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Archive: 16 December 2012

Posts in 16 December 2012

If there is no permission to carry on money lending business, Amount advanced to assessee-director is deemed dividend

December 16, 2012 4973 Views 0 comment Print

In the light of above discussion, we find that the assessee has failed to establish that the substantial part of business of the company is money lending and the loans and advances received to the assessee is the in the ordinary course of money lending business.

Interest on deposits of non SLR funds eligible for deduction u/s. 80P(2)(a)(i)

December 16, 2012 1964 Views 0 comment Print

For the aforesaid reasons, we do not find that the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal committed any error in arriving at findings that the interest are not deposits of non-SLR funds and the cooperative bank will qualify for exemption under Section 80P (2) (a) (i) of the Act.

Interest on payment overdue from customer is deductible u/s. 80-IC

December 16, 2012 2626 Views 0 comment Print

Considering the year during which the amount by way of interest from the trade debtor had been received by the assessee and has been treated as business income, it has to be held as derived from its undertaking, thus making it eligible for deduction under section 80-IC of the Act.

Even if partners not examined during assessment documents seized from them still a material evidence

December 16, 2012 1095 Views 0 comment Print

In the result, the substantial question of law framed in ITA No. 1132/2007 is answered in the negative in favour of the Revenue and against the assessee. However, an order of remit is passed directing the Assessing Officer to make a fresh assessment in accordance with law. In ITA No. 583/2010, no substantial question of law arises and it is accordingly dismissed. No costs.

Country who is party to a Treaty cannot unilaterally alter its provisions

December 16, 2012 1787 Views 0 comment Print

Article 3(2) in most of the Treaties including the India-USA DTAA provides that any term not defined in the Convention shall unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning which it has under the laws of that State concerning tax to which the Convention applies.

Deemed Conveyance Scheme for Co-Op. Hsg Societies in Maharashtra

December 16, 2012 40931 Views 109 comments Print

Maharashtra State has introduced the DEEMED CONVEYANCE SCHEME FOR CO-OP. HSG SOCIETIES.This scheme will help societies in getting conveyance of the land in their name in a fast track manner. Scheme is starting from 15/12/2012 to 30/06/2013.One more scheme for Registration of societies is also starting wherein all unregistered societies can get registered.

Guidelines for Quasi-judicial Proceedings u/s. 7A of EPF Act

December 16, 2012 9260 Views 0 comment Print

The Central Provident Fund Commissioner has circulated Notification No. 7(1)2012/RCs Review Meeting/345 dated 30 November 2012 [read with No. 7(1)2012/RCs Review Meeting/ dated 5 December 2012] for streamlining and standardizing the assessment procedures under Section 7A of the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (EPF Act), with a view to minimize the hardship on the employers.

Expenditure on replacement of machinery cannot be regarded as current repairs

December 16, 2012 1703 Views 0 comment Print

In these appeals filed by the Department, the issue which arises for determination is, whether the expenditure incurred by the assessee during the Accounting Year towards cost of replacement of machinery is an amount paid on account of current repairs allowable under Section 31 of the Income Tax Act, 1961? This issue is squarely covered by the decision of this Court in the case of Saravana Spg. Mills (P.) Ltd. (supra).

Whether subscription made by garment manufacturer to online fashion website is royalty or not?

December 16, 2012 2528 Views 0 comment Print

It is clear that in the case of Wipro Ltd. (supra), the assessee has contended that the payment was made for subscription for a journal or a magazine of a foreign publisher which is similar to the facts of the case in hand where the assessee has also claimed that the payment is towards subscription to online fashion magazine. The Assessing Officer has held that the payment is towards royalty whereas the Commissioner of Income Tax(Appeals) has straightaway decided the issue by holding that the payment is not for transfer of right to use in the copyright as held by the Tribunal in the case of Wipro Ltd. (supra).

Director of public company can be held liable for recovery of co. dues by lifting ‘Corporate veil’

December 16, 2012 7606 Views 0 comment Print

Being a public company, ordinarily, provisions of section 179(1) of the Act cannot be applied. However, if the factors noted by the Assistant Commissioner in his impugned order dated 15.4.2002 and highlighted by us in this judgement are duly established, it would certainly be a fit case where invocation of principle of lifting of corporate veil would be justified.

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