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Maharashtra State has introduced the DEEMED CONVEYANCE SCHEME FOR CO-OP. HSG SOCIETIES.This scheme will help societies  in getting conveyance of the land in their name in a fast track manner. Scheme is starting from 15/12/2012 to 30/06/2013.One more scheme for Registration of societies is also starting wherein all unregistered societies can get registered.

For more details visit  http://housing.maharashtra.gov.in/


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  1. Yogita Mistry says:

    hi… on deemed conveyance… the title of the land is transferred to the CHS by bypassing the landlord. in such a case the landlord loses rights to the land. is he also absolved of future issues that may arise for future CHS development / repiars / property tax etc?

  2. Tushar k Dhar says:

    wish to go for Conveyance of our society at the earliest. May we get your assistance to progress.
    Society: Chhotalal Villa Co-op. Hsg. Soc. Ltd.
    mem,bers: 60
    address: Amrut Nagar, Ghatkopar(west), Mumbai-400086.
    contact no. 9833916693. Tushar k Dhar
    Let know, what may be the cost required- stage wise.

  3. Ramakant Kulthe says:


    I bought the flat and society formed by builder. Now society demand for deemed conveyance from builder.

    The society demand to flat owner as contribution for deemed conveyance expenses.

    Sir, who bear the all expenses for deemed conveyance as per law?

    Kindly guide me.

  4. GANESH S IYER says:

    Dear Sir,

    I am from Thakurli (east) Our Socitety is now done the Land convaynce deed from the builer. we are total 20 members we are contribution done Rs 12,000/- each and after with on Advacate thru the land convayance is done.


    The Society Secrety and Chairman is not giving a copy of the Convayance deed paper and for our records. The chairman is told this papers are one handling the socitety chairman and secretary. How to get one copy is available or any procedure please replay

    Ganesh s iyer
    mobile no 9987673499
    EMIL ID : ganesh9iyer@rediffmail.com

  5. Bhawani Singh Bhati says:

    Dear Sir,

    As we our secretary has resign from his post, and he told us that new procedure of election is more tough. as he tell us that there will be deposit of 17000 for whosoever wants to stand in the election and the committee will come from Pune Maharashtra and also mention that Palghar district has different rules, as previous Vasai was in the thane now it is in the Palghar district so rules are change.

    As all the member of society want to elect one person and don’t want this long procedure, is there any way that all member decide to elect one man for their secretary post without going the way which he told.

    The all are happy to name one person with their mutual consent.

    Please let me know its urgent to know.

  6. Bhawani says:

    Dear Sir,

    I purchase my second flat, in the same building with both my name and my wife name. and she is associate member of new flat, but I want her to be member of society, is there any way to do this, please let me know, the section bylaws, because society member needs to know if such things are in bylaws or not

  7. Bhawani says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have purchase flat – resale and my old owner has already given conveyance changes and registration and stump duty fees to society, still society wants me to pay the same charges again. they are saying if deeds are not done till now you have to pay, once deed is done you don’t need to pay this charges.

    I want to know if bylaws has any such procedure, please let me know as he was saying this is written in the bylaws and rule of gov.

    Please help me as thy asking society transfer fees + conveyance charges + stamp duty registration charges.

  8. KIRANKUMAR says:

    our society, on getiing deemed conveyance adjudication order paid stamp duty by taking loans against Fixed Deposits of Repair Fund. Members don’t want to contribute for the stamp duty and are asking to withdraw entire repair fund and adjust the stamp duty amount. A resoution to that effect was passed. We wrote to Federation, who informed us that it is null and void, and members will have to contribute. Is there any provision in deemed conveyance act that society funds should never be utilised for payment of stamp duty?

  9. Vinod L. Jinde says:

    Dear Sir,

    WE have registered our Housing Co.op. Society Ltd in the year 1997, now we have to make deemed conveyance agreement. Society is belong to DRS 1986 scheme by CIDCO. I want to know the procedure to get deemed conveyance deed in our Society name and what are the document require and whom to contact, whether we have toappoint Advocate or ourselves by our representative will do. Please send document list & way to make deemed conveyance deed.

  10. Iyer says:

    I am selling a flat at New panvel which was purchased from a builder & duly regd in 07.07.2000. stamp duty paid was Rs 13,500/- & agreement value was Rs 5.31 lacs. Pl let me know how much I have to pay for deemed conveyance being applied now. How much my buyer has to pay for DC. pl advise asap. Thanks

  11. KIRANKUMAR says:

    In various societies in and around Mumbai, various members have purchased flats and have paid stamp duty as applicable as per law. However, though mandatary/compulsory, they have not got their agreements registered with the respective statutory authorities as per law. They have been made members of the respective cooperative housing societies and have the share certificates transferred in their name.
    As per amendment, they were supposed to get their respective flats registered and were given last chance to get their agreements duly registered at the time of deemed conveyance.
    If these members are not coming forward to get their agreements registration, then is it the duty of the secretary or managing committee to debar them from membership as stated in new bye laws? Or is it the duty of the auditors for taking action?
    If such members are made to register their respective agreements, how will you calculate the stampduty? Will it not be required as they have already paid or is it on the basis of current market rate?
    If such members refuse to cooperate to pay stamp duty at the current prevailing price, as they have already paid applicable stamp duty in past, who will pay the stamp duty?
    As per latest amendments, both the parties to the agreement, buyer as well as seller needs to be present at the time of registration of agreements. In case, sellers are no more and have expired, can such agreements still be registered?
    Is it fair to stop them from voting rights in the society activities as they have willfully not completed the mandatory provisions as per law?
    Has the secretary of the society got the right to ask such members to vacate such premises?

  12. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    I am a Secretary of registered co-op. Hsg. society at Mulund. The Builders continued construction beyond permissible limit of 6 floors by raising slabs upto 7th & 8th floor. BMC stopped the work in the year 2000. The Builders then neglected the work and for the last 14 years the Building stands in the same position. All the flats upto 6 floors are already occupied. The Builders had sold 3 flats, two on 7th floor and one at 8th floor. As these floors were not constructed, the Builders allowed them to occupy 3 vacant flats on 1st floor on temporary basis. These 3 buyers are staying for more than 10 years on 1st floor on temporary basis although they have paid stamp duty and registered the documents for flats on 7th & 8th floors. Now the Society Has got deemed conveyance of land and Building thereon and all documents are transferred in Society’s name. The Builders have filed writ petition in High court challenging deemed conveyance order in November ’13 which is yet to come for hearing for admitting. Kindly advise whether the Society can regularize the Flats on 1st floor given to them on temporary basis in lieu of flats on 7th & 8th floors by ratification/ rectification deed in view of deemed conveyance granted to them.

  13. CHACKO says:

    need a solution how to go about

    our building is nearly 30 years old. it stands on a plot where there is big society named tarun bharat society at andheri chakala, which hold small plots of land on lease to land lords our building stands on such a plot. the land owner had given the plot to the builder to develop residential flats, the builder developed the building and sold to us and registered the document and outright sale. in the agreement it was written that it is for 999 years of lease. the builder during the time had said that we are the actual owners of the flat and not tenents . there are 15 flats in the building and three flats are occupied by the land lord. the builder said they are the same as we are. we 12 members formed a society where in we did not include the land owner as he was not favourable to it in 2001. we occupied the flat in 1982. one said the we cannot form a society within a society. i.e. tarun bharat society is a big society which holds these plots of land under lease for 999. we obtained the noc and formed the society. no w it is almost 30 years the building is in dilapitated situation where pillars are having crack and ceilings too.we approached the builder for a redevelopment and agreed to it.now when the builder approached the land lords they say that they are not interested let the building fall and the land will be ours and rest 12 members will be out and nothing will help them to gain access. in short they are expecting the building to fall. when we enquired with tarun bharat society we came to know that the land lord has taken an noc from tarun bharat without our knowledge and transferred the or added name of its legal heirs in the society of tarun bharat which is a fraud committed by the tarun bharat. many people are harrassed by Mr, nair who is the main person of tarun bharat society where in a huge sum of money is extracted from builders for redeveloping the plot small to small rs. 500 per. sq.ft. a royalty etc. for its members or plot owners.

    our question is how do we tackle such a situation where in such a atrocities are done by land lords to flat owners as all are middle income group and senior citizens staying in the building and no one knows how to handle the situation to bring to task the land lords.
    can any one suggests us what to do about because now the builder for redevelopment is also backing out saying it is difficult to tackle such a landlord. how to go about for conveyance as the building is more than 30 years old and no documents are obtained from the bmc neither from the builders as the partners are all dead. its a complex situation and do not know how to handle the process.

    does anyone can help us can email me at chacko_2k@rediffmail.com

  14. Adv. Vijay Kulkarni says:

    Hi All,

    Firstly, due to workload, i could visit this site, which is one of the most popular site, which provides opportunity for all to interact on Deemed Conveyance,

    Dear Mahendra Mange,

    You can visit concerned city Survey Office in your Area and file an Application for updating your Society name, you can also read the enclosed news in the enclosed useful link,


    Adv VIjay Kulkarni

  15. Mahendra says:

    I am residing at Vashi and that plot is 12.5% Gaothan (CIDCO). Now society has formed by us and Conveyance deed also made. But after the conveyance deed the work is pending to transfer the name infavour of Society.

    Can you you guide us the how can I apply the Society name in CIDOC as well as property card. Pls provide the letter format for the same on my email mahendivya@yahoo.com.

    Mahendra Mange

  16. Ami says:

    Hello All,

    Our society of 66 members, spread across 45000 sqft area, is looking forward to get this deemed conveyance,since the original builder is’nt ready to give the same stating some reason, we have filed a suit against him and the matter is under court at the moment.

    we are planning to go for society re-development and for which one of the essentials is getting a deemed conveyance. any of the expert in the matter can send me the quotation for getting all the necessary and relevant documentation done as early as possible.

    send your quotation to ami.upadhyaya@gmail.com or contact me on 9987097792.


  17. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    Our Society has been issued deemed conveyance order and the Builders have filed writ petitions in High court to quash and do away the order and grant interim relief of ‘Stay’. The writ petitions are pending for ‘Admissions’. Now it will be heard after summer vacation. In the meantime, the Society has done registration of ‘Conveyance Deed’ and also got property card transferred in its name.Assuming the High Court grants ‘Stay’, what will be its impact on the society when the property card now stand in Society’s name. Kindly advice.

  18. audumbar says:

    Now the society wants to do deemed convyence . For that they are saying to you have to pay stam duty and registration for your individual flat. Can you please guide me the same.landlord should have to pay sd and registration or not. If yes then how much ???
    Awiting for your reply..

    Audumbar (09869324940)

  19. audumbar says:

    Dear sir,

    We have land at kulgaon badlapur. In dec 1987 we had given land to one builder for development. We have that time Rs.10 stam paper development agreement. Against this deal we got 3 flats from builder and remain 18 flat buider had sold. Now society already firm and we are landlord member of society. Now society

  20. Ram Kutwal says:


    The cost for registration is per head.

    Further, for society registration and deemed conveyance you can contact me.

  21. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    The Society after getting Deemed conveyance order, has completed adjudication process and has paid stamp duty of Rs. 100/- as all purchasers have already paid their individual stamp duty. Now what is the next step to get conveyance Deed registered and then how to proceed further for getting land record transferred in society’s name. The Society is at Mulund. How much expensive it is to get land record transferred and anyone will help society on minimum charges ?

  22. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    The Society after getting Deemed conveyance order, has completed adjudication process and has paid stamp duty of Rs. 100/- as all purchasers have already paid their individual stamp duty. Now what is the next step to get conveyance Deed registered and then how to proceed further for getting land record transferred in society’s name. The Society is at Mulund.

  23. ram kutwal says:

    For society registration normal charges are rs 2000 – 3000.
    For deemed conveyance depending upon your case.


    Adv. Ram Kutwal
    Mob 9022701818

  24. Snehal says:

    Dear Sir

    For Society Registration and Conveyance Hoe Many Total expenses will require.

    Our Builder demand 3000/- rs only for Society registration. per head and our socity have 12 flats & 6 shops.

    Please give advice for same as above.

  25. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    In continuation, I have to add that Builders and their third party developer say that they want to construct a building of Gr. + 15 floors for which TDR is now purchased by them in 2012. As per society, they had a permission for Gr. + 6 floors which they have already completed 14 years back and as they have not done anything for such a long period, the society applied for deemed conveyance, which was granted.

  26. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    DearRam Kutwalji Sir,
    I am very much thankful to your valuable advice. The matter of getting land record transferred in society’s name is under process and we are filing our reply in High court. But Sir, I would like to know your views on our case. Please refer the background given earlier which is once again reproduced below:
    Our Agreement with the Builders states that the plans are approved upto Gr. + 8 floors. However permission was granted only upto Gr. + 6 floors in the year 1995. As they continued to construct two more slabs, BMC issued ‘Stop work Notice in the year 2000. The possession was given to all the 60 flat owners. The Building is in the same position for the last 14 years as the Builders have not done anything.The Society was formed in 2007. The Builders appointed another developer in 2008 for constructing a building upto 15 floors. The agreement says that the plans are approved upto 8 floors and it is proposed to construct building upto 13 floors subject to getting TDR and subject to obtain written consent from the Buyers.No such permission was obtained. The Society now got Deemed conveyance order and further processing of getting property card transferred in society’s name is in progress. In the meantime, 3 separate Writ petitions, 2 by Builders of two wing and one by their Developer with whom society is not concerned.

  27. Ram Kutwal says:

    Jadhav ji,

    You have to defend yourself in High Court. File detail reply in High Court. Meanwhile since there is no stay from High Court, you can always go ahead for putting name of society on land records.

    For detail advice contact- 9022701818

  28. Ram Kutwal says:

    Jadhav ji,

    You have to defend yourself in High Court. File detail reply in High Court. Meanwhile since there is no stay from High Court, you can always go ahead for putting name of society on land records.

    For detail advice contact:- 9022701818

  29. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    Further to my messege, 3 writt petitions are filed in High court with mala-fide intention to harass the society as they know that the society in the absence of fund can not fight for a long time.Kindly advise

  30. Ramchandra S. Jadhav says:

    Our Agreement with the Builders states that the plans are approved upto Gr. + 8 floors. However permission was granted only upto Gr. + 6 floors in the year 1995. As they continued to construct two more slabs, BMC issued ‘Stop work Notice in the year 2000. The possession was given to all the 60 flat owners. The Building is in the same position for the last 14 years as the Builders have not done anything.The Society was formed in 2007. The Builders appointed another developer in 2008 for constructing a building upto 15 floors. The agreement says that the plans are approved upto 8 floors and it is proposed to construct building upto 13 floors subject to getting TDR and subject to obtain written consent from the Buyers.No such permission was obtained. The Society now got Deemed conveyance order and further processing of getting property card transferred in society’s name is in progress. In the meantime, 3 separate Writ petitions, 2 by Builders of two wing and one by their Developer with whom society is not concerned. Kindly advise what society should do and whether Society can get the property Card transferred in its name as they have demanded Stay order for execution of Deemed conveyance order.

  31. Anil G. Hengle says:

    Dear Sir,
    Our Hsg. Society (situated at Sector 26 of Pimpri Chinchwad New Town Dev. Authority, Nigdi, Pune) applied for Conveyance Deed in the office of Dy. District Registrar, Pune on 22nd May, 2013.All the relevant and required documents were also filed with the application.
    We received reply from Dy. District Registrar on 12 th June,2013 saying that, ” the property is under lease with Pimpri Chinchwad New Town Development Authority(PCNTDA) and as such the proposal is to be followed up with PCNTDA”. Copy of the reply was also forwarded to The CEO of PCNTDA with a request to do further needful.

    Since Dec. 2012 there was appeal from Govt. to Hsg. Societies for applying for Deemed Conveyance. Never it was mentioned about separate procedure for property under lease.
    kindly advise.

  32. Shankar Pilane says:

    Dear Sir,

    Please guide me on below.

    Our society is located at Nerul, Navi Mumbai & same is registered 3 years back.Our Plot is 12.5% land allotted to farmers in Navi Mumbai. Now we want to apply for Deemed Conveyance. But understand from various people that we can not apply for the same as our plot is 12.5% plot & CIDCO do not entertain such applications.

    Hence, please advice in above situation can we apply for the Deemed Conveyance. If not then what will be the next procedure.

    Shankar Pilane.

  33. Rajendra Dave says:

    I have purchased a flat from Builder in Pune in 2010. Till date the builder failed to complete the Appartment deed and asking to pay the VAT, Service Tax and LBT to pay by cash and then builder will start apartment deed process. We are looking to approach the deemed conveyance authority to complete the appartment deed. Before that just want to get some guidance on VAT and service tax. Do we have to pay those taxes to builder before applying to Deemed conveyance?

    If we filled in deemed conveyance whtou paying those to builder then what’s the common steps generally builder will act.

  34. satish h vilankar says:

    our socity is registered in 2000. we have 33 flat & 19 shops
    our socity.(22year old) we are on 99 years lease plot from
    collectorland?for dombivali(w)
    now as per govt. order we can obtain the d.c.what is prosses for deemed conveyance?

  35. satish h vilankar says:

    our socity is registered in 2000. we have 33 flat & 19 shops
    our socity.(22year old) we are on 99 years lease plot from
    collectorland?for dombivali(w)
    now as per govt. order we can obtain the d.c(deemed conveyance. what is prosses for deemed conveyance?

  36. Anil Tipnis. says:

    Our society is registered in 1964. We have 101 flats.Our society is on salt pan plot of Mhada.WE are on 99 years lease plot. Now as per Govt.order whether we can obtain the D.C.(deemed conveyance) from Mhada? What is the procedure.
    Anil Tipnis.
    mob. no. 9892972195

  37. Prashant Ghosh says:

    Dear Sir,

    I am a secreatry of a soceity & the building is built in 1996 but still old secreatry’s has not issued share certificate i would like to issue them a share certificate what are the process & also would like to do convience dead kindly let me know the process & paper required.

    Thanks & regards
    Prashant Ghosh

  38. Milind Swami says:

    Dear Sir,
    LBT is imposed in kalyan area? Can we appeal against this? why we should pay as we already paid stamp duty & taxes? kindly suggest.

    Feel free to contact 09820551992

  39. Bhushan Bharambe says:

    Dear Rams Sir and Kulkarni Sir ,
    Please advice what can be done in following situation.

    1. Project Consists of 6 Buildings. 4 constructed 2 will be constructed in future.
    2. Possession for 4 buildings done
    3. Agreement to sale done for 70% units.+possession also given , remaining
    30%apts are yet to be sold
    4. Condominium is formed , and members are running to condo.
    5. Deed of Apartment is not done and building is not willing to do same in near

    i have following questions.
    1. Can we dissolve the condo and form a Co. Op housing society
    2. Can we get the Deemed conveyance done.
    3. Would the owners who have paid stamp duty @ 3% be supposed to pay
    differential stamp duty i.e. 6% – 3% and on what value.

    thanks in advance

    Bhushan Bharambe

  40. Mr Sandeep G. Lakhan says:


    Kindly attention : Adv. Mr. Vijay Kulkarni / Adv. Ram Kutwal

    I residing at Hirji Baug CHS Ltd, Sewree, Mumbai-15. Our society is registered in 1979 and our landlord developed his property in 1989. Agreement between landlord & tenant effected in year 1988 with Rs.5/- stamp duty. Is this agreement is valid for deem Conveyance or we have to pay stamp duty with penalty for the process of deem conveyance.

    Kindly give me your kind opinion for the same.


    Sandeep G Lakhan

  41. Mr Sandeep G. Lakhan says:


    Kindly attention : Mr. Ramesh Prabhu

    I residing at Hirji Baug CHS Ltd, Sewree, Mumbai-15. Our society is registered in 1979 and our landlord developed his property in 1989. Agreement between landlord & tenant effected in year 1988 with Rs.5/- stamp duty. Is this agreement is valid for deem Conveyance or we have to pay stamp duty with penalty for the process of deem conveyance.

  42. PRRaman says:


    We compiling the documentation file for DC application.Will you please enlighten me about payment of LBT/Stamp duty /Registration charges( quantum).We have 23 flats with due payment of stamp duty and registration charges as per market rate since all agreements to sell were after 1991. There are copies of agreement with the first developer duly registered followed by unregistered POA duly notarised and agreement to sell from the first developer to Second developer/our builder.
    I request to enlighten as to the quantum o funds required for Atamp duty and registration charges for final Deemed Conveyance in the process.

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