F. No. 221/09/2015-CX.6
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
New Delhi, dated the 1st September, 2015
Pr. Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Central Excise (All)
Pr. Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioner of Central Excise and Service Tax (All)
Sub: Implementation of the provisions of Cigarettes and other Tobacco products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003 (COTPA) and the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules, 2008-reg.
Madam/ Sir,
Kind attention is invited to Rule 3(1)(a) of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules, 2008 which stipulates that every package of cigarettes and other tobacco products produced/ manufactured/ imported after 315′ May, 2009 shall carry Specified Health Warning in the manner as prescribed in the said Rules.
2. The undersigned is directed to inform that Board, vide letter F. No. 267/50/2007-CX.8 dated 02.06.2009, had brought to the notice of the field formations instructions issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on the above issue. A circular no. 896/16/2009-CX dated 01.09.2009 was also issued by the Board regarding implementation of said rules.
3. In order to sensitize the field formations regarding the need to monitor and ensure that no tobacco products are cleared from the premises registered with the Central Excise department without bearing the specified health warnings and other requisites as prescribed in the said rules, relevant instructions issued in the past, on the above subject, are enclosed herewith. Copies of said instructions may be circulated to formations under your jurisdiction for necessary compliance.
4. This issues with the approval of Member (Central Excise).
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary (CX.6)
Encl.: 1. Board letter F. No. 267/50/2007-CX.8 dated 02.06.2009
2. Board circular no. 896/16/2009-CX dated 01.09.2009
3. Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules, 2008
4. Notification dated 30.07.2009 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
5. Notification empowering officers of Customs and Central Excise.