Amendments to manner & mechanism of providing exit option to dissenting unit holders pursuant to Regulation 22(5C) and Regulation 22(7) of SEBI (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 (SEBI (InvIT) Regulations)
SEBI revises Formats for Standalone financial results on a quarterly basis and Standalone and consolidated financial results on an annual basis (to be submitted to Stock Exchanges and placed on listed entity’s website – regulations 52(1) and (2) of the Listing Regulations):
Reply To NFRA On Consultation Paper On Statutory Audit And Auditing Standard For Msmc You have recently issued a consultation paper on statutory Audit and Auditing standard for MSM Companies. You have framed 4 questions for the comments of stakeholders including Chartered Accountants: You had issued the consultation paper for relaxation of compulsory audit to […]
Online applications for export of Syringes with or without Needles may be applied from 1st to 4th of every month- Exporters are requested to apply for export license by filing applications online through DGFT’s ECOM system for Export authorizations (Non-SCOMET Restricted items)
Reserve Bank of India has issued and gazetted revised Eligibility Criteria and Operational Guidelines for opening and maintaining of Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL) Accounts and Constituents’ Subsidiary General Ledger (CSGL) Accounts dated September 22, 2021. These Guidelines have been issued in supersession to earlier Guidelines dated October 29, 2018.
Offshore Derivative Instruments (ODIs) – Banking Units holding a Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI) certificate under the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations,2019 dated September 23,2019 (as amended)
बैंकिंग प्रणाली आने से पहले प्रचलित पैसे के लेनदेन – हवाला कारोबार के माध्यम से होता था. आज भी यह बैंकिंग प्रणाली से ज्यादा विश्वसनीय, कम खर्चीला, आसानी और समयबद्ध तरीके से निष्पादित किया जाता है. और शायद यही कारण है कि हवाला के माध्यम से पैसे देश या विदेश के किसी भी कोने में भेजना या मंगाना बेहद आसान है और वो भी बिना किसी रिकॉर्ड रखें या पहचान बताए.
Insurers maintain separate current accounts with banks at different operational levels, i.e., Branch offices, Controlling offices, Corporate office, etc., for the purpose of premium collection, management expenses, policy payments, investment operations, etc. Maintenance of current accounts at different operational levels for specific purposes helps the insurers in managing funds, reconciliation of transactions and servicing claims of policyholders efficiently.
Adapting to the new age, thinking big, and utilizing our expertise with a mixture of innovation are strategic pathways to achieve exponential growth and go a long way in creating an impact upon the world. We are fortunate to be born in the digital age so that adapting and learning new skills become very easy for us than the previous generation. And now that we have everything why don’t we make good out of it.
In re Temple Packaging Pvt. Ltd.(AAR Daman and Diu) In the present case against application dated 09.03.2018 of M/s. Temple Packaging Pvt. Ltd., behind Olive Healthcare, Hatiyawad. Village, Dabhel, Nani Daman, Advance Ruling is given that printing of Pamphlet/leaflet falls under the category of supply of service falling under SAC No. 9989. The case is […]