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Ca Harshal Sevak- International Taxation & Fema Consultant

Latest Posts by Ca Harshal Sevak- International Taxation & Fema Consultant

Overseas Direct Investments-Ready Reckoner of Regulation-Quick Insight

October 8, 2020 6729 Views 0 comment Print

Introduction: Overseas Direct Investments (ODI) in the Indian Context means, any capital outflows / investments made by Indian residents in a foreign country but does not include portfolio investment. As more companies involve themselves with foreign investments, the importance of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) regulations and their compliance becomes a major part of the […]

MAP Guidance Issued By CBDT As Recommended By OECD

August 25, 2020 2127 Views 0 comment Print

INTRODUCTION: > Any country suffering disputes with respect to Transfer Pricing adjustments, Existence of a Permanent Establishment, Attribution of profits to a Permanent Establishment, Characterisation or re-characterisation of an income or expense lead, on being result taken, by legal or administrative authorities as per domestic laws underprivileged (deprived) either/both of treaty partners for having access […]

Opening, Holding & Maintaining a Foreign Currency Account outside India

July 15, 2020 5049 Views 1 comment Print

Introduction: Globalisation refers to the integration of markets in the global economy, leading to the increased interconnectedness of national economies.  Markets where globalisation is particularly significant include financial markets, such as capital markets, money and credit markets, and insurance markets, commodity markets, including markets for oil, coffee, tin, and gold, and product markets, such as markets for motor vehicles and consumer electronics. The globalisation of sport and entertainment is […]

Foreign Currency & Indian Currency Bank Accounts-Legal Substance

July 8, 2020 3009 Views 0 comment Print

As Indian economy is adopting its pace with globalisation and digitisation, different spices of accounts suited for the intended economical/personal purpose has to be devised. Hence to cater and nourish these thought processes, Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit Regulations), 2016 has brought in various provisions and guidelines with regards to allow ability to open, operate, maintain […]

Equalisation Levy- Specified Services Vs. E-commerce Supply of services

July 1, 2020 4566 Views 0 comment Print

Difference Between Equalisation Levy (El) on Specified Services and on E-commerce Supply of services The Finance Act 2020 has now been amended to impose an Equalisation Levy of 2% on consideration received by ‘e-commerce operator’ for e-commerce supply of goods or service. While the levy was initially imposed on B2B transactions, the present amendment attempts […]

Equalisation Levy-Expanded Scope after Finance Act 2020

June 28, 2020 5574 Views 2 comments Print

Equalisation levy was initially brought to impose tax on online advertisement including provision of digital advertising space on certain entities which did not have any physical presence in India but which earned revenue from Indian advertisers. The levy required every resident making payment for such services to deduct 6% equalization levy and deposit it to […]

Equalisation Levy-A Big Leap Towards Trapping Digital Economy

June 26, 2020 1329 Views 1 comment Print

EL-Equalisation Levy, Assessee-Any Person Resident or Non-Resident with Permanent Establishment 1. EMERGENCE OF EL Can you imagine the life without Technology? Certainly not. It is very appealing to the case with Digital Economy too. Today the way of doing business has changed drastically and dramatically. All tangible and intangible goods are being bought and sold […]

Residential Status-FEMA Interpretation

May 29, 2020 3453 Views 0 comment Print

DEFINITIONS RESIDENT & NON- RESIDENT Section 2 (v): Person Resident in India Means— (i)             a person residing in India for more than one hundred and eighty-two days during the course of the preceding financial year but does not include— (A) a person who has gone out of India or who […]

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