Seeks to exempt high speed diesel oil blended with alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids obtained from vegetables oils, commonly known as bio-diesels, up to 20% by volume, that is, a blend, consisting 80% or more of high speed diesel oil from the additional duty of excise (road and infrastructure cess) levied under clause 110 of the Finance Bill 2018
Notification No. 12/2018-Central Excise Seeks to exempt 10% ethanol blended petrol from additional duty of excise (road and infrastructure cess) levied under clause 110 of Finance Bill 2018
Notification No. 11/2018-Central Excise Seeks to exempt 5% ethanol blended petrol from the additional duty of excise (road and infrastructure cess) levied under clause 110 of the Finance Bill 2018
Notification No. 10/2018-Central Excise Seeks to exempt duties of excise on goods falling within Fourth Schedule to Central Excise Act, 1944, in excess of amount calculated at the rate of 50%
Notification No. 09/2018-Central Excise- Seeks to reduce rate of Basic Excise Duty (BED) on petrol diesel by Rs. 2/- per litre but benefit of such reduction will not be passed to consumer.
Notification No. 08/2018-Central Excise- Central Government exempt Additional Duty of Excise (Road Cess), levied U/s. 133 of Finance Act, 1999
Central Government hereby exempts the additional duty of excise on the goods specified in the Second Schedule to Finance (No. 2) Act, 1998
Central Government hereby rescinds notification No. 29/2002 –Central Excise, dated the 13th May, 2002, published in Gazette vide, number G.S.R. 362(E), dated the 13th May, 2002, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such rescission.
Central Government hereby rescinds notification No. 21/2009–Central Excise, dated the 7th July, 2009, published in Gazette vide number G.S.R. 479(E), dated the 7th July, 2009, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such rescission.
Central Government rescinds the notification No. 62/2008 –Central Excise, dated the 24th December, 2008, published in the Gazette vide, number G.S.R. 885(E), dated 24th December, 2008, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such rescission.