Rs. 100 Per Day Penalty For Late Filing Of Annual Returns & Financial Statements:
MCA has notified, the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Second Amendment Rules 2018 on 7th May 2018.
MCA has notified these rules in pursuance of amendment made in Section 403 of Companies Act, 2013 through Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017.
Now, the late fee for filing Annual Return under Section 92 and Annual Financial Statement under Section 137 after due is Rs. 100 per day with effect from 01st July 2018.
MCA has given an opportunity to the stakeholders to complete their pending filing by implementing the late fee with a prospective date of 1st July 2018.
Now late fee for filing Annual Return under Section 92 and Annual Financial Statement under Section 137 after due date is as follows:
Due Date of Filing | Forms | Additional Fee |
Expire after 30th June 2018 | MGT-7, AoC-4, AoC-4 XBRL and AoC-4 CFS | Rs. 100 per day after expiry of due date
Expired on 30th June 2018 | MGT-7, AoC-4, AoC-4 XBRL and AoC-4 CFS | Rs. 100 per day from 01st July 2018
Already Expired before 30th June 2018 | 23AC, 23ACA, 23AC XBRL, 23ACA XBRL, 20B, 21A under Companies Act, 1956 and
MGT-7, AoC-4, AoC-4 XBRL and AoC-4 CFS under Companies Act, 2013 |
1. As per the applicable slab for the period of delay up to 30th June 2018 and
2. Rs. 100 per day from 01st July 2018 |
Relevant Message appear on MCA Website
The Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Second Amendment Rules 2018 has been notified on 7th May 2018. Accordingly, in case the due date of filings under Section 92 (Annual Return) or 137 (Annual Financial Statement) of the Companies Act, 2013 expires after 30/06/2018, the additional fee @Rs.100 per day shall become payable in respect of MGT-7, AoC-4, AoC-4 XBRL and AoC-4 CFS.
In all other cases where the belated annual returns or balance sheet/financial statement which were due to be filed whether under the Companies Act,1956 (23AC,23ACA,23AC XBRL,23ACA XBRL,20B,21A) or the Companies Act, 2013 (MGT-7, AoC-4, AoC-4 XBRL and AoC-4 CFS) additional fee as per the applicable slab for the period of delay up to 30th June 2018 plus @Rs.100 per day w.e.f 1st July 2018 shall become payable. Stakeholders are advised to take note and plan accordingly.
Check Relevant Notification dated 07th May 2018 at below link :-
Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Second Amendment Rules, 2018
(The author can be reached at
Hi i have not filled company roc and return from Feb 2014 to todays date. Can you tell me, what would be the procedure and total panalty.
what is the penalty for late filing of ROC in case of private company, loan was taken in January 2016 kindly advise the amount of penalty and the process
m shobana kumar
97150 22033
We have not filled return to ROC for the financial year 2015-16 . 2016-17 n 2017 -18
Please guide
I have not filled my ROC return MGT-7 and AOC-4 for the f.y. 2016-17 & 2017-18.
Is there option to avoid late fee.
Kindly suggest.
what is late fee for filing aoc-4 and adt-1 for fy 2017-2018.
Dear sir/ maam additional fee of rs 100 PER DAY is also applicable for delayed filling of ADT1 after 30th june 2018.