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New Delhi, the 26th July, 2021

F. No. 1-116/Scientific Committee/Notif.28.4/2010-FSSAI(1).—Whereas the draft of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2020, were published as required by sub-section (1) of section 92 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006), vide notification of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, File No. 1-116/Scientific Committee/Notif.28.4/2010-FSSAI(1), dated the 27th August, 2020, in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III, section 4, inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby, before the expiry of the period of sixty days from the date on which the copies of the Official Gazette containing the said notification were made available to the public;

And whereas copies of the said Gazette were made available to the public on the 3rd September, 2020;

And whereas the objections and suggestions received from the public in respect of the said draft regulations have been considered by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 92 read with section 16 of the said Act, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, namely:-


1. (1) These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Third Amendment Regulations, 2021.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette and food business operator shall comply with all the provisions of these regulations with effect from 1st February, 2022.

2. In the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011

(1) in regulation 2.1, in sub-regulation 2.1.2 relating to ‘Standard for Milk‘, in clause 2, in item (b), in the Table, for the entries against Sl. No. 1 and the entries relating thereto, the following shall be substituted, namely: –

―1. Buffalo Milk All India 5.0 9.0″;

(2) In regulation 2.2 relating to ‘Fats, Oils and Fat Emulsions‘,

(a) In sub-regulation 2.2.1 relating to ‘Oils‘,

(i) in Clause (3) relating to ‘Groundnut oil (moongh-phali-ka tel), for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm”, the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(ii) in Clause (4) relating to ‘Flaxseed or Linseed Oil (tisi ka tel)‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(iii) in Clause (6) relating to ‘Rapeseed oil (toria oil) or mustard oil (sarson ka tel)‘, for the Note 4, the following shall be substituted, namely :-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(iv) in Clause (9) relating to ‘Poppy seed oil‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(v) in Clause (10) relating to ‘Safflower seed oil (barrey ka tel)‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(vi) in Clause (10.01) relating to ‘Imported Safflower seed oil and Safflower seed oil (High Oleic Acid – Imported or domestic)‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(vii) in Clause (11) relating to ‘Taramira Oil‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(viii) in Clause (12) relating to ‘Til Oil (Gingelly or sesame oil)‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(ix) in Clause (13) relating to ‘Niger seed Oil (Sargiya ka tel)‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(x) in clause (14) relating to ‘Soyabean Oil‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(x) in clause (15) relating to ‘Maize (Corn)Oil‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(xi) in Clause (18) relating to ‘Watermelon seed oil‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(xii) in Clause (22.01) relating to ‘Sunflower seed Oil-High Oleic acid‘, for the paragraph beginning with the words ―Further, if the oil is obtained” and ending with the words and figures ―Hexane more than 5.0 ppm” the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(xiv) in Clause (25) relating to ‘Avocado oil‘, for the Note 2, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

Note 2- Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”;

(xv) after Clause (30) relating to ‘Chia Oil‘, the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-

31. Grapeseed oil means the oil expressed from the clean and sound Grape seeds (VitisviniferaL.) It shall be clear from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added colouring or flavouring substances and mineral oil. It shall conform to the following specifications, namely:-

S. No. Parameters Limits
1. Refractive index at 40°C 1.467 – 1.477
2. Saponification value 188 – 194
3. Iodine value 128 – 150
4. Unsaponifiable matter Not more than 2.0 percent
5. Acid Value Not more than 4.0

Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.”

Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16). The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.”

(b) in sub regulation 2.2.2 relating to ‘Interesterified Vegetable fat/Oil‘, for clause (x), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-

(x) It shall contain raw or refined sesame oil (Til oil) in sufficient quantity so that when it is mixed with refined groundnut oil in the proportion of 20:80, the colour produced by the Baudouin Test shall not be lighter than 2.0 red units in a 1 cm. cell on a Lovibond scale.”;

(c) in sub-regulation 2.2.5 relating to ‘Margarine and Fat Spreads‘, for clause (1) relating to ‘Table Margarine‘, the paragraph beginning with the words ―It shall contain not” and ending with the words ―on a lovibond scale” shall be substituted with following, namely:-

It shall contain raw or refined sesame oil (Til oil) in sufficient quantity so that when it is mixed with refined groundnut oil in the proportion of 20:80, the colour produced by the Baudouin Test shall not be lighter than 2.5 red units in a 1 cm. cell on a Lovibond scale.”;

(d) in sub-regulation 2.2.6 relating to ‘Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils‘, in the clause (1) relating to ‘Vanaspati‘, in sub-clause (vii) in item number (c), after the existing text, following provision shall be inserted, namely:-

“In case physically refined rice bran oil is used, the unsaponifiable matter shall not be more than 4.0 percent by weight; provided that oryzanol content be minimum of 0.20 % (by weight) with rice bran oil at 20% level and with an increment of 0.05% with every 5% rise in rice bran oil content.‖;

(e) in sub-regulation 2.2.7, relating to ‘FATTY ACID COMPOSITION‘, in Table, after column (27) and the entries relating thereto, the following column and entries shall be inserted, namely:-

Fatty acid Grapeseed Oil
(1) (28)
C14:0 0.3 max
C16:0 5.5-11.0
C16:1 1.2 max
C17:0 0.2 max
C17:1 0.1 max
C18:0 3.0 – 6.5
C18:1 12.0-28.0
C18:2 58.0-78.0
C18:3 1.0 max
C20:0 1.0 max
C20:1 0.3 max
C22:0 0.5 max
C22:1 0.3 max
C24:0 0.4 max
C24:1 -“;

(3) In regulation 2.3 relating to ‘Fruit and Vegetable Products’

(a) for sub-regulation 2.3.29 relating to ‘Soyabean Sauce‘, following shall be substituted, namely:-

“2.3.29 SOYBEAN SAUCE.- (1) Soybean Sauce means the product obtained from wholesome soybeans, by fermenting the soybean paste in which trypsin inhibitors have been completely inactivated & blending with salt, nutritive sweeteners. It may contain spices and condiments and other ingredients appropriate to the product preserved by using permitted preservative.

(2)The product may contain food additives permitted in these regulations including Appendix A. The product shall conform to the microbiological requirements given in Appendix B. It shall meet the following requirements, namely: —

Sr. No. Parameter Limit
1. Total Soluble Solids (m/m) not less than 15.0 percent Salt free basis
2. Acidity as acetic acid not less than 0.6 percent
3. Total nitrogen m/m not less than 1.0 percent

(3) The container shall be well filled with the product and shall occupy not less than 90.0 percent of the water capacity of the container, when packed in the rigid containers. The water capacity of the container is the volume of distilled water at 20°C which the sealed container is capable of holding when completely filled.‖;

(b) In Sub regulation 2.3.47 relating to Nuts and Raisins, after clause (7), following clause shall be inserted, namely: –

8. WALNUT KERNELS.- (1) Walnut kernels means product obtained by deshelling nuts of varieties (cultivars) grown from Juglansregia L. after appropriate maturity. The kernels shall be sound, clean, sufficiently developed and dry. They shall be free from rancidity, visible mold, foreign smell and/or taste, living insects and mites. It shall also be free from dead insects, rodent contamination, insect fragments and damage caused by insects or other parasites visible to the naked eye.

2. The kernels shall be of uniform in colour (With permissible variation 15 %) with characteristic taste and flavour. It shall be free from added colour. It may be either in the form of halves or pieces. It shall conform to the following requirements:

Sr. No. Parameter Limit
1. Moisture content, percent by mass (Maximum) 5.0
2. Acid-insoluble ash, percent by mass (Maximum) 0.1
3. Extraneous Vegetable matter, percent by mass (Maximum) 1.0
4. Foreign Matter, percent by mass (Maximum) 0.1
5. Damaged units, percent by mass (Maximum) 4.0
6. Acidity of extracted fat expressed as Oleic Acid percent by mass (Maximum) 1.25

Explanations: For the purpose of this clause,

1. Extraneous vegetative matter: Vegetative matter associated with the plant from which the product originates.

2. Foreign matter: Any matter or material not usually associated with the product.

3. Damaged units: units affected by sunburn, scars, mechanical injury, discolouration or visible damage caused by boring and feeding of insects and animal parasites.

4. Mold: Mold filaments either on the inside or the outside of the kernel visible to the naked eye.

5. Rancidity: Oxidation of lipids or free fatty acid production producing a disagreeable flavour.”;

(4) In regulation 2.4 relating to ‘Cereal and Cereal Products’,

(a) for sub-regulation 2.4.4 relating to ―Besan”, following shall be substituted, namely:-

“2.4.4 BESAN.- (1) Besan means the product obtained by grinding dehusked Bengal gram (Cicerarietinum). It shall not contain any added colouring matter. The product shall be free from abnormal flavours, odours, living insects, filth (impurities of animal origins, including dead insects).

(2) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S. No. Parameter Limit
(1) Moisture % by mass (Not more than) 12.0
(2) Ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, % Not more than 0.3
(3) Alcoholic acidity (as H2SO4) with 90 percent alcohol by mass, not more than 0.18
(4) Protein (Nx6.25), % by mass (on dry basis), Not less than 20.0
(5) Uric Acid, mg/kg, Not more than 100″;

(b) for sub-regulation 2.4.7 relating to ―Cornflour (Maize starch)”, following shall be substituted, namely: –

“2.4.7 MAIZE STARCH.- (1) Maize starch (or Corn starch) means the starch obtained from maize (Zea mays L.). It shall be odourless and white color free flowing powder. It shall contain no added colour, flavours or other chemicals. It shall also be free from dirt, insects, larvae and impurities or other extraneous matter. It shall conform to the following standards, namely: —

S. No. Parameter Limit
(1) Moisture (% by mass), Not more than 12.0
(2) Total ash (% on dry basis), Not more than 0.50
(3) Acid Insoluble ash (% on dry basis), Not more than 0.10
(4) Alcoholic acidity (expressed as H2SO4) with 90 percent alcohol, percent by mass, Not more than 0.10
(5) Starch content (% on dry basis), Not less than 98.0
(6) pH 4.5-7.0
(7) Sulphur Dioxide (ppm), Not more than 70.0
(8) Uric Acid, mg/kg, Not more than 100″;

(c) after sub-regulation 2.4.35 relating to Breakfast Cereal‘, the following sub-regulations shall be inserted, namely: –


Yellow Pea Powder means the product obtained by grinding dehusked Yellow Pea (Pisumsativum L.) and shall not contain any added colouring matter or any other foreign ingredient. It shall conform to the following standards: —

S. No. Parameters Limits
1. Moisture, % by mass, Not more than 12.0
2. Protein (on dry basis), % by mass, Not less than 22.0
3. Acid Insoluble Ash (on dry basis), % by mass, Not more than 0.3
4. Alcoholic Acidity,% (Not more than) 0.18
5. Uric Acid, mg/kg, Not more than 100‖;

(5) In regulation 2.9 relating to ‘Salt, Spices, Condiments and Related Products’

(a) for sub-regulation 2.9.15 relating to Pepper Black (Kali Mirch) , following shall be substituted, namely: –

“2.9.15 BLACK, WHITE & GREEN (BWG) PEPPERS.- (1) Black, White & Green (BWG) peppers are the berries of Piper nigrumL. of the Piperaceae family having reached appropriate degree of development and/or maturity for the intended product purpose. Berries are treated in an appropriate manner to obtain the above products, by undergoing operations such as threshing, sieving and sifting, soaking, washing, blanching, drying or dehydrating, decorticating, grading, crushing and grinding. The product shall be free from foreign odours, flavours and free from any other harmful substances and added colours.

(a) Black pepper –It shall be dried berries having unbroken pericarp The product shall be whole with globular shape and wrinkled pericarp and shall have diameter of minimum 2.0 mm. It shall be brownish to dark brownish or blackish in colour. The flavours shall have a penetrating odour and hot, biting pungent taste characteristics of black pepper excluding mouldy and rancid odours.

(b) White pepper – It shall be dried berries after removing the pericarp. The product shall be whole with globular shape with smooth surface, slightly flattened at one pole and a small protuberance at the other and shall have diameter of minimum 1.8 mm. It shall be matt grey to brownish to pale ivory white. The odour and flavour shall be characteristic of white pepper, slightly sharp and very aromatic, excluding mouldy and rancid odours.

(c) Green pepper –It shall be obtained from green berries by removal of moisture under controlled conditions. The product shall be whole with globular shape with or without wrinkled pericarp and shall have diameter of minimum 2.0 mm. It shall be characteristic green, greenish or dark greenish. The product shall have pungent odour and flavour characteristic of green pep­per, free from rancidity, mustiness, bitter taste and extraneous flavour.

(2) BWG peppers can be of any one of the following forms:

(a) Whole

(b) Cracked/crushed –broken into two or more pieces.

(c) Ground–processed into powders.

(3) The product shall confirm to the following requirements, namely:-

For Whole Peppers
S. No. Requirements Black White Green
1. Moisture content, percent by mass (Maximum) 13.0 12.0 12.0
2. Total Ash, percent by mass on dry basis, (Maximum) 7.0 4.0 5.0
3. Acid-insoluble ash, percent by mass on dry basis, (Maximum) 1.5 0.3 0.3
4. Volatile oil content, ml/100g, on dry basis (Minimum) 1.0 1.0 1.0
5. Non-volatile ether extract, % (m/m) min, on dry basis. 6.0 6.0 0.3
6. Piperine content, % (m/m), min, on dry basis. 2.0 3.0 NA
7. Bulk density, ( g/l ), min. 400 550 NA
8. Light berries, % (m/m) max. 10.0 2.0 NA
9. Extraneous vegetable matter,% (m/m), max. 2.0 2.0 1.2
0. Foreign matter, % (m/m), max. 0.5 0.5 0.5
1. Black berries/corns % (m/m), max. NA 10.0 5.0
2. Broken berries, % (m/m), max. NA 3.0 10.0
3. Mouldy Berries, % (m/m), max. 3.0 3.0 2.0
4. Insect defiled berries /Corns, % (m/m), max. 2.0 2.0 2.0
5. Mammalian or/and other excreta, (mg/kg), max. 2.0 2.0 2.0
6. Pinheads for black pepper, % (m/m), max. 4.0 NA NA

For Ground/powdered/crushed pepper
S. No. Requirements Black White
1. Moisture content, % (m/m), max. 12.0 13.0
2. Total ash by mass, % (m/m), on dry basis, max. 6.0 3.5
3. Non-volatile ether extract, % (m/m) ,on dry basis, min. 6.0 6.0
4. Volatile oil* , % (ml/100g), on dry basis, min. 1.0 0.7
5. Crude fibre, insoluble index, % (m/m)on dry basis, max. 17.5 6.5
6. Piperine, % (m/m), on dry basis, min. 2.0 3.0
7. Acid insoluble ash, % (m/m) on dry basis, max. 1.2 0.3

Explanations: for the purpose of this clause,

a) Light berries (in Black and White peppers only) -Generally immature berries without kernel with an apparent density lower than 0.30g/mL or300 g/L.

b) Extraneous vegetative matter-Vegetative matter associated with the plant from which the product originates -but is not accepted as part of the final product. Light berries, pinheads or broken berries are not considered as extraneous matter.

c) Foreign matter-Any visible objectionable foreign detectable matter or material not usually associated with the natural components of the spice plant; such as sticks, stones, burlap bagging, metal

d) Pinheads–Developed from unfertilized flowers, berries with a diameter of less than 2 mm with more angularity than normal berries, they have soft texture (collapse under heavy pressure) and have less odour and flavour than pepper berries.

e) Insect defiled berries: Berries or corns damaged by insects.

(4) The product covered under these standards shall be labelled in accordance with the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulation, 2020. In addition, the forms of the product shall also be mentioned on the label. The name of the product shall be ―Black Pepper”(pepper corn), ―White Pepper” or ―Green Pepper”,

(b) sub-regulation 2.9.25 relating to ‘Pepper White‘, shall be omitted.

(c) after sub-regulation 2.9.40 relating to ‘DRIED THYME, following sub-regulation shall be inserted, namely: –

2.9.41 DRIED SAGE.- (1) Dried sage in form of whole or cut leaves means the leaves of the species Salvia officinalis L., belonging to the family Lamiaceae, collected before flowering then dried. Dried sage shall have a typical, strong and aromatic odour. It shall have characteristic flavour which is very aromatic, pleasant, fresh and slightly bitter.

(2)Dried sage as whole or cut leaves shall be free from living insects, and shall be free from moulds, dead insects, insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the naked eye.

(3) It shall conform to the following requirements, namely:-

Sr.No. Requirements Limit
(1) Moisture content, percent by mass (Maximum) 12.0
(2) Total Ash, percent by mass on dry basis, (Maximum) 12.0
(3) Acid-insoluble ash, percent by mass on dry basis,


(4) Volatile oil content, ml/100g, on dry basis (Minimum) 1.5
(5) Extraneous matter, percent m/m, (Maximum) 1.0
(6) Broken stalk/stem, percent m/m, (Maximum) 3.0
(7) Brown leaves, percent m/m, (Maximum) 5.0

Explanations: for the purpose of this clause,

a) Extraneous vegetable matter: Vegetative matter associated with the plant from which the product originates – but is not accepted as part of the final product.

b) Foreign matter: Any visible objectionable foreign detectable matter or material not usually associated with the natural components of the spice plant; such as sticks, stones, burlap bagging, metal etc”.

c) Stalk: The proportion of stalks which have dimensions exceeding 10 mm in length or 2 mm in diameter

(4) The product shall be labelled in accordance with the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulation, 2020. In addition, the styles of the product shall also be mentioned on the label.”

(6) in regulation 2.10 relating to ‘Beverages (Other than Dairy and Fruits & Vegetables based)’

(a) in sub-regulation 2.10.1 relating to Tea, after clause (3), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: –

4. Instant Tea in Solid Form.- (1) Dried water- dispersible solids obtained by aqueous extraction by an acceptable process of the leaves, buds, and stems, and of materials derived there from, of those varieties of the species Camellia sinensis (Linnaeus) O. Kuntze exclusively which are known to be suitable for making tea for consumption as a beverage and the residue, if any, of permitted process aids and permitted food additives.

(2)The instant tea in solid form shall produce a liquor of characteristic flavour, colour and taste. It shall have no taint and shall be free from extraneous matter, added colours and non-permitted flavours.

(3) It may contain processing aids as permitted for Tea and for all foods under APPENDIX C of these regulations.

(4) Instant tea used in the manufacture of flavoured instant tea shall conform to the standards of instant tea.

(5)The flavoured instant tea manufacturers shall register themselves with the Tea Board before marketing flavoured instant tea and the registration number shall be mentioned on the label.

(6) The product shall conform to the following requirements, in which all the figures given are expressed on the basis of the material oven-dried at 103±2° C.

S. No. Parameters Requirements
1. Moisture content, percent by mass, Max 6.0
2. Total ash, percent by mass, Max, on dry basis:

a)  Hot Soluble

b) Cold Soluble



3. Acid-insoluble ash, percent by mass, Max 1.0

(b) in sub-regulation 2.10.4 relating to Coffee-Chicory mixture, after clause (2), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-

3. Decaffeinated Roasted and Ground coffee-chicory mixture.-

(1) Decaffeinated Roasted and Ground coffee-chicory mixture means the product prepared by mixing decaffeinated roasted and ground coffee and roasted and ground chicory.

(2) It shall be in a sound, dry and dust free condition with no rancid and obnoxious flavor. It shall be in the form of a free flowing powder having color, taste, flavour characteristic of coffee-chicory powder. It shall be free from any impurities and shall not contain any other added substance.

(3) The coffee content in the mixture shall not be less than 51 percent by mass. The percentage of coffee and chicory used shall be marked on the label as per the Food Safety and standards (Labelling & Display) Regulations, 2020.

(4) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S. No. Parameters Requirements
1. Moisture, percent. by mass, Max. 5.0
2. Total ash on dry basis, percent. by mass, Max. 7.50
3. Acid Insoluble ash on dry basis, percent. by mass, Max. 0.6
4. Caffeine content on dry basis, percent. by mass, Max. 0.1
5. Aqueous extracts, percent. by mass,



4. Decaffeinated Instant coffee-chicory mixture.- (1) The product manufactured from decaffeinated roasted and ground coffee and roasted and ground chicory. It shall be in a sound, dry and dust free condition with no rancid & obnoxious flavor. It shall be in the form of a free flowing powder or shall be in agglomerated (granules) form having the color, taste, flavour characteristic of coffee-chicory powder. It shall be free from any impurities and shall not contain any other added substance.

(2)The coffee content in the mixture shall not be less than 51 percent by mass on dry basis. The percentage of coffee and chicory used shall be marked on the label as per the Food Safety & Standards (Labelling & Display) Regulations, 2020.

(3) It shall conform to the following standards, namely:-

S. No. Parameters Requirements
1. Moisture, percent. by mass, Max. 4.0
2. Total ash on dry basis, percent. by mass, Max. 10
3. Acid Insoluble ash on dry basis, percent. by mass, Max. 0.6
4. Caffeine content on dry basis, percent. by mass, Max. 0.3
5. Solubility in boiling water Dissolves in 30 seconds with moderate stirring
6. Solubility in water at 16± 2 0 C Dissolves in 3 minutes with moderate stirring

(c) in sub-regulations 2.10.6 relating to Beverages Non-Alcoholic,

(i) in clause (2), for the words “The following are the standards for caffeinated beverages:‘” following shall be substituted, namely: –

“The following are the standards for Carbonated and Non- Carbonated caffeinated beverages:”;

(ii) in clause (3) for ―Non-carbonated Water Based Beverages (Non-Alcoholic) means beverages containing water conforming to the standards prescribed for packaged drinking water or mineral water under these regulations without added carbon dioxide and may contain ingredients as specified in sub-clause (i), singly or in combination:” the following shall be substituted:

“Non-carbonated Water Based Beverages (Non-Alcoholic) means beverages containing water conforming to the standards prescribed for packaged drinking water or mineral water under these regulations without added carbon dioxide and shall contain ingredients as specified in sub-clause (i), singly or in combination:”;

(d) in the sub-regulation 2.10.7 related to Mineral water, under clause (4), after the existing table, following table shall be inserted, namely:-

Parameters concerning pesticide residues

Sr. No. Characteristic Permissible Limit
(1) (2) (3)
1. Pesticide residues considered individually Not more than 0.0001 mg/l
2. Total pesticide residue Not more than 0.0005 mg/l;

(e) in the sub-regulation 2.10.8 relating to Packaged Drinking Water (other than Mineral Water)‘, for clause (2) following shall be substituted, namely:-

“2. Water shall be derived from surface water or civic water supply or underground water or sea water or any other consistent source of water which may be subjected to herein under specified treatments, namely, decantation, distillation, filtration, combination of filtration, aerations, filtration with membrane filter depth filter, cartridge filter, activated carbon filtration, demineralization, remineralization, reverse osmosis and packed after disinfecting the water to a level that shall not lead to any adverse effect in the drinking water by means of chemical agents or physical methods to reduce the number of micro-organisms to a level scientifically accepted level for food safety or its suitability.”;

(7) in Chapter 3, in the sub-regulation 3.2.2, before the sentence “The standards for various sweeteners with characteristics are” the following shall be inserted, namely:-

“The sweeteners (as food additives) shall be classified as “Caloric sweeteners” and

“Non–caloric sweeteners”, defined as follows:

(a) Caloric sweeteners: Substances having greater than 2 percent of the caloric value of sucrose per equivalent unit of sweetening capacity. These include Sorbitol, Sorbitol syrup, Mannitol, Isomalt, Polyglycitol syrup, Maltitol, Maltitol syrup, Lactitol and Xylitol.

(b) Non-caloric sweeteners: Substances having less than 2 percent of the caloric value of sucrose per equivalent unit of sweetening capacity. These include Erythritol, Steviol glycoside, Thaumatin, Aspartame, Sucralose, Alitame, Neotame, Acesulfame potassium, Aspartame-Acesulfame potassium salt and Saccharins.”;

(8) In Appendix A, under the heading IV. USE OF FOOD ADDITIVES IN FOOD PRODUCTS (a) in Table 1,

(i) against the food category system 1.1.2 relating to ‘Dairy-based drinks – flavoured milk and/or fermented‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(ii) against the food category system 1.7 relating to ‘Dairy based desserts‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(b) in Table 2, against the food category system 2.4.1 relating to ‘Cocoa based spreads including fillings ‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(c) in Table 3, against the food category system 3.0 relating to ‘Edible ices, including sorbet (ice candy) ‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(d) in Table 4, against the food category system relating to ‘Jams, jellies, marmalades‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(e) in Table 5,

(i) against the food category system 5.1.2 relating to ‘Cocoa mixes (syrups)‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(ii) against the food category system 5.1.3 relating to ‘Cocoa and chocolate products‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(iii) against the food category system 5.1.4 relating to ‘Imitation Chocolate, Chocolate substitute products‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(iv) against the food category system 5.2 relating to ‘confectionery including hard and soft candy, nougats etc. other than food categories 5.1, 5.3, and 5.4‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(v) in the food category system 5.3 relating to ‘Chewing Gum‘, in column (3),

(A) the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(B) the food additive ―Sulfur dioxide” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(vi) in the food category system 5.4 relating to ‘Decorations (e.g. for fine bakery wares), toppings (non-fruit) and sweet sauces‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(f) in Table 11,

(i) in the food category system 11.4 relating to ‘Other sugars and syrups (e.g. xylose, maple syrup, sugar toppings)‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(ii) in the food category system 11.6 relating to ‘Table-top sweeteners including those containing high-intensity sweeteners (saccharin sodium, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose)‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(g) in Table 12, in the food category system 12.5 relating to ‘ Soups and broths‘, under column (3), the food additive ―Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(h) in Table 14, in the food category system 14.1.4 relating to ‗ Water-based flavoured drinks, including “sport,” “energy,” or “electrolyte” drinks and particulated drinks, includes carbonated beverages with fruit‘, under column (3), the food additive “Alitame” and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.

(9) the word “Alitame”, wherever it occurs in these regulations, shall be omitted.

ARUN SINGHAL, Chief Executive Officer


Note : The principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary vide notification number F. No. 2-15015/30/2010, dated the 1st August, 2011 and subsequently amended vide notification numbers:

1) F. No. 4/15015/30/2011, dated 7th June, 2013;

2) F.No. P. 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI, dated 27th June, 2013;

3) F. No. 5/15015/30/2012, dated 12th July, 2013;

4) F. No. P. 15025/262/2013-PA/FSSAI, dated 5th December, 2014;

5) F. No. 1-83F/Sci. Pan- Noti/FSSAI-2012, dated 17th February, 2015;

6) F. No. 4/15015/30/2011, dated 4th August, 2015;

7) F. No. P.15025/264/13-PA/FSSAI, dated 4th November, 2015;

8) F. No. P. 15025/263/13-PA/FSSAI, dated 4th November, 2015;

9) F. No. P. 15025/261-PA/FSSAI, dated 13th November, 2015;

10) F. No. P. 15025/208/2013-PA/FSSAI, Dated 13th November, 2015;

11) F. No. 7/15015/30/2012, dated 13th November, 2015;

12) F. No. 1-10(1)/Standards/SP(Fish and Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated 11th January, 2016;

13) No. 3-16/Specified Foods/Notification(Food Additives)/FSSAI-2014, dated 3rd May, 2016;

14) F. No. 15-03/Enf/FSSAI/2014, Dated 14th June, 2016;

15) No. 3-14F/Notification (Nutraceuticals)/FSSAI-2013, dated 13th July, 2016;

16) F. No. 1-12/Standards/SP (Sweets, Confectionery)/FSSAI-2015, dated 15th July, 2016;

17) F. No. 1-120(1)/Standards/Irradiation/FSSAI-2015, dated 23rd August, 2016;

18) F. No. 11/09/Reg/Harmoniztn/2014, dated 5th September, 2016;

19) F. No. Stds/CPLQ.CP/EM/FSSAI-2015, dated 14th September, 2016;

20) F. No. 11/12 Reg/Prop/FSSAI-2016, dated 10th October, 2016;

21) F. No. 1-110(2)/SP (Biological Hazards)/FSSAI/2010, dated 10th October, 2016;

22) F. No. Stds/SP (Water & Beverages)/Notif (2)/FSSAI-2016, dated 25th October, 2016;

23) F. No. 1-11(1)/Standards/SP (Water & Beverages)/FSSAI-2015, Dated 15th November, 2016;

24) F. No. P.15025/93/2011-PFA/FSSAI, Dated 2nd December, 2016;

25) F. No. P. 15025/6/2004-PFS/FSSAI, dated 29th December, 2016;

26) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification(1)/FSSAI-2016, dated 31st January, 2017;

27) F. No. 1-12/Standards/2012-FSSAI, dated 13th February, 2017;

28) F. No. 1-10(7)/Standards/SP (Fish & Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated 13th February, 2017;

28) F. No. Stds /SCSS&H/ Notification (02)/FSSAI-2016, dated 15th May, 2017;

29) F. No. Stds/03/Notification (LS)/ FSSAI-2017, dated 19th June, 2017;

30) F. No. 1/Additives/Stds/14.2Notification/FSSAI/2016, dated 31st July, 2017;

31) F. No. Stds/F&VP/Notification(01)/FSSAI-2016, dated 2nd August, 2017;

32) F. No. 1-94(1)/FSSAI/SP(Labelling)/2014, dated 11th September, 2017;

33) F. No. Stds/M&MPIP(1)/SP/FSSAI-2015, dated 15th September, 2017;

34) No. Stds/SP (Water & Beverages)/Noti(1)/FSSAI-2016,dated 15th September,2017;

35) F.No. 1-10(8)/Standards/SP (Fish and Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated 15th September, 2017;

36) F. No. 2/Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/FSSAI-2016, dated 18th September, 2017;

37) F. No. A-1 (1)/Standard/MMP/2012, dated 12th October, 2017;

38) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification (3)/FSSAI-2016, dated 12th October, 2017;

39) F. No. 2/Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/FSSAI-2016(part), dated the 24th October, 2017;

40) F. No. A-1/Standards/Agmark/2012-FSSAI(pt.I), dated 17th November, 2017;

41) F.No. 1/Additives/Stds/BIS Notification/FSSAI/2016, dated 17th November, 2017;

42) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification (5)/FSSAI-2016, dated 20th February , 2018;

43) F. No. Stds/01-SP(fortified & Enriched Foods)-Reg/FSSAI-2017, dated 13th March, 2018;

44) F. No. 1/Infant Nutrition/Stds/Notification/FSSAI/2016, dated 13th March, 2018;

45) F. No. 1-110(3)/SP (Biological Hazards)/FSSAI/2010, dated the 21st March, 2018;

46) F. No. Stds/SCSS&H/ Notification (03)/FSSAI-2016, dated the 10th April, 2018;

47) F. No. Stds/CPL&CP/Notification/FSSAI-2016, dated 4th May, 2018;

48) F. No. Stds/SP(SCSSH)/Ice lollies notification/FSSAI-2018, Dated 20th July,2018;

49) F. No. Stds/SP(Water & Beverages)/Notif(3)/FSSAI-2016, Dated 20th July,2018;

50) Stds/CPL&CP/ Draft Notification/FSSAI-2017, Dated 31st July, 2018;

51) F. No.1/Additional Additives/Stds/Notification/FSSAI/2016, Dated 8th November, 2018 and

52) F. No. Stds/03/Notification (CFOI&YC)/FSSAI-2017, Dated 16th November, 2018.

53) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification (7)/FSSAI-2017, dated 19th November, 2018;

54) F. No. Stds/M&MP/Notification (02)/FSSAI-2016, dated 19th November, 2018;

55) F. No. Stds/F&VP/Notifications (04)/FSSAI-2016, dated 19th November, 2018;

56) F. No. 1-116/Scientific Committee (Noti.)/2010-FSSAI, dated 26thNovember, 2018;

57) F. No. 02-01/Enf-1(1)/FSSAI-2012, dated 29th January, 2019;

58) F. No. Stds/F&VP/Notification (07)/FSSAI-2018, dated 5th July, 2019;

59) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification(10)/FSSAI-2017, dated 5th July, 2019;

60) F. No. Stds/SP (Water & Beverages)/Notification(5) FSSAI-2018, dated 30th October, 2019 ;

61) F.No. M&MP/Misc. Stds/Notification (03)/FSSAI-2018, dated 28th November, 2019;

62) F. No. 1-110/SP (Biological Hazards)/Amendment-1/FSSAI/2018, dated 23rd June, 2020;

63) F. No. Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/01/FSSAI-2018, dated 9th July, 2020;

65) F. No. Stds/CPL & CP/Notification/01/FSSAI-2017, dated 9th July, 2020;

66) F. No. Stds/ M&MPIP (3)/SP/FSSAI-2018, dated 9th July, 2020;

67) F. No. A-1/Standards/Agmark/2012-FSSAI (p+1) , dated 23rd July, 2020;

68) F. No. Stds./M&MP/Notification (04)/FSSAI-2019, dated 2nd September, 2020;

69) F. No. Stds/Additives-1/Notification/FSSAI/2018, dated 16th September, 2020;

70) F. No. 1/Additional Additives-III/Stds/Notification/FSSAI/2017, dated 9th October, 2020;

71) F. No. Stds/Processing aids/Notification/FSSAI/2018, dated 9th October, 2020;

72) F. No. 1-116/Scientific Committee/Notif./2010-FSSAI, dated the 29th December, 2020;

73) F. No. 1-116/Scientific Committee/Notif.27/2010-FSSAI(E), dated the 4th March, 2021; and

74) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification (5)/FSSAI-2017dated 18th March, 2021.



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