(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India), Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhl Bhawan, 14, Bhlkaiji Camaji Place, New Delhi – 110 066.
No C -Ex/Misc./Comp. Audit/2008/2473 Dated: 21.06.2011
Sub: Transfer of funds to the PF trusts subsequent to grant of exemption u/s 17- reg
It has been brought to the notice of the Head Office that, in some case of grant of exemption, funds have not been transferred to the PF trusts, subsequent to the grant of exemption/relaxation, by the Appropriate Authority.
2. It is therefore requested that, the matter may be examined and wherever required, necessary action for transfer of funds to the PF trusts granted relaxation/exemption by the Appropriate Authorities may be initiated immediately. Details of all such cases along with the reasons for non- transfer of funds, also be submitted to Head Office within one week.
3, In this context, Investment section, Head Office vide its circulars dated Invest.I1(10)200042517 dated 05.09.03 & 26.07.04 (Copy enclosed), has already clarified the procedure for the transfer of funds to the exempted trusts subsequent to grant of exemption.
(This issues with the approval of ACC(Compliance)
Encl: As above
Yours Fai fully,
(Saurabh Jagati)
Regional PF Commissioner-II (Exemption)