Further Extension of date for furnishing PAN details through form DIN-4 till April 30, 2012 – This is the fourth time revision of the due date for furnishing PAN details with MCA for Directors, who did not furnish the same at the time for obtaining DIN and haven’t furnished as yet. MCA has undertaken this initiative to avoid allotment of duplicate DIN. All the Directors are once again been reminded to furnish PAN through DIN-4 till April 30, 2012 through General Circular No. 4/2012 dated March 09,2012 issued by MCA . In this respect, it is to be noted that if the same is not done, the Ministry may disable DIN and impose heavy penalty on person who fail to ensure the same.
Related Notification is as follows:-
General Circular No. 4/2012
No 2/1/2011-CL.V
Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
5th floor, ‘A’ Wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi
Dated the 9th March, 2012
All Regional Directors
All Registrar of Companies.
Sub: Allotment of Director’s Identification Number (DIN) under Companies Act, 1956
In continuation of General Circular Nos. 32/2011 dated 31.05.2011, 66/2011 dated 04.10.2011 and 70/2011 dated 15/12/2011 on the subject cited above, I am directed to say that the time for filing form DIN-4 by DIN holders for furnishing PAN and to update PAN details has been extended upto 30.04.2012.
Yours faithfully,
(U.C. Nahta)
Director (Inspection & Investigation)
Copy to:
1. ICAI/ICWAI/ICSI/All Chamber of Commerce with a request to give wide publicity to their members.
2. DIN Cell to issue message through e-mail and SMS to all existing DIN holders who have not furnished their PAN earlier at the time of obtaining DIN, to furnish their PAN by filing form DIN-4 by 30.04.20 12 to avoid penal action.
Copy for information to:
1. PS to CAM and PS to MOS
2. PPS to Secretary, Additional Secretary & PS to Joint Secretaries