Life happens once and who wants it to be wasted for each one of us is a believer and a mentor and has the strength of bringing even the most minimalist change in things that surround us. Climb that valley that seems impossible now but would seem possible on its way, walk that road that shows you a blur image of its destination but your will to reach serves the purpose.
I have been shown the exit door by many for this has helped me to find that one righteous choice and chance. For the days didn’t always welcome me with open arms but God did, for my parents always told me to be independent of your decisions and embrace what comes your way. Really easy to say but it’s the journey which will teach you to accept whatever it is and in whichever circumstance it is.
I have listed few of the points which have helped me scale up my life with happiness
Don’t let someone define your worth
You’ll come across people of different mindset and culture all along the way. For few many guide you as theirs, while few many knock you like no one would have. Don’t be settled with what misguiding individuals direct you to do or don’t let them define who you are for something that you aren’t.
It will happen soon
Just because matters aren’t in your control now doesn’t mean they would never be. Maybe today what you think you could have gained isn’t available to you immediately but believe me it’s never too late, for each one of us has a different path and you would then have a more inspiring story to convey.
Be strong
During that darkest day of my life my dad told me to be strong. It was really hard to absorb that at that moment but today I can truly affirm this to you. Don’t, don’t, don’t give up and never sit idle when adversary is all around you’ll soon be enjoying your victory.
This too shall pass
The essence of life is that nothing is permanent and you’ll soon see that rainbow. Keep trying just as I am currently, I can assure you, you’ll soon jump with joy.
Universe is guiding you
Dream and then work hard but yes in a manner no one else has ever, in a manner you didn’t think you would, in a manner your parents wouldn’t have imagined. It’s then when Universe would guide you in every endeavor of yours and success would then be celebrated!!
Do let me know if my writeup has helped you in any possible manner through your comments.