It is intimated that NFRA-1 Form for intimation of appointment of Auditors to NFRA has been deployed on the website of NFRA ( and accordingly the last date of filing the same by the Entities concerned will be 31.07.2019.
National Financial Reporting Authority
8th Floor Hindustan Times Building, K.G. Marg New Delhi
No. NF-11/1/2019-0/o Secy-NFRA
Dated 01.7.19
- All RDs
- All ROCs
- All Stake holders
Reference: 1. National Financial Reporting Authority Rules, 2018 published vide Ministry of Corporate Affairs Gazette Notification No. G.S.R. 1111(E) dated 13th November, 2018
2. Ministry of Corporate Affairs Letter No. 1/4/2016-CL-I dated 13.12.18
Sub: Last date of filling up Form NFRA — 1.
Kindly refer to the documents under reference above on the subject.
2. Entities as stated in Clause 3(2) and 3(3) of the Gazette Notification under reference 1 above, are required to inform the details of appointment of their Auditor to the Authority in Form NFRA-1.
3. Subsequently, vide letter under reference 2 above (Copy enclosed), it was clarified that the time limit for filing form NFRA-1 will be 30 days from the date of deployment of this Form on the website of Ministry / NFRA.
4. In above reference, it is intimated that NFRA-1 Form has been deployed on the website of NFRA ( and accordingly the last date of filing the same by the Entities concerned will be 31.7.19.
(Vivek Narayan)
Secretary (NFRA)
Encl. As above.
Copy for kind information and necessary action to:
1. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Shri KVR Murty).
2. Technical Director NIC : with request to kindly upload this notification on the website of NFRA.
3. US (NFRA) MoCA with request to kindly arrange to get this communication uploaded on the website of MoCA.