Employee’s Provident Fund Organization
(Ministry of Labor, Govt. Of India)
Head Office
Bhavishyanidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaji Cama Palace, New Delhi- 110066.
No. CAIU/011(71)2016/MOT Date: 08.06.2017
All Addl. Central P,F. Commissioners (Zones)
All RPFCs(I)& All RPFCs(II) (In charge of Regions)
Sub: – Disbursement of benefits to eligible members under the PMRPY/PMPRPY Schemes- reg.
Ref:- This office letter No. CAIU/0l1(71)2016/MOT/3606 dated 07.06.2017
You are aware that PMRPY/PMPRPY schemes have been launched by Government of India to incentivize creation of new jobs in formal sector wherein the Government of India will pay the Employees’ Pension Scheme contribution of 8.33% for all new employees enrolling in EPFO for the first three years of their employment.
2. EPFO has been nominated as the nodal organisation for implementation of the PMRPY/PMPRPY Scheme vis-à-vis verification of the credentials of the eligible beneficiaries and payment of benefits to them in accordance with the guidelines of PMRPY/PMPRPY schemes besides creating awareness for maximum outreach of the PMRPY/PMPRPY
3. Instructions have been issued vide circular mentioned above to analyse reasons for incommensurate benefit delivery under the PMRPY/PMPRPY Scheme vis-а-vis enrolment of employees under the Employees’ Enrolment Campaign
4. You are aware that one of the eligibility criteria for the members under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 to avail benefit under the PMRPY/PMPRPY Scheme, is that they should have a Universal Account Number generated on/after 01.04.2016 and seeded with Aadhar details.
5. Accordingly, while processing claims for benefits under the PMRPY/PMPRPY Schemes, the Aadhar details of the intended beneficiaries are matched with the Member’s Master details of EPFO database and payment is released in case of match.
6. However as per available data on 08.06.2017, it is seen that claims of 1,05,591 EPF members have failed due to information mismatch, as detailed above, thereby preventing a large number of intended beneficiaries to avail the benefits,
7. In order, therefore, to enable a large number of eligible intended beneficiaries to avail benefits by rectifying mismatch as above, all the Regional Offices are directed to complete the following to ensure that benefits reach to all the intended eligible beneficiaries:-
(a) All the RPFCs-I/RPFCs-II In-charge of Regional Offices shall verify and analyse the establishment-wise/ member-wise details of mismatch in respect of their office which is sent to them through their official email-ids.
(b) They shall initiate all possible steps including contacting the employer/employee and get the Aadhar Card details physically verified vis-a-vis relevant records.
(c) All the Officers-in-Charge will then arrange to get the mismatch in member data base vis-a-vis name, date of birth etc and Aadhar details rectified by following the laid down procedures issued by Head Office in this regard.
(d) Wherever there are such gross mismatch in Member’s Master details & Aadhar details which can not be rectified by following laid down procedure in this regard by Head Office, such case’s shall be finally rejected and reported to this office in the enclosed
8. It is further directed that the exercise shall be completed by 30.06.2017 so that the intended benefit0.eaches to all the eligible beneficiaries at the earliest and a report through ACC (Zones) will be subMitted to this office by 03.07.2017.
9. All the ACCs (Zones) are requested to ensure the completion of task, as above, in respect of their zones and send consolidated report in respect of their zone by due
Yours faithfully,
Addl. Central P.F. Commissioner (HQ)
S.No. | Name of Regional Office |
No of members for the mismatch intimated by Head Office |
No of member for the mismatched rectified |
No. of member for the mismatch falling in point No. 7(d) of this circular |
Action initiated in pursuance to point No. 7 (d) of this circular |
Remarks |
l | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |