Tele: 25683476
Central Organisation ECHS
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Adjutant General’s Branch
Thimayya Marg
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt-110010
01 Mar 2021
IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (N)
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Central Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS)
All Regional Centres
1 Please ref fwg:-
(a) CO ECHS letter No B/49762/AG/ECHS dt 10 Feb 2021 (Copy att).
(b) Prevailing guidelines on COVID vaccination by Gol for general public above the age gp of 45 years wef 01 Mar 2021.
2. As all ECHS Polyclinics will act as COVID Registration Facilitation Centres for providing assistance to ECHS beneficiaries, you are requested to promulgate following directions to all Polyclinics :-
(a) All ECHS Polyclinics should earmark one / two computer with internet facility which is already existing at Polyclinics for facilitating registration to ECHS beneficiaries.
(b) 010, ECHS Polyclinic will be responsible for training of ECHS Polyclinic staff / DEO wrt registration process. User manual for the same is att as Appendix ‘A’.
(c) Medical Officer of ECHS Polyclinic should provide medical certificate to ECHS beneficiaries of age group of 45 years to 59 years with co-morbidities.
3. List of co-morbidities and format of Medical Certificate are att as Appendices B’ & ‘C’.
4. Leftover unregistered ECHS Polyclinic Staff will also be registered under COWIN 2.0 portal as per guidelines given in Appendix ‘D’.
5. For your info and necessary action please.
Encls: As above.
(Panchal Kalpeshkumar S)
Lt Col
Jt Dir (Med)
Tele: 25683476
Central Organisation ECHS
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Adjutant General’s Branch
Thimayya Marg
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt-110010
10 Feb 2021
IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (N)
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Central Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS)
1. In view of COVID-19 pandemic scenario and COVID vaccination drive which has been started on 16 Jan 2021 initially with Health Care Workers, then for Front Line Workers and subsequently likely to begin for general public in Mar / Apr 2021.
2. COVID vaccination for general public will involve people above the age of 50 years and with co-morbidities (deemed to be in greater risk of severity).
3. Registration is required through Co-Win App in website ( for each and every citizen of India for getting vaccinated. All the ECHS Polyclinics will act as COVID Registration Facilitation Centres for providing assistance to senior, super senior ECHS beneficiaries and widows who are not technology savvy in the registration process.
4. In view of the above, it is requested that following manpower may be provided to each Polyclinic from the respective formations as and when the Co-Win App is open for general public. The manpower provided should be capable of filling the details sought by App in consultation with veterans who need such assistance :-
S No | Type of Polyclinics | Clk / DEO |
(a) | Type ‘A’ ECHS Polyclinic | 05 |
(b) | Type ‘B’ ECHS Polyclinic | 04 |
(c) | Type ‘C’ ECHS Polyclinic | 03 |
(d) | Type ‘D’ ECHS Polyclinic | 02 |
5. This is for issuing necessary directions to respective formations under your AOR for needful.
(Anupam N Adhaulia)
Dir (Med)
Copy to:-
All Regional Centres
Citizen Registration and Appointment for
User Manual
Date: 27-Feb-2021 | Version: 1.1 |
Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that the nation is prepared to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing contagion of COVID-19. The exemplary groundwork and precaution advisory by the Government has helped in containing the spread of the virus in our country. At present, the priority is to make COVID -19 vaccine available to all, ensuring vaccine traceability and beneficiary tracking from production to last mile administration. COVID-19 vaccination drive has been initiated to cover healthcare and frontline workers and is to be scaled up to cover citizens above 60 years of age and and/or citizen above 45 years of age suffering from comorbidities.
Co-WIN application is the digital back bone for the vaccination drive in India. With scaling up of vaccination; the number of vaccination facilities and sessions has to be increased and managed effectively. The CO-WIN application will facilitate the citizen with an option to register and schedule the vaccination session online in Centers of their choice. The Citizen self-registration module will ensure fool-proof identification of deserving candidates for receiving the vaccines. The Co-WIN application facilitates multiple role creations for orchestrating vaccination drive at various levels.
The objective of the document is to handhold the citizens to register and schedule an appointment for vaccination. Currently the application is open for Citizens above 60yrs of age and for People above 45 yrs of age with comorbidities
Features of Citizen Self registration Module
The following features will be available for the Citizen in Self Registration module
- Register for a vaccination session (with a choice of registering additional 3 members)
- Selection of Vaccination center of convenience
- Schedule vaccination Date as per slot availability at a Center
- Reschedule Vaccination date 3
Work Flow
> Citizens can register by logging in “”
- Enter valid mobile number. Clicks on “Get OTP” button.
- OTP is sent at the phone number via SMS.
- Enter the OTP and click “Verify” button.
- Once the OTP is validated, the “Registration of Vaccination” page appears
- Enter details required in the “Registration of Vaccination” page
The below table shows the details to be entered in the “Registration of Vaccination” page. Please note that all fields in this Form are Mandatory
# | Field Name | Details |
1. | Photo ID Proof |
Citizen must carry selected ID at the time of taking the vaccination. |
2 | Photo ID Number | Citizen to enter ID number |
2. | Name | Enter the name as per the selected ID proof |
3. | Year of Birth | Enter the year of birth as per the ID Proof in the format YYYY |
4. | Gender | Select Gender (Male/ Female/ Others) |
5. | Comorbidities | Citizens 45+ years of age to select the relevant option as per the case. Citizen should carry a medical certificate at the time of vaccination |
Add More Individuals
Once the details are entered for registration, Click “Register” Button at the bottom right.
Receives Confirmation message on successful registration
- Once registration is completed; the system will show the “Account Details”
- Citizen can further add 3 more people linked with this mobile number by clicking on “Add More” button at the bottom right side of the Page
Enter all the details of the individual to be included and then click on the Add button
Delete Individuals
Citizen can Delete individuals linked with his mobile number
1. Login with username and password, and Navigate to the dashboard.
1. Click action button to Delete a member
Booking Appointment for Vaccination
- Citizen can schedule Appointment from the “Account Details” page.
- Clicks on “ button for Booking Vaccination Appointment or Click “SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT”
- System navigates to “ Book Appointment for Vaccination” page
- Searches the Vaccination Centre of choice by State, District, Block and Pin Code from the dropdowns
- On clicking “Search” button, system will display below the list of Vaccination centre as per Search Criteria
- Center Name will be displayed at right panel of the page
- On clicking any centre at the panel, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed
- Once “Book” button is clicked, the “Appointment Confirmation” page is displayed
- Click “Confirm” button after verifying the details for final confirmation on booking
- Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed
Rescheduling an Appointment
- Once the Appointment is fixed, it can be rescheduled at any later stage but before the vaccination appointment day.
- For this, Re-login to “Citizen Registration” module; with your already registered mobile no.
1. Citizen is Directed to Book Appointment for Vaccination” page; wherein he can Search the revised date and Center
2. Once the new Date is selected; Click “Book” to reschedule;
3. Confirm by clicking “ Confirm” of the revised Schedule
4. Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed
- Once Vaccinated for the 1st Dose, the Citizen will be automatically scheduled appointment for dose 2 for the same centre of receiving the first dose of vaccination.
- In case the user has moved to another city, appointment can be rescheduled for the nearest vaccination centre in that city.
Appendix ‘B’
SN | Criterion |
1 | Heart Failure with hospital admission in past one year |
2 | Post Cardiac Transplant/Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) |
3 | Significant Left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVEF <40%) |
4 | Moderate or Severe Valvular Heart Disease |
5 | Congenital heart disease with severe PAH or Idiopathic PAH |
6 | Coronary Artery Disease with past CABG/PTCA/MI AND Hypertension/Diabetes on treatment |
7 | AnginaANDHypertension/Diabetes on treatment |
8 | CT/MRI documented stroke AND Hypertension/Diabetes on treatment |
9 | Pulmonary artery hypertension AND Hypertension/Diabetes on treatment |
10 | Diabetes (> 10 years OR with complications) AND Hypertension on treatment |
11 | Kidney/ Liver/ Hematopoietic stem cell transplant: Recipient/On wait-list |
12 | End Stage Kidney Disease on haemodialysis/ CAPD |
13 | Current prolonged use of oral corticosteroids/ immunosuppressant medications |
14 | Decompensated cirrhosis |
15 | Severe respiratory disease with hospitalizations in last two years/FEV1 <50% |
16 | Lymphoma/ Leukaemia/ Myeloma |
17 | Diagnosis of any solid cancer on or after 1st July 2020 ORcurrently on any cancer therapy |
18 | Sickle Cell Disease/ Bone marrow failure/ Aplastic Anemia/ Thalassemia Major |
19 | Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases/ HIV infection |
20 | Persons with disabilities due to Intellectual disabilities/ Muscular Dystrophy/ Acid attack with involvement of respiratory system/ Persons with disabilities having high support needs/ Multiple disabilities including deaf-blindness |
Appendix ‘C’
(To be filled by a Registered Medical Practitioner)
Name of beneficiary:____________________________________________
Mobile phone number:________________________________________________________________
Identification document:_________________________
I, Dr._________________________________ , working as____________________________
have reviewed the above named individual and certify that he/she has the below mentioned conditions based on the records presented to me. A copy of the records on which this certificate is based is attached.
Presence of ANY ONE of the following criteria will prioritize the individual for vaccination
SN | Criterion | Yes/No |
1. | Heart Failure with hospital admission in past one year | |
2. | Post Cardiac Transplant/Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) | |
3. | Significant Left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVEF <40%) | |
4. | Moderate or Severe Valvular Heart Disease | |
5. | Congenital heart disease with severe PAH or Idiopathic PAH | |
6. | Coronary Artery Disease with past CABG/PTCA/MI AND Hypertension/Diabetes on treatment |
7. | AnginaAND Hypertension/Diabetes on treatment | |
8. | CT/MRI documented stroke AND Hypertension/Diabetes on treatment | |
9. | Pulmonary artery hypertension AND Hypertension/Diabetes on treatment | |
10. | Diabetes (> 10 yearsORwith complications) AND Hypertension on treatment | |
11. | Kidney/ Liver/ Hematopoietic stem cell transplant: Recipient/On wait-list | |
12. | End Stage Kidney Disease on haemodialysis/ CAPD | |
13. | Current prolonged use of oral corticosteroids/ immunosuppressant medications | |
14. | Decompensated cirrhosis | |
15. | Severe respiratory disease with hospitalizations in last two years/FEV1 <50% | |
16. | Lymphoma/ Leukaemia/ Myeloma | |
17. | Diagnosis of any solid cancer on or after 1st July 2020 Orcurrently on any cancer therapy | |
18. | Sickle Cell Disease/ Bone marrow failure/ Aplastic Anemia/ Thalassemia Major | |
19. | Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases/ HIV infection | |
20. | Persons with disabilities due to Intellectual disabilities/ Muscular Dystrophy/ Acid attack with involvement of respiratory system/ Persons with disabilities having high support needs/ Multiple disabilities including deaf-blindness |
I am aware that providing false information is an offence.
Name of RMP:_________________
Medical Council registration number of RMP: _________________
Date of issuing the certificate:___________
Place of issue: .___________
(Signature of RMP)
Appendix ‘D’
- COWIN 2.0 will have flexible provisions to manage COVID Vaccination of Health Care Workers and Front-Line Workers.
- Scheduling will only be done by the system for 2nd dose of partly vaccinated beneficiaries on the 29th day from the date of administration of the 1st dose.
- Facility for “On site allotment” will be available both for 1st dose and 2nd dose.
- Facility will also be available for onsite registration, verification and vaccination of unregistered beneficiaries in the vaccinator module.
The process flow for various use cases is as follow:
1. Registered HCW/FLWs –
1.1. HCWs & FLWs Registered on COWINbut Not Vaccinated:
1. Those HCWs and FLWs who are registered on COWIN but not yet Vaccinated may visit CVC (COVID Vaccination Centre) and Vaccinator can use the existing “Allot Beneficiary” feature to pull the data of beneficiary.
2. This process can be executed by inter-district by selecting “All” District in filter as well as inter-state by selecting “All” States in filter.
3. Beneficiary can be vaccinated after following due verification process.
1.2. HCWs & FLWs Registered on COWINand Partially Vaccinated
1. Such HCWs and FLWs who are registered on COWIN and are partially vaccinated will be automatically slotted for 2nd dose at the CVC where these were administered the first dose, based on date of first dose of Vaccination.
2. The number of such beneficiaries for any day will be considered at reserved slots for 2nd dose of HCWs/FLWs and will be subtracted from session capacity to determine open slots for that day at that CVC.
3. On-site Allotment feature will also be available for such HCWs/FLWs.
4. In case of any inter-state or inter-district transfer, Vaccinator can use “Allot Beneficiary” feature to pull the data of beneficiary. This process can be executed by inter-district by selecting “All” District in filter as well as inter-state by selecting “All” States in filter.
5. Allot Beneficiary feature will work only if Type of Vaccine for Dose 1 is same as Type of Vaccine for dose 2.
6. If the beneficiary is partly vaccinated but his vaccination details could not be recorded in the system for any reason (backlog cases), details of first dose vaccinations will be captured and 2nd dose will be administered.
a) Following details of 1st dose will be captured –
- Date of First Vaccination
- Type of First Vaccine (COVISHIELD OR COVAXIN)
- State and District of First Vaccination
b) Certificate for first dose will not be generated in such cases.
7. Beneficiary can be vaccinated after following due verification process.
1.3. HCWs & FLWs Registered on COWIN and Fully Vaccinated – No action required.
2. Unregistered HCWs & FLWs:
2.1. Since, unregistered beneficiaries will interact with the system for the first time, it would be important to ensure that eligibility of beneficiaries in terms of their actually being HCWs/FLWs will be important. The plan for onsite registration must be prepared in close coordination with the concerned health facility in-charge or the head of the office, as the case may be. Health Facilities or offices may be mapped (not on COWIN) to the Vaccination Centers and a sufficiently senior official, from the concerned health facility (for HCWs) and office (for FLWs), must be deputed at the Vaccination Center to verify the employment credentials of the HCWs/FLWs of their health facility/office.
2.2. It may be noted that in an office not all FLWs may be eligible. For example, not all the revenue staff may have been deputed for COVID containment duties or not all the officials may be deputed on poll duty etc. While planning for such offices, it must be ensured that officials of the concerned department do make sure that 1) ineligible persons are not sent for vaccination and 2) An official may be present at the Vaccination Center for verification of employment credentials and COVID duties etc., for those who do walk in for on-site registration.
2.3. A close watch must be kept on the process and any attempts by ineligible persons for availing this facility may be viewed seriously.
2.4. Following processes will be followed –
1. The HCW/FLW can visit identified CVC (COVID Vaccination Centre) for on-spot registration.
2. Beneficiary to provide relevant Identity card or Authentication document to confirm that beneficiary is serving as FLW and HCW. Concerned facility/office in-charge re confirm the credentials of the HCW/FLW.
3. Once eligibility is established, the verifier to ascertain and record is the beneficiary has come for 1st dose or is due for Second dose vaccination.
4. If the beneficiary has come for first dose then it’s a case of new registration. If second dose is due then it’s a case of new registration and backlog data entry of 1st dose.
5. HCW and FLWs Not Registered on COWIN and not vaccinated – New registration
a) Following details will be captured to register the beneficiary –
- Name
- Mobile Number
- Type of Beneficiary (HCW/FLW)
- Sub Category:
a. HCW- State, Central, Private.
b. FLW- MHA-CAPF, MHA-State Home Department, MoHUA, Revenue, PRI, RPF, Polling officials, KumbhMela.
- Photo ID type
- Photo ID Number
b) After registering the beneficiary and Beneficiary can be vaccinated by following due verification process
6. HCW and FLWs Not Registered on COWIN – Partially Vaccinated (backlog cases)
a) Beneficiary will first be registered with the details as in para 2.4(5)(a) above.
b) Following details of 1st dose will be captured –
- Date of First Vaccination
- Type of First Vaccine (COVISHIELD OR COVAXIN)
- State and District of First Vaccination
c) After registering beneficiary can be vaccinated with 2nd dose by following due verification process.
d) Certificate for first dose will not be generated in such cases.