Goods and Services Tax India: Read all latest GST news, articles, notification, circulars, case laws news on, MVAT DVAT PVAT GST GSTN IGST CGST GST Council GST Rates SGST GST Forms GST Rules.
Goods and Services Tax : Understand whether GST registration is mandatory for service exporters in India. Analysis of CGST and IGST provisions on inter-sta...
Goods and Services Tax : New GST notifications for hotels/restaurants: 'Specified Premises' introduced, 'Declared Tariff' removed. Learn opt-in/out rules &...
Goods and Services Tax : Delhi High Court directs GST refund release, rejecting tax department’s delay. Case highlights refund disputes and legal hurdles...
Goods and Services Tax : जानिए जीएसटी अधिनियम 2017 की धारा 108 के तहत पुनरीक्षण...
Goods and Services Tax : Discover how to navigate risks of ITC double claiming in post-GSTR-2B era. Learn practical tips for GST compliance, identify commo...
Goods and Services Tax : Odisha Finance Department clarifies that GST does not apply to compensation for land and building acquisition, advising government...
Goods and Services Tax : GST on commercial coaching services, exemptions for educational institutions, and book tax status. Details on revenue and relief m...
Goods and Services Tax : Government considers GST reforms based on industry feedback. Recent changes include ITC time extension, tax waiver, appeal deposit...
Goods and Services Tax : Online gaming tax collection lacks specific tracking. Govt issued notices for ₹1.43 lakh crore. GST at 28% applies to real money...
Goods and Services Tax : Tamil Nadu trade associations have requested GST reductions on food, camphor, and services. No GST Council recommendation yet on m...
Goods and Services Tax : Mohit Enterprises Vs Commissioner of State GST And Vat Department of Trade And Taxes Delhi (Delhi High Court) Delhi High Court, in...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court dismissed the writ petition and held that seizure of goods under section 129 of the IGST/ CGST Act can be don...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay High Court held that registered person making a zero rated supply under LUT may claim refund of unutilized credit including...
Goods and Services Tax : Karnataka HC voids GST order clubbing multiple years. Section 73 of KGST Act mandates separate notices per financial year....
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court ruled that GST penalty under Section 129 is valid if goods are moved for job work without a properly filled d...
Goods and Services Tax : Detailed amendments to Notification No. 02/2017-Central Tax, revising territorial jurisdictions for Alwar, Chennai Outer, Jaipur, ...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC invites proposals from CGST zones to reorganize territorial jurisdictions, aiming for a comprehensive assessment. Deadline fo...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC newsletter notes Women's Day celebrations, post-budget interactions, and DRI's gold smuggling seizures in Bengaluru and Mumba...
Goods and Services Tax : A Group of Ministers (GoM) is set up to evaluate the feasibility of a special cess under GST for disaster relief and recommend a u...
Goods and Services Tax : The GST Council reconstitutes the GoM on Revenue Analysis with new terms of reference to assess revenue trends, compliance, and po...
Waters with added carbon dioxide which may contain added preservatives and flavoring , sugars are separately classified under Para 2.10.6 as Carbonated Water’ and Category as ‘table waters and soda waters’ which are different from ‘Carbonated Fruit Beverages or Fruit Drinks’ of Para 2.3.30 and Category ‘’ of FSSAI regulations.
In re Sumitabha Ray (GST AAR West Bengal) Whether service to Govt relating road construction and irrigation is exempt supply? The Applicant is providing pure service to the State Governments in relation to the projects described in para nos. 3.10 and 3.12 above. The projects involve functions entrusted to a Panchayat or a Municipality under […]
In re Golden Vacations Tours and Travels (GST AAR West Bangel) What is the classification of the standalone service of arranging accommodation in a hotel and is input tax credit admissible? The Applicant is admittedly a tour operator. But the question on which the advance ruling is sought is whether it should continue to be […]
In re Kay Pee Equipments Pvt Ltd. (GST AAR West Bengal) The composite goods manufactured by the Applicant that are used primarily as parts of railway locomotives are to be classified under heading 8607 and taxable @ 5% GST with no refund of the unutilized input tax credit. The same classification will apply to the […]
In re Mahendra Roy (GST AAR West Bengal) Whether solid waste conservancy is an exempt supply and whether TDS is payable The Applicant’s supply to the Howrah Municipal Corporation, as described in para 3.5, is exempt from the payment of GST under SI No. 3 of Notification No. 12/2017 — Central Tax (Rate) dated 28/06/2017 (corresponding […]
In re Metro Dairy Ltd (GST AAR West Bengal) Admissibility of input tax credit on capital goods and input services used for supply of both taxable and exempted goods Based on the proviso to rule 43(1)(d) of the GST Rules and further prescriptions under rule 43(1)(e), (f) and (g) of the GST Rules, the Applicant […]
Applicant carries out the aggregation of various articles from various journals and creates a database for reference. They themselves do not publish any journals. So their activity is in the domain of aggregation and supply of educational material which has been published in journals by other persons.
In re M/s URC Construction (P) Limited (GST AAR Karnataka) What is the applicable rate of tax for the provision of construction service rendered to NCBS? The applicant have themselves stated that the NCBS began as a separate centre of TIFR in 1992, first in the Molecular Biology Unit at TIFR in Bombay, and then […]
In re Sri Balaji Rice Mill (GST AAR Karnataka) a. As a manufacturer of rice, can the applicant sell Rice under Registered Brand with 5% GST and also in Unregistered Brand with affidavit & disclaimer under GST exempted category? The manufacturers of rice who sells rice under Registered Brand name are liable to GST @ […]
In re M/ s Chromachemie Laboratory Private Limited (GST AAR Karnataka) The Prepared Laboratory Reagents or Pharmaceutical Reference standards (HSN 3822 00 90) which are not diagnostic reagents are not covered under Entry No.80 of Schedule II of Notification No.1/2017 – Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 and is covered under entry no.453 of Schedule III […]