Bombay High Court, in a directive issued by Hon’ble Justice G.S. Patel on April 3, 2017, addressed the improper use of prefixes like “M/s,” “Mr,” and “Ms” in legal proceedings. The issue arose during Chamber Summons No. 89 of 2017 in Execution Application (L) No. 198 of 2017 in Arbitration Case No. 1 of 2014. Justice Patel emphasized that such prefixes, particularly “M/s,” often applied to private and public companies, are incorrect as they are appropriate only for firms. The misuse of these prefixes in case titles complicates the issuance of certified copies when these errors are not reflected in judicial orders. The court ordered the Section Officer and clerks of the Centralized Filing and Lodging Department to strictly enforce this guideline during the lodging and scrutiny of pleadings. This measure ensures consistency and accuracy in legal documentation.
G-/ 176/2017
IT IS OBSERVED by the Hon’ble Shri Justice G. S. Patel while hearing Chamber Summons No. 89 of 2017 in Execution Application (L) No. 198 of 2017 in Arbitration Case No. 1 of 2014, on 8th March, 2017, that for companies, both private limited and public – practitioners are habituated to affixing the abbreviation “M/s” before the name of the entity, which is completely incorrect. It is further observed that a company is not a firm, and the prefix is only ever used for a firm and that in the title of legal proceedings, no prefixes are ever to be permitted, and, for the matter, the prefixes “Mr/Ms/Mrs” are also not to be used.
It is further observed that this is necessary because where these incorrect description are not carried forward into orders, then issuance of certified copies becomes difficult.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that concerned Section Officer and clerk of Centralized filing and Lodging department while lodging the Proceeding and scrutinizing officers while scrutinizing the pleadings shall verify the compliance of the aforementioned directions scrupulously
This 3rd day of April, 2017 )
By Order,
(R.M. Joshi)
Registrar (Judl.-I)
High Court, Appellate Side,
(D.V. Sawant)
Prothonotary & Senior Master
High Court, Original Side,