SEBI Circular on Non-compliance with certain provisions of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 (ICDR Regulations)
An Amendment Act was brought by the Government to meet reducing the undue delay in the cases of dishonor of cheques and to provide payment of interim compensation to the complainants. The MSME’s in particular have been representing that due to delay tactics, easy filing of appeals and obtaining stay on proceedings, the very purpose of section 138 of the NI Act was being frustrated.
Under section 194DA of the Act, a person is obliged to deduct TDS, if it pays any sum to a resident under a life insurance policy which is not exempt under sec 10 (10D). At present, TDS is required to be deducted @ 1% on such sum at the time of payment. However, TDS is not deductible if the amount of such payment is less than one lakh rupees.
Drugs and medicines are classified as goods in GST as it involves selling of drugs and medicines from one to another in a systematic chain i.e. Manufacturer sells to Wholesaler and wholesaler to retailer on an Invoice/bill of supply. Such goods have a defined life term which is normally referred to as the date of expiry. Goods which have crossed their date of expiry are returned back to the manufacturer, on account of expiry, through the supply chain.
We take this opportunity to bring to your kind attention certain very important issues in Income Tax and GST which need to be addressed by the government to further strengthen tax payers’ confidence.
Principal Sri Sathya Sai College for Women Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Assessee college has issued appointment letters to teachers/ lecturers/ staff members from time to time to whom salary was paid. The monthwise salary sheet was also prepared by the college on the basis of the attendance register of the employees. The salary was paid […]
Professional Accountants And Tax Consultants’ Association requested to Honorable FM to Extend the Due Dates stipulated for filing Annual GST Returns i.e. GSTR9/9A/9C for the year 2017-18 under the GST Law. Text of their representation is as follows:- PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS AND TAX CONSULTANTS’ ASSOCIATION (Registered under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975) (SRG/Chennai Central/55/2019) Cell […]
Human life is capable to create his/her own destiny. He/She creates his/her own path of success. We work hard to create a comfortable life for ourselves and our loved ones. Every individual acquires some wealth during his/her life time. Even an average individual has some balance left in his/her savings account which he/she wishes to pass on to his/her next generation.
Although women constitute a large percentage of work forces today, it is hardly seen that they are active into any financial planning. This is true for even women who have thriving careers and make lots of money through their salaries, business or professions.
Taxpayers and tax professionals are struggling with compliance for F.Y. 2017-18 for filing the Annual Return called GSTR-9, Annual Return due date is extended from 30th June, to 31st August, 2019 for F.Y. 2017-18.