From the desk of Chairman,CBDT S.N. 43/May 8,2011
Drive to clean up TDS database by May 20 2011 – Cooperation between CITs (TDS) &Corporate charges’ CITs
To immediately redress the grievances of tax payers who have claimed refunds, but because of the default on the part of tax Deductors, tax demands have been created, CBDT advises all the CCITs (CCA) to ensure the following:
1. Where TDS Returns have been filed:
TDS Returns with very high number of mismatches have been identified by the Systems. Top 15,020 deductors account for a mismatch of Rs 11652 cr (86% of total mismatch amount).RCC – wise details with regard to the same may be downloaded by the CITs (TDS) from ITAXNET & thereafter these TDS Returns may be got corrected;
2. Where TDS Returns have not been filed:
CITs (TDS) to ensure thatTDS Returns are necessarily filed by non-filers against whom deductees have lodged TDS claims in their income tax returns of AY 10-11. Such lists are also available at ITAXNET & may be downloaded therefrom.
As most of the TDS mismatch is reported in the TDS returns of Corporates, all the corporate charges’ CITs are hereby advised to extend whole-hearted support &cooperation to CITs (TDS) to ensure that TDS returns, correct & complete in all respects with 100% PAN quoting, are filed by the non-filer Corporates and also incomplete TDS Returns are immediately corrected. They should have separate meetings with CEOs of Corporates in this regard.
For getting the TDS Returns immediately filed, CITs (TDS) may take the assistance of TRPs, payments to whom may be made directly by CITs (TDS).
SN | CIT-TDS | No. of TANs with TDS returns containing high number of mismatches | Number of non-filers
of TDS returns |
1 | MUMBAI | 2982 | 12,291 |
2 | DELHI | 2018 | 5,702 |
3 | AHMEDABAD | 719 | 6,058 |
4 | PUNE | 917 | 4,080 |
5 | CHENNAI | 1114 | 11,111 |
6 | BANGALORE | 1451 | 9,081 |
7 | NWR | 940 | 4,080 |
8 | KOLKATA | 703 | 1,767 |
9 | HYDERABAD | 1114 | 5,981 |
10 | JAIPUR | 275 | 1,767 |
11 | BHOPAL | 667 | 3,717 |
12 | KANPUR | 509 | 2,467 |
13 | KOCHI | 213 | 2,444 |
14 | LUCKNOW | 405 | 2,444 |
15 | PATNA | 354 | 1,595 |
16 | NAGPUR | 212 | 1,713 |
17 | BHUBHNESHWAR | 273 | 976 |
18 | GUWAHATI | 154 | 912 |
TOTAL | 15020 | 78,186 |
A write-up by me on 07 sept 2011 has not elicited any response from anyone including the TAXGURU. So,am I right to assume that this issue can be dropped as dead and can be given a decent burial?!!!
Dear chairman CBDT, 20 May 2011 was the deadline to clean up T D S database. Any update on this please?
Mind you that this is just the temporarty step taken by the CBDT. This is rediculous on the part of CBDT. I would not say much but give foll. suggestions to get rid of TDS. And this is the only PERMANENT SOULUTION :-
1. TDS returns should be required to be filed ANNUALY AND NOT QUARTERLY.
This will lead to less clerical job and hence less chances of mistakes.
2. TDS returns should be allowed to be filed just like ITRs (Income Tax Returns) i.e. direct upload on income tax website. i.e. there must be elimination of preparation of CD/Pen Drive and no need of TFCs.
3. The limits of deductions of TDS must be increased specially in following cases:-
– In case of Inerest on securities / other than securities – Rs. 30000
– In case of Commission – Rs. 50000
and so on.
Incompetent Department for which the Deductees have to suffer. The fact that C.I.Ts. have to be reminded to do something that they should have done without any prompting reveals the dont care attitude of the Dept. Lasting solution is making the Dept. Heads and their staff personally accountable. Adhoc solutions will never work.
It is necessary to make TDS return free from NSDL just like e-filing of income tax return. Proper mechanism should be introduced to control the misuse of this facility. Then only, this problems solved.
this is regarding Cleaning up TDS database by 20 may 2011. this directive from the desk of Chairman C B D T generates great confidence in the system among TDS deductees. this Chairman has really understood the problem of deductees and has acted upon it rightly by asking his CITs to ensure accountability/action of/from Deductors (quite unlike that much thoughtless and ridiculed D O letter from a Member of CBDT sometime back which threw the deductees completely at the mercy of deductors). Setting a deadline of 20 May2011 clearly shows that he means business. Thanks, dear Chairman.With this one act of yours,you have really entered the hearts of honest tax payers. Your directive is for A/Y2010-11. But there are plenty of Unmatched TDSs and also cases of tax deducted- but credit not given,even in earlier years since introduction of Form 26 AS.Please get those also actioned.
As I hsve commented elsewhere recently,according to my pesonal information,the reasons for such deficiencies and delays in uploading or updating the 26AS data on a timely basis mainly are THESE:
1. The work happens to have been ‘outsourced’ to parties with not much or no competence at all to handle the ‘job’ work undertaken as EFFICIENTLY/and or expeditiously,as expected of them; AND / OR
2. The decuctors have not taken adequate care to provide the outsourcees with correct and complete data, that too on a timely basis, without duly realising that , after all, ultimately,it would be they who are answerable to the taxpayers (deductees) put to suffer the adverse consequences, and unwarranted woes.
3. NSDL as the concerned authority is heard to has not taken care and have in place or provide the deductors on a timely basis any required special software.
No need to add that,it is for the Revenue to thoroughly and insightfully investigate and come out with a prioper remedial action/ steps on a war footing. It is anybody’s guess as to what extent or how soon the reported move by the Revenue is going to strighten out the obtaiining state of chaos in the monitoring of the whole matter of concern!