provident Capella’ & to M/s Puravankara Ltd., under the project Provident Parksquare” qualifies for application of lower rate of CGST @ 6% and SGST @ 6% […]
In re Premier Tissues India Limited (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether the supply of tissue papers by the applicant is covered under Serial No.112 of Schedule II of the Rate Notification No.01/2017 Central Tax (R) and therefore, is leviable to GST at the rate of 12%? GST rate of 12% is applicable only to Uncoated paper and […]
In re Bindu Projects & Co (GST AAR Karnataka) Applicability of GST rates for works contact services doing original works with South Western Railways? 1. The new constructions involved in the contract are liable to tax at 12% (6% CGST and 6% SGST) as per entry no.3(v) of Notification No. 11/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated […]
Whether provision of subsidized lunch and refreshments to employee through contractors is to be treated as supply and if yes under which tarrif classification it has to be classified? The applicant merely pays the part consideration towards the cost of lunch and refreshments to their employees through contractors and hence the said activity does not amount to supply, in terms of Section 7(i)( c ) of the CGST Act 2017.
In re Guitar Head Publishing LLP (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether GST is payable on Guitar Head Books purchased from Amazon Inc.-USA (located outside India) in a context where the Guitar Head Books so purchased are not brought into India? We invite reference to Schedule III relevant to Section 7 of CGST Act 2017, which specifies […]
In re Premier Sales Promotion Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether the vouchers themselves, or the act of supplying them is taxable, and at what stage, for each of the three categories of transactions undertaken by the applicant and If the answer to the above question is in the affirmative, what would be the rate […]