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Chartered Accountant’s Assistance for Exponential Growth of Your Business in the Capacity as Best Business Growth Consultant


Adapting to the new age, thinking big, and utilizing our expertise with a mixture of innovation are strategic pathways to achieve exponential growth and go a long way in creating an impact upon the world. We are fortunate to be born in the digital age so that adapting and learning new skills become very easy for us than the previous generation. And now that we have everything why don’t we make good out of it. Remember we can always improve and create a better version our self, the key is never to stop dreaming. There is no written rule that one must do only one work or concentrate only on one area of the profession, there are plenty of other opportunities that we may explore, and this goes true for the professionals of chartered accountancy as well.

Since the very start of my career, I have been vocal about how professionals must go beyond their traditional areas of practice like audit and direct/ indirect taxation, and one should expand himself to serve better and not settle for less.

This article will be covering how Chartered accountants can make the best use of their expertise to help businesses/organizations in achieving exponential growth by assisting them beyond the areas of taxation & regulatory compliance.

Business Assistance on yellow note


The growth of business largely depends upon the number of consumers that you have, the number of revenue, and the level of ease of doing by being regular with government mandates and compliances. The business that covers all of these aspects gets a steady success in return. A study suggests that due to the absence of professional guidance the CEOs and top management of organizations have to devote 80% of their time in coming up with growth strategies, plans, etc. often this lead to neglect towards various marketing and promotional scheme benefits provided by the government, as a result, many are not able to avail such benefits.  For this reason, many needs the assistance of professionals who could guide them on the right path and managed all their necessary work so that these entrepreneurs could concentrate on core business operations.

The modern age technologies have changed the way businesses used to operate. Be it for maximizing economic operation or creating a social impact, technology is a must. This has also created a need for a digital presence.

The recent years have seen a rise in e-commerce changing the course of marketing strategies that have positively triggered the need for digital marketing to the business organizations for maximizing profit. A well-executed digital marketing strategy with adoption to new trends & technology is perhaps a catalyst to be no. 1 in the world.

Why the digital presence of the business is necessary?

Planning and strategies are crucial for the effective running of any establishment. In the digital age, we are living in there is nothing that we cannot do to make our service reach the end-user.  Marketing your ideas is certainly a need of the hour and continuous innovation plays a big role in it.  Owing to the increasing purchasing power and rise in consumerism there are ample amount of opportunities for the creators to sell their ideas, product, or services, well the key technique here is “Marketing” to be very precise “Digital Marketing” This is because digital marketing in the social media age has certainly made it possible for all businesses to put their brand to the targeted audience. Various interactive social media platforms such as Facebook, Linked In, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, etc. have made the hassle of communication between creators and end-users much easier.

Acknowledging the importance of digitization, the government of India has been introducing various initiatives such as Digital India https://www.digitalindiaportal.co.in/,MakeinIndia https://www.makeinindia.com/ , Start-up India https://www.startupindia.gov.in/ , Skill India https://skillindia.nsdcindia.org/ to accelerate the e-commerce of the country. There are great opportunities for entrepreneurs to enhance the sale and efficiency by making optimum use of such platforms.

Chartered Accountants – acting as the one-stop destination for all businesses’ exponential growth

The present business scenario has to lead to the evolution of the profession of chartered accountancy, the one whose expertise was limited to taxation and regulatory practices has now spread all corners of business management right from inception to constantly making effort to making steady progress. Marketing, increasing the sale of the business is one such area where the assistance of a chartered accountant may be crucial for businesses.

The business entities can be broadly classified into two large businesses and small businesses. Small businesses are additionally classified into micro, small, and medium enterprises, many of them will be startups entities.

What is the definition of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME)?

The ministry of MSME which is responsible for the governance of the MSME sector has seen to be timely revising its definition by changing the threshold of classification for entities to be termed as MSMEs.

The latest change incorporate vide circular effective from 1st July 2020 that provided that

  • Entities with an investment of less than Rs 1 crore and turnover of less
    than Rs 5 crore are classified as micro;
  • Entities with an investment up to Rs 10 crore and turnover up to Rs 50 crore are classified as small, and
  • Entities with an investment up to Rs 50 crore and turnover up to Rs 250 crore are classified as medium.

Now the said ministry vides its circular dated 2nd July 2021 decided to include Retail and wholesale trades as MSMEs.  The move was taken with the intent to the formalized retail trade and enable financial support to small and mid-sized retail businesses. As a result of which the Retail and wholesale trade that was left out of the ambit of MSME until now, will be eligible to avail the benefits of priority sector lending and they are now per circular allowed to register themselves on the Udyam Registration Portal https://udyamregistration.gov.in/Government-India/Ministry-MSME-registration.htm, which is free of cost registration portal for entities to be registered as MSMEs.

What is the definition of a Startup entity?

The Government of India vides its Notification No. G.S.R. 127 (E) DATED 19th February 2019 provided a modified definition of Startup. Therefore an entity is to be considered as a startup that is

1. Up to a period of ten years from the date of incorporation/ registration, if it is incorporated as a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership firm (registered under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India.

2. Turnover of the entity for any of the financial years since incorporation/ registration has not exceeded one hundred crore rupees

  • working towards innovation, development or improvement of products or processes or services, or if it is a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.

Provided that an entity formed by splitting up or reconstruction of an existing business shall not be considered a ‘Startup’.

Considering the factors such as lack of technological advancement, inadequate access to the market that have restricted the growth of such small business entities, our government has come up with various policy initiatives and programs such as procurement policy, make in India initiative, E-marketplace, etc.

With the technical and regulatory knowledge, the chartered accountant can better assist such entities in making the best use of various initiatives taken by the government for the marketing support to businesses.

The Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012:

Effective from 1st April 2012, the policy obligated the Central Ministries /Departments and Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) for annual procurement from the enterprises belonging to the MSEs. The said policy was later amended vide gazette notification dated 9th November 2018.

How the procurement policy is beneficial for budding MSEs?

Effect of policy: since the policy (as amended in 2018) mandates 25 % of annual procurement by Central Ministries/Departments/Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) which include 4% from MSEs owned by SC/ST and 3% from MSEs owned by Women entrepreneurs (Paragraph 4-4A).

It certainly enhances the participation of such MSEs and opened the doors of opportunities.

Definition of MSEs owned by SC/ST: a. In the case of proprietary MSE, the proprietor(s) shall be Sc/St. b. In the case of partnership MSE, the Sc/St partners shall be held at least 51% shares in the unit. C. In the case of Private Limited Companies, at least a 51% share shall be held by Sc/St promoters.

Definition of MSEs owned Women Entrepreneurs: The MSEs owned and controlled by a woman having a minimum financial interest of 51 percent of the capital and giving at least 51 percent of the employment generated in the enterprise to women.

Reserved Items: The policy under paragraph 11 especially reserves a total of 358 items to exclusively purchase from MSEs. The move was initiated for the wider dispersal of such enterprises in the country and consequently for the growth and promotion of the sector. Such a list contains A-Z products tools right from agriculture tools, electronics, silk-made products, steel, to wooden-made items and handicraft items and the same is available at http://www.dcmsme.gov.in/schemes/listof358itemsreserved.pdf.

The wider range of listed items opens plenty of doors for enterprises looking to explore. This feature provides immense scope for budding entrepreneurs looking for entering the MSE world.

Who are buyers?

Every central ministry/department and central public sector undertaking has an annual target of 25% of annual procurement out of a sub-target of 4% and 3% of procurement target from MSEs owned by Sc/St and Women Entrepreneurs respectively. There are a total of 51 Ministries in the country and 67 central departments, and 348 CPSEs so far. This signifies a sufficient no. of buyers.

Who are sellers?

All MSEs satisfying the criteria as per revised definition and the same been registered under the online registration portal namely Udyam Registration Portal maintained by the ministry can avail the benefit of the policy.


For the effective implementation of procurement policy, the ministry has launched an online portal named MSME- Sambandh https://sambandh.msme.gov.in/PPP_Index.aspx into effect since 8th March 2017. The portal is responsible for the monitoring of the procurement by concerned Ministries and central departments and PSEs. The portal has been very active in terms of timely update procurement information on a weekly /monthly basis. In addition to the same, the portal publishes the list of products/services to be required by MSEs.

E-Marketplace (GeM)

Given the trend of digital marketing, the e-Marketplace (GeM) can be the best platform for sellers to market their products that facilitates the online procurement of goods and services by the central government departments/organization / PSUs.

Features of GeM portal:

1. Drive business with ease

2. Direct access to largest buyers in the country

3. Direct purchase, Bids, and reverse auction

4. Transparency and security

5. Demand forecasting

How to avail of the benefit of GeM?

As an effort to get the potential MSMEs registered on GeM the facility button is provided on the Udyam Registration Form, to enable the entities to positively be a part of GeM sellers.

The potential sellers need a vendor registration on the portal based on self-certification. It required a document of identification proof, primarily Adhaar. The basic requirement in nutshell is:

1. Constitution Type such as Proprietorship, Firm, Company, Trust or Society and Central Government/State Government.

2. Constitution Name.

3. Aadhaar Number or Personal PAN of the user(Authorized signatory of ITR)

4. For Aadhaar based registrations, a mobile number that is linked with the Aadhaar is required.

5. Documents such as CIN, PAN, DIPP, UAM, ITR details as per the constitution of the organization may be required for seller registration.

6. Address of the organization.

7. Bank account details of the organization

8. Active email id.

It should be noted that Adhaar is no longer mandatory for seller registration and they have an option to use Personal PAN for Identity Verification while doing the seller registration. For sellers registering in MSE capacity, the portal provides an option to select an organization as an MSE, subsequently, the MSE has to provide the Udyam Registration number and the mobile number or Aadhaar number linked with such registration.

Womaniya – an initiative by GeM: The GeM portal is very active with certain initiatives exclusively focus on the development of MSEs of one such initiative is Womaniya https://uat.gemorion.org/page/detail/27 , it is aligned with the government efforts of boosting women entrepreneurship by obligating 3% procurement by government bodies. The initiative facilitates women-created products such as handicrafts and handloom, accessories, jute and coir products, bamboo products, organic foods, spices, home décor, and office.

The Saras Collection:

It is yet another initiative led by GeM which facilitates procurement of products particularly handcrafted collection of handicrafts, handloom textiles, office décor, furnishings, accessories, event souvenirs, personal hygiene, and care products. It ensures active participation through women entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises

Make in India

The implementation of the Make in India initiative denotes such a wider goal of government towards nation building by enhancing employment opportunities.

Well creating employment opportunities is perhaps just a fraction among other wider objects as the initiative has much more to give, in the sense that accessing ease of doing business, boosting investing, attracting FDI, and enhancing the global competitiveness of the industrial sector of India.

The initiative led through Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade will mark its 7th anniversary on 25th September. With significant achievements attained through successful implementation of the various scheme such as launched under the aegis of Make in India, it presently focuses upon 27 sectors categorized into manufacturing and service sectors listed below. The manufacturing sector is monitor by the DPIIT, on the other hand, the service sector by the Department of Commerce:

Manufacturing Sectors

1. Aerospace and Defense

2. Automotive and Auto Components

  • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

3. Bio-Technology

4. Capital Goods

5. Textile and Apparels

  • Chemicals and Petrochemicals
  • Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM)

6. Leather & Footwear

7. Food Processing

8. Gems and Jewellery

  • Shipping
  • Railways
  • Construction

9. New and Renewable Energy

Service Sectors

  • Information Technology & Information Technology enabled Services (IT &ITeS)
  • Tourism and Hospitality Services
  • Medical Value Travel
  • Transport and Logistics Services
  • Accounting and Finance Services
  • Audio Visual Services
  • Legal Services
  • Communication Services
  • Construction and Related Engineering Services
  • Environmental Services
  • Financial Services
  • Education Services

Procurement policy under MII Campaign:

The Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) order 2017 is a crucial policy step by the government implemented with the object to boost domestic products and services. The policy was subsequently amended on 28.05.2018, 29.05.2019, 04.06.2020, 16.09.2020, 13.05.2021 and applies to goods, services, and works. The term works imply the same meaning as given under rule 130 of the General Financial Rules, 2017.

Hence works include all new constructions, site preparation, additions and alterations to existing works, special repairs to newly purchase or previously abandoned buildings or structures, including remodeling or replacement. Minor works mean works that add capital value to existing assets but do not create new assets. Repair works mean works undertaken to maintain building and fixtures. Works will also include services or goods incidental or consequential to the original or repair works.

The policy to promote preference of domestic goods/services/works has provided a mandatory purchase preference protocol. The procuring entities such as ministries and departments are required to follow the preference mandate given to the suppliers categorized under the policy, which are Class I supplier, Class II supplier, and Non-local supplier. This supplier shall be considered as Class I, Class II, and Non-local depending upon the meeting of the minimum local content.

Local content is typically the total value of the item procured (excluding the domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content in the items which including all the customs duties. Para 5 of the policy put the minimum % criteria of the local content requirement to classify as Class I and Class II supplier which is 50% and 20% respectively.

The procurement process under the policy runs of the preference mandate wherein priority is given to the class I local supplier among them L1 meaning the lowest bidder is to be preferred. If the L1 doesn’t belong to the class I local supplier then 50% of the contract is awarded to him, and for the procurement of the remaining 50% quantity the lowest bidder amongst such Class I local suppliers be invited the purchase preference will go on until supplier meets with the price of L1.

Likewise, the preference scheme is implemented in tender applications whenever the contract is awarded to multiple bidders. The procurement cell https://dipp.gov.in/public-procurements created by the DPIIT monitor the implementation of the policy and entertained grievances raised over violation of the same. The detailed product list under procurement order can be accessed at https://dipp.gov.in/sites/default/files/Product%20List-Public%20Procurement%20Order%202017.pdf

Further, the dedicated website of Make in India www.makeinindia.com gives an insight into plenty of business opportunities enumerated under it.

 Skills set required for marketing consultant:

No business can survive without marketing. Considering the significance of the role that the professional will play as a marketing consultant it is necessary they must learn and adapt certain crucial skills essential to perform their role efficiently.

1. Strong research skills:

Market research, competitive analysis, ability to understand and relate with clients

2. Strategic planning skills:

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy and consistently execute implementation

3. Mastery of the multiple marketing:

Organic and paid channels, plus social, email and video, and others

4. Leadership skills:

Able to work with a team and manage communication with all involved stakeholders

5. Technical skills:

Extensive knowledge of multiple analytical, marketing, and sales tools

6. Ability to listen and empathize:

To clearly understand the client’s goals and needs to provide the best results

7. Advisor

Advice on positioning, branding, communications, and promotion, and so on

8. Customer engagement

Improving customer engagement with brand through available channels

9. Analytical skill

To analyze the completion, their product differentiators, pricing, marketing and promotional activities

10. Observance and study

To analyze the company’s profile and operations and provide suggestions for improvements

Subdivision of role as a marketing consultant

1. Digital marketing consultant: at the early stages of online brand growth, and testing multiple marketing strategies at different online platforms

2. Inbound and content marketing consultant: for blogging, SEO optimization, email marketing, and conversation rate optimization

3. Search engine marketing consultant: to drive visitors to the website via search traffic from Google, Bing, or specialized platforms, for instance, Amazon or Youtube

4. Social media marketing consultant: while developing social media strategy, social media campaigns

5. Marketing automation consultant: to increase the organization’s efficiency and reduce human error by automating and optimizing routine marketing activities.

6. Marketing strategy consultant: to develop and execute marketing strategies when entering a new market. To create and positioning appropriate messages, drive the implementation and monitor the outcomes.

Social media tools for enhancing digital presence

Website creation:

It is a common habit among customers to explore the website of a particular entity/business to verify its authenticity. This implies that the website created for your enterprise with comprehensive details of the business is a must. There is a platform to host your website such as WordPress, GoDaddy, Bluehost, Namecheap, etc. that offers you a good range of deals to associate with them. It is advisable to choose a host with a better search engine facility. This will follow by choosing a domain name justifying your services/ products offered.

Google my business:

The marketing strategies in the present world run of principle:


On that note, there are various inexpensive tools available on Google of one such is Google My Business. It is a free online listing of your business, that appears when users will search for you on Google/Google maps. When a user will attempt to find a particular business on Google, the domain will provide them with certain information about your entity such as a short introduction, address of the business, contact details, website URL, social media links, and posts & photos including other user’s reviews.

Google out your business is perhaps the best way of communicating and trust-building. Since the tool also enables the entities to know visitors/users it reduces the gap between you and your potential customers. Being active in responding to comments and reviews and interacting with customers helps to build trust among the customer community that goes long way for your business.


Podcasting is an audio show available on-demand listening is 21st century way of digital communicating your knowledge, credibility, and expertise in a concerned area. This method of marketing helps you to build a brand as insights, information; tips given by you showcase your knowledge.

There are very simple steps for beginners to ace digital marketing. However one may first need to determine the marketing strategies or goals, while such strategies and goals may be different depending upon the kind of product or service you wish to promote, certain key steps are crucial and applies to every marketing goal.

Be accessible 24 X 7 :

Well social media platforms can be of much use in this, you have to constantly update your contacts and make sure you are available all the time to facilitate the solution to queries put up by your potential customers

Content marketing:

Content marketing is certainly a new concept gain significance in recent years, this involves constantly informing your audience about your services, products, new programs you are launch everything that you want your audience to know.

It will help in building engagement, consequently, effectuate your sale.

Social media marketing:

The age of social media has certainly made the world look smaller as it is now possible to connect any corner of the world. The most crucial advantage of social media marketing is cost-saving, in offline marketing you may be needing flyers, sponsorships, advertisements, well with just one online post through social media application, your product is reaching almost thousands of people.

Word of mouth:

At any given point, receiving good reviews about your products and services makes your business complete. Since it is the customers that make or breaks your business, it is certainly important to care for their comments, reviews, suggestions. The more customers are satisfied by your service, the more is the increase in sales. Social media have also invented a concept called influencers who are certain social media personalities. The fact that a sufficient number of people follow and trust such influencers and using their service to endorse your business certainly brings your product into the visibility and limelight thereby raising sales.

Learn a bit of psychology:

You may be having the greatest business plan in your mind, you may also be creating no. 1 quality of products, but not knowing how to sell it is certainly a major setback. To sell your ideas you must learn a little bit of human psychology. Reaching in the depth of the buyer’s mind, knowing exactly how to trigger the need to buy, and techniques to approach the buyers helps you to grab an audience.

Even the “JIO”- which has managed to be the largest telecom operator of the nations in a short span of just five years, triggered the psychological need for availability and affordable data.


Adapting to the change is the law of nature, and while traditional areas service may remain the base for every professional, exploring emerging opportunities and learning relevant skills will always help in long steady growth. On this note, I urge all professionals to explore new areas of practice in different capacities and assist organizations/entities in building a better and sustainable business.

Few websites to refer to:

1. Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises msme.gov.in

2. Ministry of heavy industries and public enterprises:

3. Department of public enterprise dep.gov.in

4. Department of heavy industries dhi.nic.in

5. Ministry of commerce and industry :

6. Department of Commerce [function is to formulate, implements and monitors the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)] commerce.gov.in

7. Department For Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade dipp.gov.in

8. World Economic Forum weforum.org

9. UN statistical commission https://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom

10. UN industrial development organization unido.org                           

More under Ministry of MSME

11. Technology Development Fund program by ministry of defense executed by DRDO [encourage participation by private/public industries especially MSMEs] tdf.drdo.gov.in

12. development commissioner, ministry of micro small and medium enterprises [provides wide spectrum of service to the MSME sector] dcmsme.gov.in

13. khadi and village industries commission [functions as to planning, promotion, organisation and implementation of programs for the development of Khadi and other village industries in the rural areas] kvic.gov.in

14. coir board coirboard.gov.in

15. the national institute for MSME an organisation of ministry of MSME, Government of India nimsme.gov.org

16. national small industries corporation the certified GOI enterprise under Ministry of MSME working to promote aid, foster development of MSME in country nsic.co.in

17. promoting market transformation for energy efficiency of MSMEs gef5eeslindia.org.in

18. mahatma Gandhi institute for rural industrialization a national institute under ministry of MSME, GOI mgiri.org

19. zero defect, zero effect addressing the quality and ecological needs of domestic and overseas customers, society, employees, partners, regulators, and investors. zed.org.in

20. government portal for udyam registration of MSME udyamregistration.gov.in

21. initiative my ministry of MSME mymsme.gov.in

22. delhi Mumbai industry corridor project dmicdc.com

23. small industries development bank of india sidbi.in

24. MSME Samadhaan- Delayed payment monitoring system samadhaan.msme.gov.in

25. MSME Samabandh sambandh.gov.in

26. MSME Data Bank msmedatabank.in

Under department of heavy industry

27. Samarth Udyog Bharat 4.0 initiative by department of heavy industry, ministry of heavy industry and public enterprise, government of india samarthudyogbharat-i40.in

Under department for promotion of industry and internal trade

28. startup india website startupindia.gov.in

29. indiainvestmentgrid.gov.in  Department for promotion of industry and trade- Infrastructures projects undertaken by government

30. north east industrial development scheme ncog.gov.in

31. Ease of doing business dipp.gov.in

32. industrial information system https://iis.ncog.gov.in/parks/login1

33. industrial development scheme for himalayan state ncog.gov.in

34. make in india makeininida.com

35. digital india digitalindia.gov.in

36. AGNIi agnii.gov.in

37. ministry of statistical and programme implantation https://mospi.gov.in

various schemes under startup India:

38. Stand-Up India for Financing SC/ST and/or Women Entrepreneurs https://www.standupmitra.in/

39. Single Point Registration Scheme http://www.nsic.co.in/

40. Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme https://goo.gl/maps/ZWAHqTGiii92

41. Revamped Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) https://sfurti.msme.gov.in/SFURTI/Home.aspx

42. Assistance to Professional Bodies & Seminars/Symposia https://serbonline.in/SERB/HomePage

43. Multiplier Grants Scheme https://meity.gov.in

44. Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) http://www.birac.nic.in/index.php

45. Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana https://www.mudra.org.in/ContactUs

46. 4E (End to End Energy Efficiency) by Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) https://sidbi.in/en

47. Sustainable Finance Scheme by Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) https://sidbi.in/en


49. Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Start-ups and MSMEs (PRISM) by Department Of Science & Industrial Research http://www.dsir.gov.in/index.html

50. NewGen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre by Department Of Science & Technology (DST) http://www.dsir.gov.in/index.html

51. Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector by dept of heavy industry https://msme.gov.in/

52. Bridge Loan Against Generation-Based Incentive (GBI) Claims by Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) https://ireda.in

53. Software Technology Park Scheme Under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology https://www.stpi.in/11011#maincontent

54. Self Employement Lending Schemes- Credit Line 2-Term Loan Scheme http://nmdfc.org/index1.aspx?lsid=190&lev=1&lid=144&langid=1

55. Self Employement Lending Schemes- Credit Line – 1 – Micro Financing Scheme http://nmdfc.org/index1.aspx?lsid=190&lev=1&lid=144&langid=1

56. Self Employement Lending Schemes- Credit Line – 1 – Mahila Samridhi Yojana http://nmdfc.org/index1.aspx?lsid=190&lev=1&lid=144&langid=1

57. Credit Facilitation Through Bank http://www.nsic.co.in/Corporate/ContactUs.aspx

58. Raw Material Assistance Scheme by National Small Industries Corporation (Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) http://www.nsic.co.in/Corporate/ContactUs.aspx

59. Self employment and talent utilisation (SETU) https://niti.gov.in/writereaddata/files/TeleDirectory1006

60. Micro Exporters Policy (MEP) ECGC Ltd. (Ministry of Commerce & Industry) https://www.ecgc.in/contact-us/

61. Export Development & Promotion of Spices by Spices Board (Ministry of Commerce & Industry) http://www.indianspices.com

62. Marketing Support/Assistance to MSMEs (Bar Code) under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises http://www.dcmsme.gov.in/Contacts.htm

63. Financial Support to MSMEs in ZED Certification Scheme under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises zed@qcin.org

64. The Samridhi Fund by small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) http://www.sidbiventure.co.in/contact_us.html

65. Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) for Khadi Institutions by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (KVIC) kvicecr@gmail.com

66. Rental for Warehousing by Ministry of Textile http://texmin.nic.in/

67. Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme under National Bamboo Mission https://nbm.nic.in

68. Equipment Finance (North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd Schemes) by MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION          https://www.nedfi.com

69. Micro Finance Scheme by (NEDFL Schemes) MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION https://www.nedfi.com/

70. Rupee Term Loan (RTL) by (NEDFL Schemes) MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION https://www.nedfi.com/

State Startup Policies:

71. Maharashtra https://www.msins.in/

  • Maharashtra Startup Policy 2018-2023
  • Total 4819 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector: production development
  • Nodal agency : Department of Industries & Commerce, Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSInS); Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

72. Gujrat https://startup.gujarat.gov.in/

  • The Electronics & IT/ITeS Start-up Policy (2016-21)
  • Total 1503 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector: Food Processing
  • Nodal Agency: Industries Commissionerate, Government of Gujarat

73. Rajasthan https://istart.rajasthan.gov.in/

  • Nodal Agency: Department of Information Technology & Communication (DoIT & C)
  • Total 734Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Application Development
  • Rajasthan Startup Policy 2015-2020

74. Madhya Pradesh https://mpmsme.gov.in:8080/website/startup

  • Madhya Pradesh Startup Policy 2019
  • Total 635 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Construction & Engineering
  • Nodal Agency Department of MSME

75. Goa https://www.startup.goa.gov.in/index

  • Goa Startup Policy 2017-2020
  • Total 108 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Business Support Services
  • Nodal Agency: Department of Information Technology

76. Karnataka http://startup.karnataka.gov.in/

  • Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
  • Nodal Agency Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka
  • Total 3032Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Product Development

77. Kerala https://startupmission.kerala.gov.in/

  • Kerala Startup Policy 2017
  • Total 913 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal Agency: Kerala Startup Mission
  • Key sector Product Development

78. Tamil Nadu https://www.editn.in/

  • Tamil Nadu Startup & Innovation Policy 2018 – 2023
  • Total 1382 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute
  • Key sector Product Development

79. Puducherry

  • Aspring Puducherry – Innovations & Startup Policy 2019-2024
  • Total 24 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries and Commerce, Puducherry
  • Key sector application development

80. Andhra Pradesh http://apis.ap.gov.in/index.php

  • Andhra Pradesh Innovation & Startup Policy 2014-2020
  • Total 386Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Information Technology, Electronics & Communication
  • Product development

81. Telangana https://startup.telangana.gov.in/

  • Telangana Innovation Policy 2016
  • Total 1379 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Information Technology, Electronics and Communications Department

82. Chattigarh https://industries.cg.gov.in/startupcg/Home/Index

  • Startup Policy 2019-2024
  • Total 248 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Agri-Tech

83. Odisha https://startupodisha.gov.in/

  • Odisha Startup Policy 2016-2020
  • Total 459 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
  • Key sector – food processing

84. Jharkhand https://abvil.jharkhand.gov.in/index.php

  • Jharkhand Startup Policy 2016-2021
  • Total 231 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector food processing
  • Nodal agency Department of Information Technology and E-Governance

85. Bihar https://startup.bihar.gov.in:8080/

  • Bihar Startup Policy 2017-2022
  • Total 366 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries
  • Key sector construction and engineering

86. West bengal

  • West Bengal Startup Policy 2016-2021
  • 801 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises & Textiles, Government of West Bengal
  • Key sector application development

87. Uttar pradesh https://startinup.up.gov.in/

  • Uttar Pradesh Startup Policy 2020
  • Total 2324 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • The key sector Application Development
  • Nodal agency Department of IT & Electronics, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

88. Haryana https://startupharyana.gov.in/en

  • Haryana Entrepreneur & Startup Policy-2017
  • Total 1404 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Information Technology Electronics & Communication, Haryana
  • Key sector IT Consulting

89. Punjab https://pbindustries.gov.in/static/policy_framework;Key=Startup_and_Entrepreneurship

  • Industrial & Business Development Policy 2017-2022
  • Total 245 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Agri-Tech
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Punjab

90. Himachal pradesh https://startuphimachal.hp.gov.in/

  • Chief Minister’s Startup/Innovation/Projects/New Industries Scheme 2016
  • 43 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries
  • Key sector food processing

91. Uttarkhand https://www.startuputtarakhand.com/

  • Uttarakhand State Start-up Policy-2018
  • Total 202 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector food processing

92. Jammu and kashmir https://www.startupjk.com/

  • Jammu & Kashmir Startup Policy 2018-2028
  • 75 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Oil & Gas Transportation Services
  • The Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI)

93. Sikkim

  • Chief Ministers Startup Scheme (CMSS)
  • 01 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Commerce & Industries

94. Meghalaya http://megindustry.gov.in/

  • Meghalaya Startup Policy 2018-2023
  • Key sector Business Support Services
  • Nodal agency Commerce & Industries Department, Government of Meghalaya
  • 09 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs

95. Tripura https://startup.tripura.gov.in/

  • IT Startup Scheme 2019
  • Total 17 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Directorat of Information Technology, Gov. of Tripura
  • Skill development

96. Mizoram https://edc.mizoram.gov.in/

  • 01 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Integrated communication services
  • Nodal agency Entrepreneurship Development Centre, Planning & Programme Implementation Department, Government of Mizoram

97. Manipur https://startupmanipur.in/

  • Manipur Startup Policy 2016-2021
  • Total 23 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Planing Department, Govt. of Manipur
  • Key sector Freight & Logistics Services

98. Nagaland https://startup.nagaland.gov.in/

  • Nagaland Startup Policy 2019-2023
  • 10 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Nagaland

99. Assam https://startup.assam.gov.in/

  • Assam Startup Policy 2017-2022
  • Department of Industries & Commerce
  • Key sector Food Processing

State and union territory wise subsidy website:

Andhra Pradesh ap.gov.in department of industry www.apindustries.gov.in
Assam assam.gov.in department of industries www.industries.gov.in
Bihar department of industries industries.bih.nic.in
Chhattisgarh chattisgarh.nic.in
Goa goa.gov.in department of industries www.ditc.goa.gov.in
Gujarat gujratindia.gov.in department of industries www.imd-gujrat.gov.in
Haryana haryana.gov.in department of industries www.haryanaindustries.in
Himachal Pradesh himachal.nic.in department of industries www.emerginghimachal.hp.gov.in
Jharkhand  jharkhand.gov.in www.jharkhandindustry.gov.in
Karnataka karanataka.gov.in www.karnatakaindustry.gov.in
Kerala kerala.gov.in www.industry.kerala.gov.in
Madhya Pradesh mp.gov.in department of industries www.mpindustry.gov.in
Maharashtra maharashtra.gov.in www.industry.maharashtra.gov.in
Manipur manipura.nic.in  www.dcimanipur.gov.in
Meghalaya meghalaya.gov.in www.megindustry.gov.in
Mizoram mizoram.gov.in www.industries.mizroam.gov.in
Nagaland nagaland.gov.in www.industry.nagaland.gov.in
Orissa odisha.gov.in www.industries.odish.gov.in
Punjab punjab.gov.in www.pbindustries.gov.in
Rajasthan rajasthan.gov.in www.industries.rajasthan.gov.in
Sikkim sikkim.gov.in www.sikkim.gov.in/departments/commerce-and-industries-department/district-industries
Tamil Nadu tn.gov.in www.indcom.tn.gov.in
Telangana telangana.gov.in www.industries.telangana.gov.in
Tripura tripura.gov.in www.industries.tripura.gov.in
Uttarakhand uk.gov.in www.doiuk.org
Uttarpradesh up.gov.in www.updi.in
West Bengal wb.gov.in www.wbidc.com
Andaman & nicorbar islands andaman.gov.in www.andssw1.and.nic.in

Dadar and nagar haveli and daman and diu dnh.nic.in www.dnh.nic.in
Delhi delhi.gov.in www.industries.delhigovt.nic.in
Jammu and Kashmir jk.gov.in www.jkindustriescommerce.nic.in
Ladakh ladakh.nic.in www.ladakh.nic.in
Lakshadweep lakshwadeep.gov.in www.lakshwadeep.gov.in/department/
Puducherry puducherry-dt.gov.in; www.industry.py.gov.in
More websites related to startups:

www.startupindia.gov.in website by Ministry of commerce and trade
www.standupmitra.in list of all schemes by central and state governments
www.indiainvestmentgrid.gov.in The Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and trade, Department for promotion of industry and trade- Infrastructures projects undertaken by government
www.agnii.gov.in AGNIi – Accelerating Growth of New India’s Innovations – is a programme of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, and a Mission under the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). AGNIi helps commercialise Indian technological innovation
www.champions.gov.in Creation of harmonious application of Modern processes for increasing the output and national strength
www.gem.gov.in (Online market place for
www.ivca.in (India private equity and venture capital Association)
www.cgtmse.in (UDAAN Credit guarantee Fund trust for micro and small enterprises)
www.enam.gov.in e national agriculture market
www.aim.gov.in Attal innovation mission


National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd [NCGTC] was set up by the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India to, inter alia, act as a common trustee company to manage and operate various credit guarantee trust funds.


B2B Web Portal for MSMEs offering Infomediary Services which is a one-stop, one-window bouquet of aids that will provide information on business & technology and also exhibit the core competence of Indian MSMEs


The Hub supports existing SC/ST entrepreneurs and enterprises in technological upgradation and capacity building thereby enabling them to effectively participate in government. procurement process.
Websites related to export:

ministry of commerce and industry: commerce.gov.in
services export promotion council: servicesepc.org
indian trade portal: indiantradeportal.in
federation of indian export organisations (FIEO): fieo.org
indian institute of foreign trade (IIFT): tedu.iift.ac.in
indian institution of packaging (IIP): iip-in.com
export inspection council (EIC): u/s 3 of export (quality control and inspection) act, 1963
indian council of Arbitration: icaindia.co.in
india trade promotion organisation (ITPO): indiatradefair.com
chamber of commerce and industry: indian.chamber.org
federation of indian chamber of commerce & industry (FICCI): ficci.in
bureau of indian standards: bis.gov.in
marine products export development authority (MPEDA): mpeda.gov.in
india investment centre set up under ministry of finance GOI
directorate general of foreign trade (DGFT): dgft.gov.in
director general of commercial intelligence statistics (DGCIS): dgciskol.gov.in
Indian trade portal- indiantradeportal.in
Top 25 export markets of India& trade statistics https://www.indiantradeportal.in/vs.jsp?id=0,25,45,858,859
Department for promotion of industry and internal trade- dipp.gov.in
Department of commerce- commerce.gov.in
Ministry of external affairs- mea.gov.in
World trade organisation DATA- data.wto.org
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development – unctad.org
Organisation of Petroleum exporting countries- OPEC.org
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAARC.Sec.org
Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN.org
European union- europa.eu
Eurasian economic union http://eaeunion.org/
Gulf Cooperation Council- gcc-sg.org
MERCOSUR- mercosur.int


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