BSE via circular dated January 27th 2023 has introduced the facility for filings of certain announcements in XBRL format. The said fillings are related to disclosures under REG 29 & REG 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.
Following Announcements are to be made in XBRL Format:
- Prior Intimation of the Board Meeting. (under REG 29)
- Change in directors, KMP includes – (MD, CEO, CFO, CS .), Auditor, Compliance Officer & Share transfer agent. (under REG 30)
- Outcome of Board Meeting for the following (under REG 30)
1. Dividend
2. Buyback
3. Bonus Issue
Decision on voluntary delisting by the listed entity.
- Acquisitions including – agreement to acquire, Scheme of Arrangement (amalgamation/ merger/ demerger/restructuring),/ sale/disposal of any units, / subsidiary of the listed entity/ other restructuring. (under REG 30)
Earlier , listed entities had to submit the disclosures in PDF mode only . Once this circular becomes effective, filling is required to be done in both PDF & XBRL mode i.e. XBRL filings are to be completed within 24 hrs of submitting the filling in PDF mode.However later on BSE will shift to complete XBRL submission, but the date for the same will be informed in a separate circular .
XBRL utility for the above-mentioned disclosures is available in XBRL section of the BSE Listing Centre.
The said circular will be effective from January 28, 2023.
BSE has provided a dedicated email address & toll free number to address queries related to these XBRL filings.
Text of the relevant BSE Circular is as follows:
Notice No. | 20230127-37 | Notice Date | 27 Jan 2023 | |||
Category | Circulars Listed Companies | Segment | Equity | |||
Subject | Filing of announcements in XBRL format on BSE listing centre |
The Company Secretary
All Listed Companies
With reference to the captioned subject various circulars were issued by Exchange(s) for seeking comments/feedback from listed companies on XBRL format(s) for certain type of announcements.
Facility for filings of disclosure for following announcements filed under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEBI LODR) will be available in XBRL format with effect from January 28, 2023: (‘effective date’):
- Disclosure under Regulation 29 of SEBI LODR:
Prior Intimation of the Board Meeting.
- Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR:
> Change in directors, key managerial personnel (Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary etc.), Auditor, Compliance Officer and Share transfer agent.
> Outcome of Board Meeting for Dividend, Buyback, Bonus Issue and decision on voluntary delisting by the listed entity.
> Acquisition(s) (including agreement to acquire), Scheme of Arrangement (amalgamation/ merger/ demerger/restructuring), or sale or disposal of any unit(s), division(s) or subsidiary of the listed entity or any other restructuring.
Currently, as a part of compliance all listed entities are required to submit the disclosures in PDF mode as per the provisions of Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations. Further, all listed entities would be required to submit the filings in XBRL mode within 24 hours of submission of the said PDF filing. At a later stage (date to be informed separately) Exchange will shift to only XBRL submission.
It may be noted that, XBRL utility for the above-mentioned subjects is available in XBRL section of the Listing Centre.
BSE has provided an online real-time Helpdesk to assist Users with their XBRL filings they may email queries if any to or call the Helpdesk on toll free number 1800 233 0445.
Ashok kumar Singh
DGM-Listing Compliance
Shyam Bhagirath
Manager-Listing Compliance
January 27, 2023