Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Date: 23rd March, 2021
Trade Notice No. 47/2020-21- DGFT
1. All RAs of DGFT
2. All Members of Trade & Industry
Subject:- Issuance of Import Authorization for ‘Restricted’ items from DGFT HQs w.e.f. 22.03.2021 — regarding.
Reference is invited to Trade Notice No. 49 dt. 15.03.2019 vide which a new module for filing online applications to DGFT (HQ) was made operational from 18.03.2019.
2. As part of IT Revamp of its exporter/importer related services, this Directorate now introduces a new online module for filing of electronic, paperless applications for import authorizations with effect from 22.03.2021. All applicants seeking import authorization for restricted items may apply online by navigating to the DGFT website ( > Services — > Import Management Systems — > License for Restricted imports.
3. Accordingly, applications for import authorization will need to be submitted online as per the above link directly to DGFT(HQ) with effect from 22.03.2021 and import authorizations for restricted items would be issued from DGFT HQ, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi with effect from 22.03.2021. It may further be noted that all pending applications have been migrated to this new system and will be processed suitably at DGFT(HQ).
4. In case of requests for re validation or amendment of import authorizations issued prior to 22.03.2021, the said applications may be submitted directly to the concerned RA of DGFT for suitable action. RA may amend such authorizations manually as per the earlier procedure of re-validation/amendment.
5. For re-validation or amendment of such authorizations issued on or after this date, applications would be required to be submitted electronically to DGFT(HQ). Original Copies of the authorization would be required to be presented to DGFT(HQ) for re-validation/amendment endorsements.
6. For any help and guidance on this new process, the Help manual & FAQs may be accessed on DGFT Website -> Learn — > Application Help & FAQs. For any further assistance any of the following channels may be assessed —
I. Raise a service request ticket through the DGFT Helpdesk Service under `Complaints & Suggestions’
II. Call the DGFT Toll-free-Helpline number
III. Send an email to the Helpdesk on
7. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(S.P. Roy)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File No. 01/53/8/E/AM21/Misc/Import Cell/E- 27455)