Incorporation of section 8 company:
Step 1:
Apply of name through RUN. We can’t directly go through the spice form for incorporation of section 8 company.
Step 2:
The application for grant of licence in form INC – 12 shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely: –
(a) the draft memorandum(inc 13)and articles of association of the proposed company; (INC-15 and declaration of each subscriber to MOA on a stamp paper of Rs.100/-)
(b) the declaration in Form INC – 14, by an Advocate, a Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant or Company Secretary in practice,
(c) an estimate of the future annual income and expenditure of the company for next three years, specifying the sources of the income and the objects of the expenditure;
(d) the declaration by each of the persons making the application in Form INC – 15.(Handwritten MOA and AOA by the witness and the subscriber, (eMOA and eAOA can’t be used here)).
(e)Form DIR 8
-Details Of Applicant: Name, Address, Occupation, Phone number And Email Id.
– Proposed Authorised Capital
– Proposed No. Of Members
– Brief description of the work
-Grounds of application
Step 3:
Attachments in spice: (Inc 32)
- Handwritten MOA and AOA by the witness and the subscriber
- DIR 2
- INC 9
- Pan card and adhar card of proposed directors
- Utility bill not older than 2 months
- Noc form the owner of registered office
- License issued
- Affidavit regarding deposits
RUN- Rs.1000
INC – 12- Rs.2000
Pan and tan fees: Rs.166
Stamp duty Rs.600
(For capital of Rs.1,oo,ooo)
Important points:
- For section 8 (Private company minimum 2 directors are required and for section 8 public company minimum 3 directors are required)
- Format of Moa should be as per INC 13 while there is no specific format for AOA.
Stamp duty for moa and aoa will be Rs.600 and for spice it will be Rs.20
(For capital of Rs.1,oo,ooo)