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Income Tax : New TDS Rules Under Section 194T: Impact on Taxpayers & Businesses – Effective from 1st April 2025 Introduction The Finance ...
Income Tax : Explore the economic impact of AI, automation, and recession on India. Understand how income tax laws may evolve to address unempl...
Income Tax : Ensure tax compliance before March 31, 2025. Key tasks include filing returns, verifying TDS, updating accounts, and making necess...
Income Tax : Partnership firms must comply with new tax rules from April 1, 2025. Changes include higher partner remuneration limits and mandat...
Income Tax : Learn about TDS on payments to non-residents, including business connection rules, royalty provisions, and significant economic pr...
Income Tax : India's direct tax collections for FY 2024-25 show a 13.13% net growth, with gross collections up by 16.15% and significant gains ...
Income Tax : CBDT issues clarification on Circular 01/2025, stating it applies only to the Principal Purpose Test in certain DTAAs and does not...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections increased post-rate cuts. No specific tax incentives for MNCs, but new measures aim to support electroni...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Bill 2025 aims to simplify tax laws with no major policy changes. It enhances clarity, reduces ambiguities, and ali...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 projects a 12.65% rise in income tax collections despite tax cuts, with estimated receipts of ₹25.20 lakh ...
Income Tax : ITAT Rajkot condones 147-day delay in tax appeal due to wife's illness. Case remanded to CIT(A) for fresh adjudication....
Income Tax : ITAT Rajkot dismisses Liliya Lathi Sahkari Sangh’s appeal as infructuous after CCIT condones late filing delay, directing AO to ...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune rules that ₹10 lakh from truck sale via banking channel is not unexplained cash credit under Section 68, setting aside...
Income Tax : ITAT Cochin remanded the case of Malanadu Co-op Bank on penalty immunity under Section 270A, directing AO to review the applicatio...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai quashes reassessment in Top Class Capital Markets Pvt Ltd Vs ACIT due to incomplete disclosure of reasons for reopenin...
Income Tax : CBDT issues FAQs on revised guidelines for compounding offences under Income Tax Act, 1961. Covers filing procedures, fees, compet...
Income Tax : Finance Ministry specifies Power Finance Corporation Ltd.'s ten-year zero coupon bond with Rs. 49,546 discount, for Income-tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk transaction case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA p...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk CRIU/VRU case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA port...
Income Tax : Learn about suspected benami, undisclosed foreign assets, and TDS compliance cases assigned under Risk Management Strategy via the...
That argument was not acceptable to the AO and it was held that there was no evidence in support of the contention that the expenditure had actually been incurred directly by those persons. It was held that the assessee had shown the amounts in question as loans/deposits in his books of accounts.
CA Pardeep Kumar Relevant Sections of Income Tax Act, 1961: 139(1), 139(3), 139(4A), 139(4B), 139(4C), 139(4D), 142(1), 148(1), 153A All Applicable Return Forms for A Y 2013-14: ITR – 1 (SAHAJ), ITR – 2, ITR – 3, ITR -4S (SUGAM), ITR – 4, ITR – 5, ITR – 6, ITR – 7 Filling of Income […]
Applicability of transfer pricing provisions was earlier limited to International Transactions only. With effect from 01.04.2013, the scope of Transfer Pricing provisions is extended to Specified Domestic Transactions and will accordingly be applicable from A.Y. 2013-14.
Mandatory ELECTRONIC FILLING of Chartered Accountant’s report under section 44AB, 92E & 115JB of Income Tax Act, 1961 . Where an assessee is required to furnish a report of audit under section 44AB, 92E or 115JB, he shall furnish the same Electronically on or before the due date for furnishing the return of income under subsection (1) of section 139.
In the light of the above decisions, once on identical facts, a view has already been taken in favour of the assessee on this issue, therefore respectfully following that view, we hereby hold that ld.CIT(A) has rightly allowed the claim. In the result, ground raised by the Revenue is hereby dismissed.
Learned counsel for the Revenue stated that said decision of this Court was not carried in appeal on the ground that it involved tax effect lower than what is prescribed by the CBDT in circular dated 9.2.2011 permitting the Revenue to carry such appeal before the Supreme Court. Counsel for the Revenue was unable to point out any factual distinction between the two cases.
All Tax Appeals are allowed. Decisions of the Tribunal under challenge are reversed. In the earlier portion of the judgment, we had recorded that the Tribunal in all cases had proceeded only on this short basis without addressing other issues. We, therefore, place all these matters back before the Tribunal for fresh consideration of other issues, if any, regarding disallowance under Section 40(a)(ia) of the Act. All appeals are disposed of accordingly.
The issue pertains to penalty under section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘the Act’ for short). The revenue authorities had imposed penalty on the ground that deduction under section 80HHC of the Act was wrongly claimed. The Tribunal however, deleted such penalty. The Tribunal noted that tax liability against the assessee was confirmed on the basis of the decision of the Apex Court in the case of CIT v. Ravindranathan Nair, 295 ITR 228. The Tribunal noted that such decision was not available when the assessee filed the return. On such basis, the Tribunal was prompted to delete the penalty.
The learned counsel for the assessee submitted that the assessee has paid interest at the rate of 15% per annum to the creditors, whereas the Revenue has allowed interest at the rate of 12% and has added back the difference of 3% interest under Section 40A(2)(b) of the Act. He submitted that the interest paid at the rate of 15% to two coparceners of the assessee-HUF could not be called excessive. The learned DR has relied on the orders of the AO and the CIT(A).
Facts in brief as emerged from the corresponding assessment order passed u/s. 143(3) of the IT Act dated 18.12.2008 were that the assesseefirm is in the business of public work construction on contract basis. It was noted by the AO that the assessee has claimed an expenditure of Rs. 59,93,911/- which according to him was in the nature of “penal expenditure”.