Considering the interconnectedness and interdependency of the financial entities to carry out their functions, the cyber risk of any given entity is no longer limited to the entity’s owned or controlled systems, networks and assets.
F. No. 483/01/2020-LC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs Room No. 227 A. North Block, New Delhi *** Circular No. 04/2023-Customs Dated 21st February, 2023 To. All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs (Prey.) All Principal […]
CBDT amends Rule 16CC Form of report of audit prescribed under tenth proviso to section 10(23C), Rule 17B Audit report in the case of charitable or religious trusts, etc. and ‘FORM No. 10B – Audit report under clause (b) of the tenth proviso to clause (23C) of section 10 and sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of […]
Inspection of Books of Account and other records of the captioned company was conducted under section 206(5) of the Companies Act, 2013. During the inspection, it was reportedly observed by the Inspecting Officer that the company has not complied with the provisions of section 118(10) r/w Secretarial Standards. a. The subject company and its officers […]
Dissemination of Cases on ‘Verification’ module of Insight portal for Assessment, Investigation and TDS wings as per Risk Management Strategy (Cycle-2) of CBDT
In this regard, potential cases pertaining to AY 2016-17 and AY 2019-20 identified on the basis of risk assessment of verification reports uploaded in the STR module, have been disseminated to field formations with below mentioned case types on the Verification module of the Insight portal.
MEIS and SEIS scheme have now been discontinued w.e.f. 01.01.2021 and 01.04.2020 respectively, and are on the verge of final closure, therefore, transfer/migration of files at this moment from one RA to another, might not be feasible, as it will leads to fresh examination of the case and will take time.
Instructions in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (iii) & (iv) read with Para 44(v) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement dated 04.11.2022 in the matter of Special Leave Petition (C) Nos. 8658-8659 of 2019.
Promoters shall submit following documents in correction module on their respective login, at time of the proposed change / transfer of the separate designated bank account from one schedule bank / branch to another:
Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements – Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021 – Disclosures for State Co-operative Banks and Central Co-operative Banks