Find out whether the supply from SEZ to EOU is considered an import and whether Customs Duties are applicable. Our article covers key concepts of SEZ and provisions of the SEZ Act, 2005.
Learn about the new opportunity for international trade settlement in Indian Rupee (INR) and how it can boost exports and imports from India.
Global Supply Chain advanced due to Globalization and Increasing Free Trade among Countries. Globalization undoubtedly has many Advantages & Benefits of Better Access and Integration of Supplies at Global Level.
Understand the implications of Export Duty on supplies from DTA to SEZ in India. Learn about the SEZ policy and how it affects tariff and duties.
Abstract Public Procurement is a key economic activity of governments that represents a significant percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generating huge financial flows. Thus, an effective procurement system plays a strategic role in governments for avoiding mismanagement and waste of Public Funds – Tax Payers Money. Establishment of a Regulatory Bodies and Comprehensive, […]
Every project is subject to a number of variables – either Favorable Factors or Adverse Factors that can affect its progress and outcome. Identifying all the possible Risks is the First Step to Analyse Risks for Prioritization, then calculate Quantitative Impact, Developing Risk Responses or Strategies, Implementing pre-determined action plans or Address Risks Appropriately if […]
What is Procurement? Procurement is a Formal end-to-end process that covers everything from Planning, Sourcing to Negotiating Prices & other Terms, Selecting Vendor, Placing the Purchase Orders, making the Purchases and Acquisition of Goods and / or Services from outside the Organization and Receipt of the Goods. Procurement Function support the Business Activities that are […]
COVID -19, lead to Supply-Chain Disruptions & Blockages that has a Significant Economic Effect, Health, Safety and Social Impacts Globally – like Delivery Delays, Increased Costs, Shortage of Labor, Shortage of Inputs, Shut down of Operations, Health Issues of People, Job Loss, Income for Survival, Increased Inflation etc… etc…. and created a lot many uncertainties. […]
SEZ : Overview Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in India is a specially delimited enclave. Most importantly, the economic laws in this geographical area are different from the prevailing laws in other parts of India. An SEZ is deemed as a Foreign Territory for matters that relate to the Trade Tariffs, Duties, and Operations. To instill confidence […]
Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) was introduced for the Exporters to make Indian products cost-competitive and create a level playing field for them in the Global Market by Refund un-refunded Taxes or Duties / Levies, not Exempted or Rebated at Present by any other Mechanism. Government Issued an Advisory on 1st Jan’2021, […]