Reserve Bank of India
RBI/2009-10/ 262
UBD (PCB) BPD Cir No. 34/16.26.000/2009- 10
December 17, 2009
Please refer to our circulars UBD.BR.Cir.19/ 16.26.00/ 2001-02 dated October 22, 2001 and UBD(PCB) CO BPD Cir No:28/16.26. 00/2008-09 dated November 26, 2008 on the captioned subject.
2. With a view to disseminating information on the SLR status of a Government security, it has been decided that:
(i) the SLR status of securities issued by the Government of India and the State Governments will be indicated in the Press Release issued by the Reserve Bank of India at the time of issuance of the securities; and
(ii) an updated and current list of the SLR securities will be posted on the Reserve Bank’s website ( in) under the link ” Database on Indian Economy”.
3. Please acknowledge receipt to the Regional Office concerned.
Yours faithfully,
(A. K. Khound)
Chief General Manager